SEARCH KEYWORD -- Java software development

  Good to Great Python reads

A col­lec­tion of python “must reads”:The Python yield key­word explainedPython’s super() con­sid­ered super!Under­stand­ing Python DecoratorsWhat is a meta­class in Python?Meta­classes DemystifiedTry/Catch for val­i­da­tion or speed?Python (and Python C API): __new__ ver­sus __init__Python “self” keywordPython and the Prin­ci­ple of Least AstonishmentA Curi­ous Course on Corou­tines and Concurr...

   Python,Reference,eBook,Reading Material     2011-11-15 11:46:12

  5 Mistakes Developers Should Avoid before Launching Their API

Time is money in the API industry, and everyone wants to be timely for the API’s milestone event: its eventual launch. Delays in this event can be very costly, so the sooner the API can be integrated, the better. Many developers start their work knowing quite well that the clock is ticking. But prioritizing a quick launch—at the cost of everything else—can do a lot of damage in the long run. A rushed launch may result in unstable integration, a host of errors and bugs, lower en...

   TIPS,API DESIGN     2020-05-18 07:08:22

  What drives the popularity of Node.js?

JavaScript is a programming language which can be used on both front end and back end. Its popularity should mainly be attributed to its power in front end side. While people seem not realize its power in back end until the appearance of Node.js.  Node.js is a server-side software system designed for writing scalable Internet applications, notably web servers. Programs are written on the server side in JavaScript, using event-driven, asynchronous...

   Node.ks,Popularity,NPM     2013-07-24 01:22:58

  What has Google done on improving programming languages

Google is now becoming the most innovative IT company in the world. Every now and then they would deliver one revolutionary product to us such as Google Glass, Google Fiber, Automatic Mobile Cars etc. All these great products are backed up by the powerful software system built into. Google has used many programming languages to develop these software and they have put much resource in improving the programming languages they use and we use today. What has Google done in improving programming lan...

   Google,Programming     2014-02-21 09:36:34

  Bill Gates to return as Microsoft's white knight?

Summary: Could and should Bill Gates return to day-to-day responsibilities at Microsoft? Fortune is reporting there’s a rumor to that effect. Fortune reported on December 8 that there’s talk Microsoft Chairman Bill Gates might be mulling a comeback, largely to help boost Microsoft’s stagnant stock price and employee morale. I have to say I am very, very, very skeptical on this one. First, it seems this is a single-sourced report....

   Microsoft,Change,Bill Gates,Return,White Knight     2011-12-09 07:39:39

  Why is programming unique profession

Why programming is unique profession - Presentation Transcript Introduction Some people says programming is difficult and for some others it is so easy. It not only depends on your capabilities, but your attitude for work. Programming is hard indeed, but not at all as difficult as life of a crook or joker who pretend, lie and act for living. Knowing what you do, life is going to be much more interesting and enjoyable for a programmer. You play with a dumb machine Computer is dumb machine. Unless...

   Programming,Unique profession,Reason     2011-07-22 23:55:09

  How Cloud Technologies Are Taking Over the World

Cloud technologies are some of the biggest accelerators of innovation today. The demand for increased speed and service delivery is driving the adoption and development of cloud platforms across industries. Gartner forecasts that the global public cloud service market will reach US$331.2 billion (S$455.83) in 2022, enjoying a 12.6% compounded annual growth rate. In Southeast Asia alone, it is estimated to reach US$40.32 billion (S$55.59 billion) by 2025 with a growing adoption among small and m...

   CLOUD,CLOUD COMPUTING     2019-10-18 12:12:12

  Forgotten TODOs: ideas for contributing to open-source projects

I often talk to students that want to contribute to open-source projects, but just don't have an idea what to work on. Here's a tip if you're in a similar situation (e.g. you want to apply for GSOC) : 1 git clone repository_url_of_some_open_source_project target_directory 2 grep -RIn TODO target_directory/* So, find the URL of the repository project you want to contribute to, checkout the repository using git/mercurial/svn and then find all the TODOs in the source code using grep. The -RI...

   Open source,constribution,TODO,participation     2012-03-03 22:30:28

  JQuery Mobile App Development Tips

Over the recent years, jQuery has been considered as a popular javascript library for creating rich interface websites and applications. And since the framework was initially meant to design desktop browsers, it doesn’t comprise of many features for building mobile apps. Thus, JQuery Mobile app development came into existence. Prominent jQuery development company offers  cutting-edge framework, a range of user interface elements and features for developers to develop innovative and us...


  Google Allo - Changing the way people chat

Google released a new smart messaging application a couple of weeks ago -- Google Allo. At first glance, it has no much difference than other mature messaging applications on the market such as What's App, Line, WeChat. It has a concise and easy to use user interface and comes with stickers, doodles, and HUGE emojis & text. But do we really need a new messaging application which is similar to others in most aspects? The answer is MAYBE. From its description, it claims it's a SMAR...