GCC is compiled with C++ compiler

On 15 Aug, 2012, GCC merged a patch--Merge from cxx-conversion branch . This means GCC will be compiled with C++ compiler in the future, it also means that GCC will be implemented using C++. You may have following two puzzles: Why does GCC turn to C++? Without C++ compiler, how can we compile C++ codes? Why using C++? In GNU's C++ Conversion, we can find this description in the background section: Whether we use C or C++, we need to try to ensure that interfaces are easy to understan...

   GCC,C++,Compiler     2012-09-04 02:36:06

  How Digital Technology is Transforming Healthcare?

Digitalization is the trendsetter for every industry. Healthcare has also been greatly influenced by digital technology. In fact technology has greatly improved the working of healthcare organization and in turn, outcomes of healthcare services have risen to new heights. This is not an overnight dream but result of immense hard work and efforts done by IT industry. The amalgamation of IT and healthcare has yielded a new era of healthcare that is quick and more reliable as compared to olden days...


  What? You tattooed code on your arm?

Since I'm seeing so many hits for this page, and since most of you are developers, I thought it might be worth trying to do a little blatant recruiting If you are an exceptional, passionate front end developer (HTML, CSS, JS) and you want to work in an awesome SCRUM team at a huge multinational company in the South of the Netherlands, please drop me a line (DM my Twitter account).There are also opportunities for developers (front and/or back end) and UNIX gurus at another brilliant com...

   Programmer,Tattoo,Arm,Code     2011-10-10 05:11:29

  10 reasons why I "hate" working in Facebook

To me, the past two years in Facebook is simply a nightmare, To celebrate the upcoming 2 year anniversary, I decided to jump out of it. Facebook, I have so many reasons to hate you. However, for fear that readers find me too annoying, I take my complaints to be condensed into the top ten reasons.1. Why should submit so much code? In the past two years, the number of Facebook engineers is doubled, and the amount of code submitted by each engineer is also increased with the increase of the number ...

   Facebook,Hate,Leave     2012-08-17 13:34:05

  HTTP Server development resource summary

This article summarizes some materials, articles and books I used when learning HTTP Server development. Hope this will help you. RFC and standard documents RFC2616 – Hypertext Transfer Protocol — HTTP/1.1 HTTP protocol standard document, it's an essential reference document for all personnel engaged in the development of the HTTP-related projects, careful study is recommended. RFC793 – TRANSMISSION CONTROL PROTOCOL TCP Protocol standard document The WWW Common Gateway Interfac...

   HTTP Server,Book,Article     2012-09-25 22:46:56

  the Performance Golden Rule

Yesterday I did a workshop at Google Ventures for some of their portfolio companies. I didn’t know how much performance background the audience would have, so I did an overview of everything performance-related starting with my first presentations back in 2007. It was very nostalgic. It has been years since I talked about the best practices from High Performance Web Sites. I reviewed some of those early tips, like Make Fewer HTTP Requests, Add an Expires Header, and Gzip Components. ...

   Web design,Golden rule,Performance     2012-02-17 07:51:09

  PHP to get access token for Twitter app

Previously we wrote an article about getting access token for Facebook app--PHP to get access token for Facebook app. Today we will introduce how to get access token for Twitter app using PHP. Since now Twitter is also using OAuth 2.0 to allow some web apps to access some users information on behalf of one user. They provided some APIs for developers to easily get them integrated with their own websites. The first step to get all these done is how to get the access token, the access token seems ...

   Twitter,OAuth,access token,PHP     2013-03-03 03:49:26

   7 Incorrigible Mistakes Of Mobile App Design

Plethora of mobile apps are launched every day, let alone a month or a year. With such a rising competition making an app which is not liked by people is a committal sin not just from a user's perceptive but also due to so many people and their efforts attached to it. In this blog we will discuss some of the very important factors which one should know before crafting an app. It's obviously not worth crying over the split milk as 80% of the users not even open an app again if they encounter ...

   Mobile App     2015-06-18 08:08:48

  GitHub : Code is the most direct way for programmers to communicate

If not invested by Andreessen Horowitz, GitHub might not be noticed by Forbes, CNN, New York Times. People didn't know this tool because it was very far away from the world -- GitHub is a project hosting service used by programmers.But to some programmers, it is not just a place for project hosting, it is`also the hub for open source projects, a place for programmers improving themselves and a social network for programmers.There are around 3.26 million projects hosted on GitHub currently, inclu...

   GitHub,Open source,Hosting,Social     2012-07-20 11:38:31

  The craziest Javascript implementations

Since its birth in 1994, Javascript has come a long way. Today it’s one of the most popular programming languages on the web because of high popularity of AJAX based web-applications. Also the rise of micro-frameworks such as jQuery (also Prototype, Moo Tools etc) which have reduced dramatically the complexity of code developers needed to write, it is well tested, has a ton of plug-ins, has a large development community and reduced development time.And lately even Server-S...

   JavaScript,Crazy implementation,JVM,Turing machine     2012-01-03 12:09:42