SEARCH KEYWORD -- Key-base cache

  The roots of Lisp

(I wrote this article to help myself understand exactly what McCarthy discovered. You don't need to know this stuff to program in Lisp, but it should be helpful to anyone who wants to understand the essence of Lisp-- both in the sense of its origins and its semantic core. The fact that it has such a core is one of Lisp's distinguishing features, and the reason why, unlike other languages, Lisp has dialects.)In 1960, John McCarthy published a remarkable paper in which he did for programming somet...

   Lips,Root,McCarthy,AI,Artificial Intelligence     2011-10-25 10:35:13

  How mobile-first index impact on your rankings?

Google has officially announced the rollout of its mobile-first indexing. After a year and half of careful experimenting and testing. Google has begun to start a transition to websites that follow best practices for mobile optimization, to help the majority of people who use google search on their mobile devices (mobile users). Google says, its search algorithms use the mobile version of the web page to indexing and ranking, to better help 'primarily mobile' user-base. Google continues to have t...

   SEO,RAMKINGS,MOBILE SEO     2018-07-23 02:59:03

  Why learning Haskell/Python makes you a worse programmer

I've found, contrary to what you sometimes read, that learning Python and Haskell has not improved my programming using other languages. Haskell in particular, being so different from imperative languages, is supposed to give new insights into programming that will help you even when you are not using the language. My current experience doesn't exactly tally with this, and here is why:Demotivation.I find I think in Python, and even in Haskell to some extent, even though I have used Has...

   Python,Programmer,Bad,Bad programmer,Haskell     2011-10-29 07:13:44

  HeartBleed: Inside the heart, what causes the bleeding?

Just after a few weeks since Apple's famous goto fail bug, there is one bug in OpenSSL which catches the attention from the world again. The bug is named HeartBleed, found in OpenSSL library, a famous open source library supporting lots of  SSL/TLS communication among server/client applications. The reason why this bug catches the attentions from the world is it affects almost all sites which are using the affected OpenSSL library, these includes many applications like Nginx server, some v...

   OpenSSL,HeartBleed     2014-04-09 05:47:30

  Understanding GoLang interface

If goroutine and channel are considered as the foundation for GoLang concurrency, interface would be the key for data types in GoLang. In practical Go programming, almost all data types are built/used around interfaces, interface is the core of GoLang data structures. Go is not a typical OOP language, it has no class and inheritance concept syntactically. But it doesn't mean that there cannot be polymorphism in GoLang. Because of interface, it achieves the same polymorphism effect as in C++, tho...

   INTERFACE,GOLANG     2021-05-15 04:16:42

  Write HTML easily with Emmet and Haml

Writing HTML codes is very boring and tedious as it has many tags and it's static. One solution is to use template, filling content based on other's skeleton. One another solution is high speed writing. We can write HTML codes with Emmet and Haml. These two ways have similar functions but with different characteristics. Haml is based on Ruby, so when working on Ruby/Rails projects, we recommend to use Haml, otherwise we recommend to use Emmet. 1. Emmet Emmet is a editor plugin, the official webs...

   HTML,Emmet,Haml     2013-06-11 19:46:02

  Why are column oriented databases so much faster than row oriented databases?

I have been playing around with Hybrid Word Aligned Bitmaps for a few weeks now, and they turn out to be a rather remarkable data structure.  I believe that they are utilized extensively in modern column oriented databases such as Vertica and MonetDB. Essentially HWABs are a data structure that allows you to represent a sparse bitmap (series of 0's and 1's) really efficiently in memory.  The key trick here is the use of run length encoding to compress the bitmap into fe...

   Database,Column oriented,Speed analysis,Vertica     2012-01-29 04:27:05

  C++ Versus Objective-C

What will programming in Objective-C mean to the C++ programmer Different Object Oriented Languages Almost all of us have heard the term object oriented programming, and most of us have used C++. How will Apple's purchase of NeXT, and NeXT's framework using Objective-C affect us as we develop software? If we know C++ already, how hard will it be to get up to speed on Objective-C? Many people will agree that once they understand the concepts of object oriented programming it doesn't matter...

   C++,Objective-C,OOP,Comparison,Methods,Philosohpy     2011-12-12 07:51:40

  Snipping Tool is moving on Windows 10

There is some recent change for a built-in tool on Windows 10 where the Snipping Tool is moving. Snipping Tool is a tool on Windows for taking screenshots and editing screenshots taken. But now it's moving to a new tool called Snip & Sketch which has enhanced features. Now if you try to launch Snipping Tool, you will notice there is a notification telling that the Snipping tool is moving to a new tool called Snip & Sketch. And you can click Try Snip & Sketch to launch the new tool. ...


  The seven rules of Unobtrusive JavaScript

I've found the following rules over the years developing, teaching and implementing JavaScript in an unobtrusive manner. They have specifically been the outline of a workshop on unobtrusive JavaScript for the Paris Web conference 2007 in Paris, France. I hope that they help you understand a bit why it is a good idea to plan and execute your JavaScript in this way. It has helped me deliver products faster, with much higher quality and a lot easier maintenance. 1. Do no...

   JavaScript,Feature,Tips     2012-01-18 08:21:39