SEARCH KEYWORD -- Mature programmer

  5 Must See HTML5 Sites

With the release of the iPad, HTML5 technology has recently come into the spotlight.  The format that will likely kill Adobe’s Flash is a lot of fun to use, but we’ve  not seen much of it yet. The good news is that you don’t have to wait until the iPad is in your hands to see what HTML5 can do.  If you have a compatible browser, there are already a wealth of sites that show off the capabilities. First, make sure that you have a browser that is capable of ...

   HTML5,Web,Website,Demo     2011-07-01 11:24:44

  10 Object Oriented Design principles Java programmer should know

Object Oriented Design Principles are core of OOPS programming but I have seen most of Java programmer chasing design patterns like Singleton pattern , Decorator pattern or Observer pattern but not putting enough attention on Object oriented analysis and design or following these design principles. I have regularly seen Java programmers and developers of various experience level who either doesn't heard about these OOPS and SOLID design principle or simply doesn't know what benefits a particular...

   OOP design,Principle,Java     2012-03-14 13:51:38

  try { return } finally {}

Do you know what value will be printed when following program is ran? class Test { public int aaa() { int x = 1; try { return ++x; } catch (Exception e) { } finally { ++x; } return x; } public static void main(String[] args) { Test t = new Test(); int y =; System.out.println(y); } } And before answering the above question, do you have answers to following questions? If ther...

   JAVA,JAVA INTERVIEW QUESTION     2016-09-26 08:06:28

  Why Python is important for you

I believe that Python is important for software development. While there are more powerful languages (e.g. Lisp), faster languages (e.g. C), more used languages (e.g. Java), and weirder languages (e.g. Haskell), Python gets a lot of different things right, and right in a combination that no other language I know of has done so far. It recognises that you’ll spend a lot more time reading code than writing it, and focuses on guiding developers to write readable code. It’s possible to...

   Python,Importance,Paradigm     2012-02-12 04:49:09

  I'm not good enough to work on open source software

Actually, that's not true - I've produced plenty of open source software over the years.  However, in a sense, it is true: only the very best actually get paid to work on open source software full time, and I'm not one of them.  People like Linus Torvalds.  People like Guido van Rossum, although even he supposedly divides his time, and does not work on Python full-time. Think about that.  Python is a hugely popular programming language used by many companies and ind...

   Open source,Free,Money,Full-time     2012-04-16 13:27:35

  Top 10 PHP Best Security Practices for Sys Admins

PHP is widely used for various of web development. However, misconfigured server-side scripting would create all sorts of problem. And here are php security best practices that you should aware when configuring PHP securely. Nowadays most of the web servers are operated under Linux environment (like: Ubuntu, Debian...etc). Hence, in the following article, I am going to use list top 10 ways to enhance PHP Security Best Practices under Linux environment. My sample setup for PHP Security Tips: D...

   PHP,code security,System admin,Advice,Best practice     2012-02-01 00:04:37

  Pair Programming Stereotypes

Over the last couple of years, I’ve done a lot of pair programming. Pair programming inside my team, at customer sites, in coding dojos and in my open source projects. Pair programming is really a great and effective experience when performed by an pair of developers knowing how to pair program. Unfortunately, you cannot just put two developers in front of a single computer and expect them to perform perfectly from the start. Pair programming has to be learned. Both developers need to...

   Code programming,Pair gramming,Sterotype     2012-02-29 05:09:14

  Hacking Vs. Programming

What is the difference between Hacking and programming? One opinion I have heard expressed is that a hacker can put a lot of code together in a hurry but if a change is needed the code has to be completely rewritten. A programmer may take a little longer but if changes are needed they are more quickly and easily installed without the need for a complete rewrite. One source I heard attributed an observation like this to Maggie Johnson of Google. It rings true to me though. Hacking is usual...

   Hacking,Programming,Coding style     2012-04-23 06:09:24

  What is your opinion on WordPress hosting providers?

WordPress is a popular content management system (CMS) used by millions of websites around the world. According to data from, at least 64.2% of websites that have CMS use WordPress’s system. However, to run a WordPress website, you need a hosting provider that can support it. There are many hosting providers that offer specialized WordPress hosting. For example, they would provide seamless, one-click WordPress migrations, or dedicate a team of experts to address any WordPress-r...

   WORDPRESS,HOSTING PROVIDER     2023-02-27 06:45:29

  GUI vs CLI: Operation vs Expression

Consider this user interface for a car:The goal of these interfaces is to make you operate something, and operate it efficiently and safely. The grooves and clicks and limits constrain the range of motion and the number of choices. The visual look heavily hints at how to actively use it. They are usually not hard to learn. More importantly, the learning curve plateaus. Once you learn how to drive a car, there’s not much progression after that. Boundedness is ...

   GUI,CLI,Operation,Expression,Programmer,IDE     2011-10-25 10:31:26