Comparable and comparator in Java

Comparable and comparator are two similar interfaces used to compare objects in Java. When we want to sort a list of objects such as Employee or User etc, we may need to implement these interfaces to make them comparable as we want. However, there are some differences between comparable and comparator interface.ComparableA comparable object is capable of comparing itself with another object. The class itself must implements the java.lang.Comparable interface in order to be able to compare its in...

   Java,Comparable,Comparator,Sort     2012-07-04 12:06:15

  Implementation of +,-,*,/ with bitwise operator

There is a question asked on Stackoverflow : Divide a number by 3 without using *,/,+,-,% operators. This question is an Oracle interview question. Some people give excellent answers. You can go there and take a look. Usually we need to use bitwise operators to do this kind of implementations. Here I want to show you ways to implement +,-,*,/ with bitwise operators. A bitwise operation operates on one or more bit patterns or binary numerals at the level of their individual bits. It is a fast, pr...

   Bitwise operator,Shift,Add,Subtract,Multiplication,Division     2012-08-05 01:52:47

  this keyword in Lambda expression in Java 8

Since the release of Java 8, people are excited to see a big feature added to this language which is existing in other languages for a long time -- Lambda expression. The introduction of lambda expression in Java 8 gives people an easy way or a vertical to horizontal way to solve problems. There are many posts on the Internet which shows how to use lambda expression in Java, such as Lambda Quick Start and Java 8 Lambda Expressions Tutorial with Examples. In this post, we will only focus on the t...

   THIS,LAMBDA EXPRESSION,JAVA 8     2014-06-01 03:57:05

  Let browser prompt for storing password when doing AJAX login

In Web 2.0 era, more and more web applications are using AJAX to replace the traditional HTML form element to perform user login. This usually provides a better user experience than form submission. But it also brings a side effect to the end users. That is the browser will not prompt the user whether s/he wants to save the password so that s/he no needs to enter the username/password again when visiting the same site next time. Below is the code snippet which does the AJAX login.  <scri...

   AJAX,Browser,Login,Password     2015-06-04 10:02:46

  Traditional recursion vs Tail recursion

Recursion is a frequently adopted pattern for solving some sort of algorithm problems which need to divide and conquer a big issue and solve the smaller but the same issue first. For example, calculating fibonacci  accumulating sum and calculating factorials. In these kinds of issues, recursion is more straightforward than their loop counterpart. Furthermore, recursion may need less code and looks more concise. For example, let's calculate sum of a set of numbers starting with 0 and st...


  OpenLDAP Proxy -- Installation and configuration

After understanding what the configuration would be for an OpenLDAP proxy, it's time to explain the installation of OpenLDAP proxy and how to make it run. In this post, we will cover how to install OpenLDAP proxy both locally and using docker. Local installation The installation is quite easy, there are a few packages to be installed including the ldap server, ldap client and some utilities. Below steps are for CentOS, the instructions for other platforms should be similar with minor differ...


  Custom C++ exception class creation

In standard C++, we can use try catch to catch and exception when something goes wrong. These are some built in exception support in C++. By including the #include , we can now catch exceptions in C++ programs. This actually helps us on debugging our code and reduce the maintenance work.However sometimes if we want to create our own custom exception class. What should we do?We should include the #include line and then extend the exception class and implement some methods as you like. The genera...

   C++,std,exception,custom exception,implementation     2012-03-04 09:58:18

  Female friendly programming languages

Women are minorities among programmers. It seems programming languages are created for males, either. They are full of maths and weird jargon. Are there programming languages which are female friendly? What kind of programming languages can be considered as female friendly? Gayle Laakmann McDowel shared her views on which are female friendly programming languages. Women are 87.3% more likely to prefer languages like Ruby and Perl, because they remind us of shiny objects. All women love shiny ob...

   Programming,Female     2013-09-05 09:03:36

  errGroup in GoLang explained

Today, let's talk about the usage and applicable scenarios of errGroup, which is often used. Why is it useful? Generally, when we use goroutine, we cannot return a value. If you want to pass out the result of the goroutine execution, you usually have to use the channel. The errGroup package is suitable if you want to know when the goroutine you opened encounters an error during execution and stop working, and I need to know the error value. errGroup usage The package needs to be downloaded and i...


  Permutation algorithm with JavaScript

In secondary school, we have learned permutation. Basically, for n numbers, the number of permutations for these n numbers can be calculated to n! which is called 'n factorial'. But to display all the permutations on the screen, we need to use a recursive function. The problem is how to write this function.  Next I write a program to display the permutations for n numbers with JavaScript. First, we need to understand that from these n numbers, we can first take any one number from it, and t...

   JavaScript,Permutation,Algorithm,Impleme     2011-09-21 12:02:35