The rather petite Internet of 1995

As you may know if you’re a regular reader of this blog, sometimes we like to take a trip down memory lane. It’s time for another one of those trips, to the murky past of the Internet and the dawning World Wide Web of 1995.Let’s start first with the people who actually use the Internet. How many were there back then?Worldwide Internet users in 1995Today there are almost 2 billion Internet users worldwide. In 2000, there were 361 million worldwide. But go back even farther in...

   Internet,Web,1995,Netscape,Microsoft,Net     2011-05-27 12:50:46

  Behavior of defer function in named return function

In Go, there is a special concept of named return value in function where a returned value can have name. For example, below is a named function in Go. func returnNamed() (i int) { i = 1 return } When the function returns, the return value i will have a value of 1.  Also, Go has a concept of defer which will execute a function just before the calling function exits. This is similar to what finally block does in other languages such as Java. For example, a defer function can be func deferF...


  Learn How to Write iOS Apps

My friend contacted me on twitter and asked for advice on different sources on how to learn iOS apps. Since this paragraph will already exceed 140 characters, I'm posting here, instead. (Obviously, reading this blog regularly is a great way to pick up some iOS development tricks) To get started, some people buy a book or find some good online tutorials. I tried both approaches, and the online tutorials were definitely better. I found Stanford's class on iPhone Development, available for free...

   IOS App,Tutorial,Advice,Resource     2011-12-25 00:58:25

  Python and PLC Communication

This article provides detailed steps on how to use Python to communicate with Schneider M221 and Siemens S7-1200 PLCs via Ethernet. Additionally, we offer a packaged Python PLC client library, enabling you to easily build your own SCADA control programs, such as Human-Machine Interfaces (HMI). The system overview is shown below: To check the project detail please refer to Python Physical PLC Communication Clients # Created: 2024/06/29 # Version: v0.1.3 # Copyright: Copyright (c) 2024 ...

       2024-06-30 02:21:17

  OpenLDAP Proxy -- slapd.conf

In the introductory post of OpenLDAP proxy, we mentioned that slapd.conf is the configuration file which tells the slapd service what to do.  Apart from this, there is a dynamic way of configuring slapd where the configurations are stored in LDIF database. In the future, LDIF database will be the one for configuring slapd, the old style of slapd.conf is deprecated. The slapd.conf can be converted to LDIF style using the slapdtest command. slapdtest -f /etc/ldap/slapd.conf -F /etc...


  Could coding be the next mass profession?

Like farming was in the 17th century, factory work during the industrial revolution, construction during the Great Depression, and manufacturing after World War II. Better, because writing code is a creative act which can be done with or without a traditional (antiquated?) office-based job, and can create enormous personal and economic value. Most young people start in jobs that don’t have much of a future. Most don’t get higher education – only a third get a...

   Coder,Learning,Training,Profession     2012-01-05 08:02:50

  How does JGSS read Windows native TGT credential?

MS LSA is a protected subsystem that authenticates and logs users onto the local system. The user credential is stored at the native credential cache of LSA on Windows. This kind of credential is often used to authenticate the user to the server, one of the authentication methods is Kerberos. JGSS has provided a native interface which can read the native TGT credential and use it to get the TGS of a service. But how does JGSS read the native TGT credential? Here is a sample code for reading nati...


  Tips to improve JavaScript efficiency

Writing JavaScript code is tedious and error prone. You not only need to implement the necessary functions, but also need to ensure cross browser compatibility. This often causes the low efficiency of JavaScript developers. Here we recommend 12 tips you can benefit from. 1. Remove array element by index If we want to remove one element in an array, we can use splice. function removeByIndex(arr, index) { arr.splice(index, 1); } test = new Array(); test[0] = ’Apple’; test[1] = &rsq...

   JavaScript,Tips,Array     2013-07-27 20:50:40

  Data Scientists and Their Harder Skills than Big Data

The field of data science is often confused with that of big data. Data science is an aid to decision makers in a company with a logical approach.  Who is a Data Scientist?  A Data Scientist reviews a huge collection of data(that may extend to a couple of terabytes of disk space or thousands of excel sheets). This humongous chunk of data is not feasible for being handled, sorted and analyzed by a single person. Here we require the help of data science, and most recently, the field of A...

   BIG DATA     2017-12-13 04:22:55

  Designing Great API Docs

Writing documentation is one of those things that is dreaded by many developers. It takes a lot of effort and time to get right. And too often, people take shortcuts. This is sad, because well designed documentation is the key to getting people excited about your project, whether it's open source or a developer focused product. In fact, I argue that the most important piece of UX for a developer product isn't the homepage or the sign up process or the SDK download. It's the API documentati...

   API docs,Design API docs,Advice     2012-03-09 23:15:00