We need a programming language for the rest of us

Recently I took on the enormous task of learning Objective-C from the bottom up and I was struck by something I couldn’t shake: this is too hard. An experienced developer might scoff at me for saying that, but it’s true. I’ll be honest about my education, Calculus II was the most math I ever took, I have an advanced degree from Berkeley in Journalism. I am a proficient HTML/CSS developer and can glue enough javascript together to solve almost any problem that has presen...

   Code.Programming,Expectation,Easy-to-use     2011-07-22 02:20:09

  10 less known but useful PHP functions

PHP has abundant built in functions. As PHP developers, we may have used many of them. But there are still some useful functions we may not be so familiar with. In this post, we will introduce some of them. levenshtein() Have you ever wondered how to check differences between two works? This function just does what you want. It can tell you how much the difference is between two words. <?php $str1 = "carrot"; $str2 = "carrrott"; echo levenshtein($str1, $str2); //Outputs 2 ?> get_defined_va...

   PHP,function     2014-01-20 08:01:31

  CSS and HTML5 responsive images

With the popularity of Retina screen, the requirement of the images in the webpages is higher. How to make sure the image still clear while enlarging twice on retina screen? This brings much trouble to web developers, the good news is CSS3 and HTML5 is trying to change this, we can use response image. What is responsive image? It means user agent loads different images according to different resolutions of output devices, it will not waste bandwidth as well. In addition, it can load respective ...

   CSS3, HTML5,image-set,responsive image     2013-03-10 03:30:07

  Introduction to OAuth (in Plain English)

Last week we talked about giving away your passwords and how you should never do it.  When a website wants to use the services of another—such as Bitly posting to your Twitter stream—instead of asking you to share your password, they should use OAuth instead. OAuth is an authentication protocol that allows you to approve one application interacting with another on your behalf without giving away your password. This is a quick guide to illustrate, as simply as possibl...

   Security,OAuth,Permission,Partial access     2012-04-05 11:39:54

  Testing like the TSA

When developers first discover the wonders of test-driven development, it’s like gaining entrance to a new and better world with less stress and insecurity. It truly is a wonderful experience well worth celebrating. But internalizing the benefits of testing is only the first step to enlightenment. Knowing what not to test is the harder part of the lesson. While as a beginner you shouldn’t worry much about what not to test on day one, you better start picking it up by day t...

   Testing,QA,TSA     2012-04-11 13:41:19

  Recursive class initialization in Java

When a Java class is referenced and initialized, it has to go through the loading and linking first. Once the loading and linking complete successfully. The class will be initialized. The static variables and constant variables will be initialized during this process. Once the class is initialized, it is ready for use. If when class A is initialized and it is referencing a class B, the class B will also get initialized. But what will happen if class B is referencing class A as well? This is call...

   Java,JVM,class initialization,static final     2015-04-15 21:04:29

  Break down defer statements in GoLang

Basic Concepts What are the characteristics of the deferred statement defer in Go language? When is it usually used? The deferred statement(defer statement) in Go language has the following characteristics: Deferred Execution: Deferred statements are executed before the function containing them exits, regardless of whether the function returns normally or encounters an exception. Last In, First Out (LIFO): If there are multiple deferred statements, they are executed in the order of last in, f...

   DEFER,GOLANG     2024-02-10 21:56:10

  10 Ways to Be a More Productive Web Developer

We could all be more productive. There are many things we can do — some big, some small — that will enhance the way we work and improve the outcomes of our activities.Although I can’t promise that I’ll be able to help you cure all your productivity ailments, I do hope that I can provide you with a few useful, solid tips on streamlining your web development workflow and making every part of the development cycle move quickly and smoothly.Follow each one of these tips a...

   Ways,Efficiency,Web development,API,Fram     2011-09-26 11:25:29

  Future of Healthcare Application Development Goes Beyond Your Expectations

Healthcare application development sector is still progressing and growing with changing needs of medial sector. While healthcare apps are hot now, the future of healthcare app development sector lies in technology implementation and consultation. In this article, we will discuss majorly on four facts – Which healthcare apps are hot now? What is the future of medical health? Which medical apps you can trust? What to look for in medical health apps? Let us discuss on all of these fa...


  Password-less login

Most websites need user login in order to provide personalized content to visitors. The usual way is to request user to register an user account. Actually, this is not so appealing since if we need to remember one password for each website, it's troublesome, while for developers, it's their responsibility to protect password, once password is leaked, then it's a big headache to a website's business and reputation. So long time ago people started thinking about password-less login, this is a big ...

   Password-lesslogin,Authentication     2012-11-05 12:29:55