Two things I don’t like about Hacker News

Hacker News is a very famous IT information hub. We can find many useful links about the latest IT news and fantastic technology demos. But there are two things I don’t like about Hacker News. Maybe some of you also have the same feelings.1.  About the more link. Every time we click the more link to go to next page, there will be a unique key generated to produce the new page. It is a good security mechanism. Also it may increase pages views as we need to read page by page bu...

   Hacker news,More link,Submission,Security     2012-02-28 11:55:37

  Simple PHP paging class

Frequently in our web applications, we may have many records in the database to display. In order to imrpove loading speed and efficiency, we may need to display some records at a time, so we need to paginate the records. For example, if we have 1 million book records and when users want to view the book list, it's inefficient to display all the records on the same page, we may need to have some pagination to allow displaying a portion of the records such as 20 records per page. This is a simple...

   PHP,Paging,Class     2012-09-10 20:23:33

  PHP to get access token for Facebook app

Since Facebook is now using OAuth 2.0 to authenticate apps to access user information. the SDK of Facebook has provided developers some useful functions to get authentication done. For example, in PHP SDK, there are getAccessToken(), getLoginUrl() etc. But unfortunately, for me I cannot use getAccessToken() method to get the user access token, it only returns me the app access token. Finally I gave up this approach to get access token for the time being. I may later retry this approach if I have...

   Faceook,PHP,Access token,signed request     2012-03-27 12:37:46

  Create customized GitHub profile page

How long have you been using GitHub? Have you ever wondered whether one can customize his profile page with some fancy looking? Indeed GitHub allows developers to customize profile page through a secret repository. The secret is to create a repository with the same name as your GitHub username. And you will be granted into the work of customizing your own profile page. In this post, we will show a simple walk through on how to create it. Create secret repository As indicated by the term secret r...


  Statistics on StackExchange

StackExchange is the most popular and professional IT Q&A site, Under StackExchange, there is StackOverflow and other sub sites. Many of us may wonder how this mega site is maintained and what its performance is. A performance page has been released by StackExchange recently. Below is some statistic about this mega site. 560 million page views per month, i.e around 1.9 million PVs per day. For such as big site, it has only 9 web servers and 4 SQL servers(while two of them are in backup mode...

   Stackoverflow,statistic     2015-01-05 02:47:01

  Regular expression to get html meta description

When we need to process a HTML page source code, we often need to retrieve the meta description of the page besides the links in the page. This description is usually located in <meta> tag of a HTML page. The meta description is very useful for search engine index. How can we retrieve the meta description? If we use a regular expression, we can easily get the meta description. In JavaScript, the regular expression looks like : var pattern = /<meta.*?name="description".*?content="(.*?)"....

   Regular expression,meta description,HTML,JavaScript     2012-07-03 10:09:20

  Let your page be alive

With development of Internet, Web pages lie everywhere. How to design a visually attractive web product is becoming a major concern of designers, A complete webpage consists of the combination of points, lines and layers. If you want to let your page design be alive, you should put your efforts on below 4 aspects. 1. Flexible font use In a webpage, texts are the major information carrier and are what users care mostly about. It's the main element to convey messages to readers. The font size, col...

   UI design,White space,Geometric graph     2013-07-23 03:09:51

  Show drop down list or menu above of a flash in webpage

How to make a drop down menu show above of a  flash in webpage?Normally when we embed a flash or swf file into our webpage, it is not one component of our webpage.So sometimes the flash will always show above of the webpage, it will not interact with our HTML page.To solve this problem,we need to use wmode property of object tag.wmode has three properties: window,opaque and transparent.window : the flash will show in its own rectangular window,which will not interact with    ...

   HTML,Flash,Block,Drop down menu,Solution     2012-03-12 17:13:57

  Some lovely software design quotes

  Every time when I read technical books, I like reading the quote of a famous person at the start of a chapter(if any), usually they are very interesting. Here is a collection of famous quotes. Life’s too short to build something nobody wants – Ash Maurya, Running Lean author Give someone a program, you frustrate them for a day; teach them how to program, you frustrate them for a lifetime. – David Leinweber There are two ways of constructing a software design: One way is...

   Quote,Software design     2012-10-13 09:13:34

  Content based HTTP Cache

Browsers may cache the webpages we visited, when user types a URL on the address bar, the browser may cache the webpage returned from server while displaying it. If there is no update on the webpage, then next time when the browser requests the same page, it will not download the page again, instead it will load the cached page. If the website explicitly specify that the page is updated, then the browser will download the page again from the server. What's HTTP Cache? You may be familiar with th...

   HTTP Cache,Web crawler     2013-05-24 05:12:59