Steps to connect to MySQL on Windows Command Line

To connect to MySQL database on Windows through Command line, there are some steps to be followed.1. You need to start the MySQL service, you can go to Start->Control Panel->System and Securities->Administrative Tools->Component Service->Services(local), then on the right panel, you can find one service name called MySQL and you should start this service2. Go the the MySQL installation folder, which is something like this : C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.1. In this folder, ...

   MySQL,Window,Command line,Connection,mysqld     2011-11-05 08:22:39

  Turn on SecurityManager in Java

SecurityManager in Java is to check whether the application codes can access some restricted resource such as file, socket etc. This can be used in applications which have high security requirements. With this feature turned on, our system resources can be secured with only permitted operations. When JVM starts, it will first check whether the SecurityManager is on by checking the system property, if it's on, then an instance of SecurityManager will be created and it can be...

   SecurityManager,enable,program     2013-12-16 05:03:53

  The most stupid C bug ever

I have been programming for a number of years already. I have seen others introduce bugs, and I have also introduced (and solved!) many bugs while coding. Off-by-one, buffer-overflow, treating pointers as pointees, different behaviors or the same function (this is specially true for cross-platform applications), race conditions, deadlocks, threading issues. I think I have seen quite a few of the typical issues. Yet recently I lost a lot of time to what I would call the most stupid C bug in ...

   C,Bug,Comment,Back slash     2012-04-22 03:40:49

  Why 0.1+0.2 != 0.3

In programming languages such as JavaScript, c/c++, Java and Matlab, you will find that you will get unexpected result when doing float point calculation. For example, when calculating 0.1 + 0.1, you will not get 0.3: > 0.1 + 0.2 == 0.3 false > 0.1 + 0.2 0.30000000000000004 Don't be surprised of this result, this is the end result of IEEE 754 standard, float point number cannot be accurately represented according to IEEE 754 because: No enough memory is allocated for representing the num...

   float point,comparison,JavaScript     2014-11-19 05:32:46

  Recover deleted file in Linux EXT3 file system

Environment : CentOS 5.3 x86_64, /dev/sdb1 is the data segment /data0. EXT3 file system. Problem : /data0/tcsql/cankao/phpcws-1.5.0/httpcws.cpp is deleted mistakenly and httpcws.cpp is not backed up. It will take much time to rewrite this program again. So we must recover it back. debugfs is feasible in EXT2 file system, but in EXT3 file system, it's not very useful. There is one open source software called ext3grep which can help us recover deleted file in EXT3 file system. The recovery steps a...

   Linux,EXT3,File recovery     2013-08-16 07:06:45

  TIOBE: PHP is coming back

TIOBE released the programming language index for July 2013. The highlight of this month is that PHP is coming back. It ranks the fifth and has an increase of 1.54% compared to January. There are no changes in the ranking for the top 4 languages. The reason why PHP is back may be attributed to the new PHP Zend Framework that was released in September 2012, but this reason is not very convincing. PositionJul 2013PositionJul 2012Delta in PositionProgramming LanguageRatingsJul 2013Delta Jul...

   TIOBE,PHP,Zend framework,July     2013-07-09 05:22:50

  Launch Java process programmatically in Java

In some cases while working on some automation testcase, developers would like to launch Java process programmatically so that the tests can be ran without manual intervention. Java provides such methods to achieve this. ProcessBuilder can be used to build a Java process which can be launched when everything is ready. Basically it can take a list of parameters which are similar to the command line options/arguments.  For example, if you want to launch a Java process, you can do followi...

   JAVA,PROCESSBUILDER,COMMAND LINE     2016-04-27 04:03:30

  Handy PHP functions should be in your toolkit

When developing projects, there are always some common work should be accomplished, for example, encrption/decryption, get IP. As a PHP developer, you should have a list of the handy functions in your toolkit so that you can pick up in every project you work on. Here is a summary of some handy PHP functions. 1. PHP encryption/decryption Encryption/decryption can be used when storing user confidential information such as passwords. Below function uses base64 and MD5 to accomplish encryption/decry...

   PHP,function,real IP,SQL injection     2014-12-06 08:46:08

  Using Java keytool programmatically

Java provides a command line tool to access and operate different keystore which store keys and certificates. This tool is named keytool and is located at \bin.  On command line, you can issue below command to generate a keystore named mytest.jks which contains a private key and certificate chain. keytool -genkeypair -alias mykey -keyalg RSA -sigalg SHA256withRSA -dname CN=Java -storetype JKS -keypass password -keystore mytest.jks -storepass password Sometimes, in testing purpose, w...

   JAVA,KEYTOOL     2016-01-09 06:28:07

  A Python assignment trap

Python has no assignment, it only has reference. Assume, we have following code snippet: >>> values = [0, 1, 2] >>> values[1] = values >>> values [0, [...], 2] Why the result is not [0, [0, 1, 2], 2], instead it goes into an infinite loop? To understand this, we need to understand some basics about Python. Python has no variables, it only has labels. When we run: values = [0, 1, 2] Python will first create a list object [0,1,2], then it labels it as values. If we later...

   Python,Assignment,Trap,Shallow copy     2013-07-19 22:08:36