SEARCH KEYWORD -- Landing page

  Find where the start up page is set in Firefox

Recently I encountered a weird behavior where a strange webpage showing up every time when I launched my Firefox. The first thought came into my mind is that my homepage of Firefox had been tampered. It might be changed because some software changed my browser settings to promote something. So the next immediate thing I went to check was to see my Firefox browser settings. To my surprise, the homepage setting was not touched. It would still open the Momentum screen which would display some beaut...


  Is Toutiao taking general content creators seirously?

Tiktok is now very popular among the Z-generation around the world. This is an app created by the Chinese company ByteDance. In China, the Chinese version of Tiktok called Douyin is not the only popular app created by ByteDance, there are a few other apps created by ByteDance are also popular such as Jinri Toutiao, a news app famous for its recommendation algorithm similar to Tiktok, also Huoshan Video, another video app similar to YouTube. This Toutiao app encourages general people to create co...


  Why (offset, limit) is slow in database select?

Starting from a problem Five years ago when I was working at Tencent, I found that MySQL request speed was very slow in the pagination scenario. With only 100,000 data, a select query on a single machine took about 2-3 seconds. I asked my mentor why, and he asked in return, "In an indexing scenario, what is the time complexity to get the nth largest number in MySQL?" The pursuit of the answer Confirming the scenario Assuming there is an index on the "status" column, a query like "select * from t...

   SLOW,LIMIT,OFFSET,MYSQL     2023-03-12 05:21:02

  Install and use GSpace to install apps from Google Play on Huawei Harmony OS

Huawei has released its own branded mobile OS Harmony OS sometime back and some Huawei device models now support installing or upgrading to use Harmony OS. Since this OS is Huawei's own OS and it doesn't come with Google Play by default which most of the current Android apps are hosted on. In this case, how can someone install the apps from Google Play on Huawei Harmony OS or use GMS services like Google Play, Google Maps? The solution provided by Huawei is to install GSpace which is an APP cont...

   HUAWEI,GOOGLE PLAY,HARMONYOS     2021-08-01 04:23:58

  Your Ultimate Guide to Restoring Database Backups in SQL Server 2012

Summary: Let’s learn how to restore a SQL Server database backup for SQL Server 2012. There are various methods of taking database backups, which include using T-SQL code, SQL Server Management Studio, or third-party applications. These backups taken are purposely saved to be restored when the database becomes corrupt or crashes, migrating the database, making a copy of the database, and other business requirements. In this crash course, we will be focusing on how to restore SQL Server da...

   BACKUP,MSSQL     2024-09-24 09:38:09

  Certificate is invalid for localhost in Chrome
