Cross Browser HTML5 Drag and Drop

HTML5 Drag and Drop has been talked about a lot lately, but it’s hard to find really useful information about implementing it across multiple browsers.Mozilla, Apple and Microsoft all have pages describing how to use it, but their examples seem to work only in their particular browser (Apple’s example doesn’t even work in their own! Updated, Jan. 11, 2009: Although I have not been able to get this example working on Safari 2.0.4 and 3....

   HTML5,Drag and drop, Demo,Source code,Cr     2011-09-20 13:42:45

  The four key figures behind the success of JavaScript - Douglas Crockford

JavaScript's success can be attributed to at least four key figures: Brendan Eich, the creator of JavaScript Douglas Crockford, the creator of JSLint and JSON John Resig, the creator of jQuery Ryan Dahl, the creator of Node.js. We are already very familiar with Brendan Eich and the invention process of JavaScript, so let's start with Douglas Crockford, the second in command of JavaScript. Alliance In the 1990s, Microsoft's dominance overshadowed the whole world. At this time, two challengers e...


  Is Toutiao taking general content creators seirously?

Tiktok is now very popular among the Z-generation around the world. This is an app created by the Chinese company ByteDance. In China, the Chinese version of Tiktok called Douyin is not the only popular app created by ByteDance, there are a few other apps created by ByteDance are also popular such as Jinri Toutiao, a news app famous for its recommendation algorithm similar to Tiktok, also Huoshan Video, another video app similar to YouTube. This Toutiao app encourages general people to create co...



Golang已经开源了13年,在最近的TIOBE编程语言排名中,于2023年3月再次进入前十名,并比2022年底的排名上升了两个位置。 Go在2022年底提高了2个排名 许多第一次接触Go的开发者来自面向对象的编程语言,比如Java、Ruby等,他们在学习Go后第一个问题通常是:Go是一种面向对象的语言吗?在本文中,我们将探讨这个问题。 追溯 在广为人知的Go编程语言“圣经”《The Go Programming ...

   OOP,CHINESE,GOLANG,GO     2023-05-02 23:41:38

  IBM acquires Ustream to propel its cloud business

On January 21, 2016, IBM acquired Ustream, a leading live and on-demand video solution company, to propel its cloud service business. This acquisition will make IBM capable of providing enterprise live video stream service to the world. With this, a new member joining the IBM cloud service family. Ustream provides cloud-based video streaming to enterprises and broadcasters for everything from corporate keynotes to live music concerts. The company streams live and on-demand video to about 80 mil...

   IBM,CLOUD,IBM CLOUD,USTREAM     2016-01-23 06:18:36

  Install and use GSpace to install apps from Google Play on Huawei Harmony OS

Huawei has released its own branded mobile OS Harmony OS sometime back and some Huawei device models now support installing or upgrading to use Harmony OS. Since this OS is Huawei's own OS and it doesn't come with Google Play by default which most of the current Android apps are hosted on. In this case, how can someone install the apps from Google Play on Huawei Harmony OS or use GMS services like Google Play, Google Maps? The solution provided by Huawei is to install GSpace which is an APP cont...

   HUAWEI,GOOGLE PLAY,HARMONYOS     2021-08-01 04:23:58

  Encrypting and decrypting PGP file or text on MacOS

When doing data exchange among different parties, there is a frequent need of encrypting data or file and sending it to partner and asking partner to use corresponding key to decrypt the data or file. A famous way of exchanging data is using asymmetric keys where no secret key needs to be shared. One party can just use the public key shared by partner to encrypt the data and the other party uses the private key to decrypt the data. Today, we will introduce how to use PGP to encrypt and decrypt d...