Some laws of interactive design

The well known quote from Alan Cooper is   Conforming to the standard unless there is a better choice. There are some best practices in interaction design. How many do you know? 1. Fitts' Law The time from one start point to target point is determined by two parameters: The distance to the target and the size of the target. )D and W in above picture), the formula is : T=a+blog2(D/W+1). It was first proposed by Paul Fitts, it is mathematical model used to predict the time from any poin...

   interaction design, laws, Fitts' law     2012-11-16 11:25:24

  What is goroutine?

Casual Talk Golang is quite enjoyable to write, aside from the tedious if err != nil checks. One of the fundamental reasons for the joy is goroutine, a core feature of Golang. Understanding goroutines in detail is worthwhile, as they contribute significantly to the pleasure of working with Golang. So, let's talk about goroutines, hoping to provide some insights to the readers. TL;DR: We'll start by talking about assembling a computer, then delve into some concepts of the operating system, such ...

   EXPLANATION,GOLANG,GOROUTINE     2024-01-21 03:26:10

  Many Chinese applicants to US universities may be affected by Gmail cut out

Just after Christmas, many Chinese found that they could not connect to Gmail anymore in mainland China. Since Google announced leaving from China in 2010, the web version of Gmail was not accessible anymore. But people from China could still access Gmail through some Gmap apps. This time, Gmail is not accessible even with these apps. It is said that all the mail service protocols of Gmail including IMAP/POP/SMTP have been cut out by Chinese government. This means no mails can be sent to or rece...

   Gmail, China, Gmail cut out     2014-12-30 00:35:28

  Alibaba IPO Live

Alibaba is going to launch its IPO at NYSE on 19th September. This will be the largest IPO in the history of US stock exchange. The opening price of Alibaba share will be $68 and its trade code is "BABA", in Chinese it means father. Alibaba is expected to get around $22 billion investment in its IPO. Want to witness this historic moment? Please join us for the live video from NYSE. Note this live stream is broadcasted with Chinese. We don't find the English source yet. We believe something is ...

   Alibaba,IPO,NYSE,Live     2014-09-19 06:51:25

  Learning Python as your first programming language

Python is a widely used general-purpose, high-level programming language Its design philosophy emphasizes code readability, and its syntax allows programmers to express concepts in fewer lines of code than would be possible in languages such as C. Python now becomes more and more popular and is now being used the first teaching language in some universities. Why would you like to learn Python as your first programming language? Below are the reasons. Python is a high-level language with dynami...

   Python,Advantage     2014-04-07 05:36:04

  Use cases of Java enumeration

JDK 1.5 introduces a new type -- enumeration. In Java, it's just a small feature, but it can bring us much convenience.Here we summarize some use cases of Java enumeration. 1. Constant Prior to JDK 1.5, we can define constant as public static final..., now we can use enumeration to group all constants in one enum variable and it also provides some useful functions. public enum Color {     RED, GREEN, BLANK, YELLOW   }  2.In Swit...

   Java, Enum,enumeration     2013-01-05 09:15:30

  HTTP Server development resource summary

This article summarizes some materials, articles and books I used when learning HTTP Server development. Hope this will help you. RFC and standard documents RFC2616 – Hypertext Transfer Protocol — HTTP/1.1 HTTP protocol standard document, it's an essential reference document for all personnel engaged in the development of the HTTP-related projects, careful study is recommended. RFC793 – TRANSMISSION CONTROL PROTOCOL TCP Protocol standard document The WWW Common Gateway Interfac...

   HTTP Server,Book,Article     2012-09-25 22:46:56

  Deep Understanding of ReentrantLock: Unlocking the Mysteries of Java Concurrent Programming

ReentrantLock introduction ReentrantLock is a class in the Java concurrent package, java.util.concurrent.locks, and is an implementation of the Lock interface. As its name suggests, it is a reentrant mutual exclusion lock. A mutual exclusion lock is a synchronization tool used to protect shared resources, ensuring that only one thread can access the resource at a given time. Reentrant means that a thread can acquire the same lock multiple times without causing a deadlock. This lock provides some...


  Google Chrome Alternatives: Best Browsers For Android

Most Android phones come with Chrome pre-installed as the default browser. There’s nothing wrong with that. Chrome is a great browser with excellent features. And it feels natural alongside all the other Google products that also come pre-installed on Android. But the type of browser someone uses is super important. In the end, the browser may be one of the most-used apps on any phone.  Browsers need to fit the needs and lifestyle of the person who is using it. To name a few examples,...

   FIREFOX,MICROSFT EDGE,CHROME     2020-06-18 07:12:35

  Implement struct no copy in GoLang

There is some case where some of the struct in GoLang which is not meant to be copied. For example, sometimes a global configuration which should have only one version passed around the whole application and should not be copied and modified. In GoLang, there is no intuitive solution on preventing copying of struct. But there is still some way which can be leveraged to help prevent this while developing the code. The trick is to define some struct implementing sync.Locker interface and has this ...

   GO VET,NOCOPY,NO COPY     2020-09-04 22:24:58