Python basics summary

Python is recommended by many people as the first language to be learned now. Even in some universities, it is the primary language to be taught to CS/CE students. To master this languages, we should understand some basics of it. Here we summarize some basics about this language. These basics include : string replacement with regular expression, traverse a directory, sort a list, remove duplication, dictionary ordering, dictionary, list, string conversion, date object manipulation, command line ...

   Python,Summary     2013-09-23 10:04:42

  + operation on JavaScript objects

In JavaScript, there are two types of values: primitive and object. Primitives consist undefined, null, boolean, number and string. Other values such as array and function are objects. When applying + operation on different type of values, there would be three kinds of type conversion. Primitive conversion Number conversion String conversion There three type conversions have corresponding abstract operations in JavaScript: ToPrimitive(), ToNumber(), ToString(). For number additi...

   JAVASCRIPT,PROGRAMMING     2018-10-12 22:19:12

  Can a == true && a == false be true in JavaScript?

JavaScript is a weak typed language and it has a loose comparison feature where two objects/values of different type can be compared using == operator. This provides developers great flexibility and confusion at the same time.  Before understanding how == works in JavaScript, can you first answer the question in the post title? Can a == true && a == false be true in JavaScript? Normally, we would think that this expression will always return false since a can be either true or ...


  Oval engagement rings from MoonOcean: Elegance of form and individual approach

Welcome to the enchanting world of MoonOcean, a premier destination for unparalleled elegance in the heart of London's vibrant jewellery scene. Immerse yourself in our exclusive collection, where the spotlight is on the captivating allure of oval engagement rings, embodying both exquisite craftsmanship and a commitment to individuality. Nestled in the heart of London, MoonOcean stands as an emblem of sophistication, redefining the jewellery experience. Our curated array of oval engagement rings ...

   ENGAGEMENT RING,MOONOCEAN     2024-03-18 07:56:20

  Highly efficient PHP code writing

Next are some tips for writing highly efficient PHP codes. They are described below: 0. Use single quote to replace double quote, this will be better since PHP will serach for variables in double quoted strings. Note, only echo can do this; 1. If we can define methods of a class as static, then do it. It will increase access speed by 4 times; 2. $row["id"] is 7 times faster than $row[id]; 3. echo is faster than print, and also use echo's multiple parameter format such as echo $str1,$str2 inst...

   PHP,Code writing,High efficient,Tips     2011-07-23 12:35:50

  A plugin to update last_error in Delayed Job

delayed_job is a process based asynchronous task processing gem which can be ran at background. It will fork the specified number of processes to execute the tasks asynchronously. The task status is usually stored in the database so that it can be easily integrated into a Rails application where asynchronous job execution is desired. Normally when a job fails to execute or error occurs, it would save the error into the database with the column last_error. Ideally all these will be handled b...

   RUBY,RUBY ON RAILS,DELAYED JOB,LAST_ERROR     2017-11-18 13:05:49

  JShell -- The command line tool to run Java code in Java 9

Java 9 is currently a work-in-progress and is planned to be GAed in March 2017. Quite a few new features will be introduced in the new release. The coolest feature is project Jigsaw which is to modularize the Java packages so that a customized JDK can be built and shipped with only the necessary modules to fulfill their project requirement. Apart from this feature, another big new feature is project Kulla -- JShell. In simple, JShell is a command line tool which can be used to run...

   JAVA 9,JSHELL,KULLA     2016-04-01 21:46:48

  JavaScript interview questions

This post will cover the JavaScript questions I have encountered and have seen during my programming career. They will mainly focus on vanilla JavaScript though there are lots of excellent frameworks out there and many people are using them in their daily work. this keyword this keyword is an very important but easy to confuse concept in JavaScript since it is always referring to the calling object of the function. 1. What will be the output of below code snippet? function User(name) { this....

   JAVASCRIPT,ALGORITHM,THIS,CLOSURE     2019-03-09 07:05:46

  Browse OpenJDK Java source code in Eclipse

Java 8 was recently released, many developers are now trying to extract the source code of Java 8 to find out how the new added features such as Lambda expressions, default method in interfaces, new Time API are implemented. How do you manage to download and browse the source code? Today we are going to show how to extract OpenJDK Java source code to Eclipse. Since OpenJDK is adopting Mercurial as its distributed version control system, you need to install Mercurial on your computer first before...

   OpenJDK,Java 8,Source code,Eclipse     2014-06-16 00:53:34

  Recursive class initialization in Java

When a Java class is referenced and initialized, it has to go through the loading and linking first. Once the loading and linking complete successfully. The class will be initialized. The static variables and constant variables will be initialized during this process. Once the class is initialized, it is ready for use. If when class A is initialized and it is referencing a class B, the class B will also get initialized. But what will happen if class B is referencing class A as well? This is call...

   Java,JVM,class initialization,static final     2015-04-15 21:04:29