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  10 Great Tips On How To Become A Successful Android App Developer

Android operating system is very popular among people and makes app development for Android market fruitful. There are many professionals who are trying to come up with great ideas and create great apps, but not all of them are really dealing with it. So, what do you need to become a successful Android-apps developer? What You Need for Becoming an Android App Developer 1. Acquire technical skills. You must know the necessary tools to become an Android app developer. You do not actually need to ...

       2017-08-19 00:53:37

  9 Ways to Create Thread Pools with Java Executors

In Java, the Executors class provides a variety of static factory methods to create different types of thread pools. When learning about thread pools, the Executors class is indispensable. Mastering its usage, principles, and scenarios will enable you to apply it smoothly in actual project development. Here are some commonly used methods, which I will explain one by one: newCachedThreadPool(): Creates a cached thread pool. If a thread has not been used for 60 seconds, it will be terminated and ...

   TUTORIAL,JAVA THREAD     2024-07-19 23:07:09

  PaaS vs. SaaS: The Differences And How To Pick The Right Option

Platform as a service (PaaS) and software as a service (SaaS) are two kinds of cloud computing products that enable businesses and their clients to deliver and use various services, respectively. Before diving into the differences between the two concepts, it’s important to take a step back and understand what a cloud service really is. Cloud computing primarily refers to large storage of data, programs, and operations that are accessible via the Internet and are not stored on a user&rsquo...

   CLOUD,PAAS,SAAS     2020-04-06 06:30:32

  A Quick Look at the Services Offered by RDBMs vs. NoSQL

The world of IT has to deal with the issue of data storage. The reason for this is that there is plenty of data produced and created daily on the internet and on various business applications. In the past, RDBMs or Relational Database Management Systems were used for storage. Even though they are still used today, there are other offerings that present competition and anyone wishing to purchase data storage systems needs to make comparisons.  One such competing system is NoSQL or Not Only ...


  Eight C++ programming mistakes the compiler won’t catch

C++ is a complex language, full of subtle traps for the unwary. There is an almost infinite number of ways to screw things up. Fortunately, modern compilers are pretty good at detecting a large number of these cases and notifying the programmer via compile errors or warnings. Ultimately, any error that is compiler-detectable becomes a non-issue if properly handled, as it will be caught and fixed before the program leaves development. At worst, a compiler-detectable error results in los...

   C++,Compiler,Error detection     2012-04-08 09:55:20

  GoLang Interview Questions

Below lists some frequently asked GoLang interview questions and their corresponding answers based on the author's experience. The list is updated frequently with new understandings. Stay tuned. What is the GMP model of GoLang? GoLang uses goroutine to achieve concurrency and it is famous for high concurrency support as the language defines its own goroutine dispatching and processing system which is well known as GMP model. How it works is that M is normally defined as the OS thread being spawn...


  Responsive Web Design

With the popularity of 3G, more and more people are surfing the Internet using mobile phones. Mobile devices are becoming common devices for accessing internet. So web design faces a big challenge which is how to display the same webpage on different devices with different screen  resolutions.Screen resolution of mobile device are usually not very large, the width is below 600px, while PC usually has a resolution over 1000px. It is not an easy task to display the same content with satisfyin...

   CSS,Web design,Layout,Response web design     2012-05-03 06:59:40

  Upcoming Product from Nokia: Nokia 2

With the emergence of telephone, the field of communication has seen a revolution. It was the time when people were able to talk to each other on the phone directly, and the reliance on letters was just reduced. Later entered the cell phones where the users were able to communicate with a phone call or even with SMS. The cell phones made it easy for the users to talk to each other even if they are moving from one place to another. To add value to the cell phones then entered the smartphones to t...

   SMARTPHONE,NOKIA 2     2017-11-06 23:29:02

  Using JavaScript to operate clipboard

Browsers allow JavaScript to read and write data on clipboard. Generally script should not modify user's clipboard to avoid impacting user expectation, but there are cases where this can indeed bring convenience to users. For example, for some code snippet, user can copy it to clipboard with one click instead of select and copy manually. There are three options for clipboard operation provided in JavaScript/browser: document.execCommand() Asynchronous Clipboard API copy and paste events This p...


  How VR technologies take over the world

Virtual Reality (VR) literally may get it beneficial to experience anything, anywhere, anytime. It is normally the several immersive type of legitimate fact technology and can convince the real real human human brain that it is usually normally someplace it can get absolutely critically not really seriously. Brain installed displays happen to be used with earphones and hands controllers to offer a entirely immersive arrive across. With the major technology businesses on whole world community (Fa...

       2019-05-20 05:30:39