North Korea Government website costs only $15

Wired reports that the North Korean government is not occlusion as people imagine. Recently, some users found that the North Korean government has an official website in English, URL is The Korean government hopes to launch an official website to carry forward its "ideology".The site design looks very good and fully functional. It has big improvment relative to their news release website Korea News.The report also pointed out that the official website was developed by the Nor...

   Nprth Koreea,Website,Price     2012-04-20 01:43:34

  Understanding PGO in GoLang 1.20

Background The Go 1.20 version was officially released in February 2023, it introduced the PGO(Profile Guided Optimization) mechanism. The basic principle of PGO can be divided into the following two steps: First, profiling is performed on the program to collect data about the program's runtime and generate a profiling file. When compiling the program, enable the PGO option, and the compiler will optimize the program's performance based on the content in the .pgo file. When compiling a program...

   GO 1.20,PGO,GOLANG     2023-02-28 04:27:46

  Modal dialog in Java example code

In Java, we can create modal dialog so that the main JFrame cannot be operated on until the modal dialog is closed. To achieve this, we need to use one class in Java--JDialog. This class can be used to create an modal dialog.Example code : import javax.swing.JDialog; import javax.swing.JLabel; import javax.swing.JPanel; public class Dialog extends JDialog{ public Dialog(){ super(); JPanel panel=new JPanel(); panel.add(new JLabel("Hello dialog")); this.getCont...

   Java,Modal,JFrame,JDialog,Demo,Code     2011-08-18 09:50:27

  Mastering Go Channels: How to Build Concurrent Applications Like a Pro

Introduction In the world of concurrent programming, Go channels have quickly become a popular tool for building fast and efficient applications. Utilizing channels can help you take full advantage of the power of Go's lightweight threads, or goroutines, and enable you to easily and effectively manage data sharing and synchronization. In this article, we'll dive deep into the world of Go channels and show you how to build concurrent applications like a pro. Understanding Go Channels To start, le...

   GOLANG,CHANNEL,CONCURRENCY     2023-04-21 14:47:47

  Landing page optimization : Less is more

There is a question on Quora : Why doesn't Quora show interesting questions/answers on their landing page? Why is it this? not this? Quora's product manage gives his answer to this question, it's agreed by many users in this community. Here is his answer: The logged out homepage is pretty sparse now mostly because it hasn't been given much treatment since the initial product launch. But we have plans on redesigning it and testing different variations (some with less info on the page, some with...

   Landing page,Optimization,Principle     2012-11-03 01:50:07

  Tencent released Q1 earning report of 2013

Tencent has released the earnings report of Q1 in 2013, the total revenue is $2.1611 billion which increases  11.5% compared to last quarter and increases 40.4% compared to the same time last year. The  profit is 649.4 million US dollars which increases 17.3% compared to last quarter and increases 37.4% compared last year.The three main profit generators are:1. Value-added services revenue of 1.7014 billion US dollars with an increase of 13.6% compared to last quarter and an increase o...

   Tencent,Earnings report,WeChat     2013-05-15 07:02:45

  JSON unmarshal in GoLang

In almost all mainstream programming languages, there is either built-in or third-party library to support parse JSON data because it is so popular for organizing and transferring data among different services. In GoLang, the built in json package also provides functions for marshalling and unmarshalling JSON data. Marshalling GoLang struct to a JSON string is relatively simple, just need to call json.Marshal(), it's a bit complicated to unmarshal an arbitrary JSON string into a GoLang struct ob...


  You know what UTF-8 is when you see it?

When we are coding we may often see some encoding specifications in our source codes such as UTF-8,GB2312. Do you know what these encoding mean and why we need them? In this post, Julián Solórzano will introduce the most widely used encoding specification around the world accomodating all different character sets in the world. UTF-8 is a method for encoding Unicode characters using 8-bit sequences. Unicode is a standard for representing a great variety of characters from many ...

   UTF-8,Encoding     2014-04-18 22:13:44

  Best Tips for a brilliant responsive design

Portability of mobile devices have made it easier for the users to access internet. Consequently , this has increased a lot of of mobile traffic and has given birth to new terms such a mCommerce. Now the point is that as we know that technology is ephemeral , will we keep on investing time and money every time a new gadget is launched? Indeed yes, because this is what market demands!  But what if I say a that there is a technology which is independent of the size of the devices or a technol...

   responsive, mobile     2015-07-01 01:25:37

  A Sip of Go Log

Logging is indispensable in any code that we need its support both in debugging and in statistics. However, a package that filled withfmt.Println/fmt.Printf printing various messages can never be considered a read-to-be-adopted package, which can be optimized by a simple change, using Golang’s native log package to print information to standard output or to a file. Then, how to apply the log package? Are there any limitations? If so, can we seek open-source packages? Let&rsq...

   GOLANG,LOGGING     2022-06-16 05:43:24