Finding selected checkbox items in a JSF dataTable

This is one of those problems that I couldn’t find a complete example for when I needed it, so hopefully this will save somebody else the extra time it took me to piece it together. We frequently need to have data tables in our UI, and allow the user to select a subset of those items for action. In JavaServer Faces, this means having a DataTable, each row having its own checkbox. But when the action is triggered, how to we find which items the user has selected. The first step is to ...

   JavaServer Faces,JSF,Datatable,Checkbox,Example     2012-01-03 03:02:46

  TIOBE : Where is that next big programming language?

TIOBE has released the Programming Community Index for May 2012 a bit late. The top 3 languages do not change compared to last Month TIOBE : C overtakes Java as the No.1 programming language, they are still C,Java and C++. However, the share of Java is continuing dropping, Objective-C is steadily rising  Other languages which have rising trend are Visual Basic.NET,PL/SQL and Logo.The last 8 years not much has changed in the top 10 of the TIOBE index except for Objective-C (in) and Del...

   TIOBE,2012,May,King     2012-05-12 01:18:27

  3 meanings of Stack

We may frequently see stack when we read programming books. But many times we may be confused about the different meanings of it. This term actually has three common meanings. Here we explain the three different meanings of Stack in programming. 1. Data structure The first meaning of Stack defines a method for storing data. Its feature is LIFO9Last In First Out). In this data structure, data are accumulated level by level. The data last put in is added at the top of the stack. When using the dat...

   Stack,Memory,Data structure     2014-02-24 04:56:46

  A Toast to C

At Cloudmetrx, we use a lot of C. So given the recent passing of UNIX legend Dennis Ritchie, the creator of the C language, we think a toast to C is only fitting.Our extensive reliance on C is especially unusual considering the other languages in our stack – Clojure, Node.js, and other hipster platforms. We aren't predisposed to using older, "venerated" technologies simply because they're older and venerated. But when it comes to high-performant computation, there's just nothing like C. S...

   C,Toast,C Language,Unix,Dennis ritchie,popularity     2011-10-24 11:21:32

  Esmerelda's Imagination

An actress acquaintance of mine—let's call her Esmerelda—once said, "I can't imagine being anything except an actress." To which the retort was given, "You can't be much of an actress then, can you?"I was reminded of this exchange when someone said to me about Go, "I can't imagine programming in a language that doesn't have generics." My retort, unspoken this time, was, "You can't be much of a programmer, then, can you?"This is not an essay about generics (which are a fine...

   Programmer,Go,Immagination,Complaint     2011-12-31 23:38:13

  Esmerelda's Imagination

An actress acquaintance of mine—let's call her Esmerelda—once said, "I can't imagine being anything except an actress." To which the retort was given, "You can't be much of an actress then, can you?"I was reminded of this exchange when someone said to me about Go, "I can't imagine programming in a language that doesn't have generics." My retort, unspoken this time, was, "You can't be much of a programmer, then, can you?"This is not an essay about generics (which are a fine...

   Programmer,Imagination,Lack     2012-02-08 10:31:09

  Lossless and Transparency Encoding in WebP

In September 2010 we announced the WebP image format with lossy compression. WebP was proposed as an alternative to JPEG, with 25–34% better compression compared to JPEG images at equivalent SSIM index. We received lots of feedback, and have been busy improving the format.Last month we announced WebP support for animation, ICC profile, XMP metadata and tiling. Today, we introduce a new mode in WebP to compress images losslessly, and support for transparency â€...

   Google,WebP,Image,Compress, Lossless compression,Transparency     2011-11-18 08:48:33

  Go vs C benchmark. Could Go be faster than C?

During last semester I was attending Multiprocessor Architectures course, given at Facultad de Informática where I study my Computer Science degree. As part of the assignments due to pass the course, we had to do several programs written in C to benchmark matrix multiplication by testing different techniques and technologies. First of all we had to do a secuential program in three different versions: A normal one where the result matrix is ordered by rows and the loops range the matrix by ...

   Gp,C,Benchmark,Faster,Speed,Comparison     2012-02-08 10:09:07

  Introduction to DTLS(Datagram Transport Layer Security)

Secure communication has become a vital requirement on the Internet. Lots of information transferred through the Internet are sensitive data such as financial transactions, medical information, media streaming etc. To ensure security of data transferred on the Internet, a few secure protocols have been designed including SSL/TLS and IPsec. Many large websites in the world have adopted TLS. Apart from SSL/TLS, there is some other protocol designed to be used in special cases. One of them is ...

   JAVA 9,DTLS,TLS,SECURITY     2016-04-02 05:55:36

  HTTP is not a transport protocol, HTTP is not RPC

Recently there was a question on the forums asking why we encourage usage of HttpRequestMessage<T> / HttpResponseMessage<T> in the signature of a web api implementation. The point made in the post is that if you have an ICalculator contract which your API implements, then it’s violating SOC / inappropriate to have those messages as params and in the contract. The argument is valid when looking at HTTP from the standpoint of an RPC mechanism, which is actually a quite co...

   HTTP,Transport protocol,RPC     2012-01-19 10:14:26