SEARCH KEYWORD -- Internet application

  Please Steal These webOS Features

When Apple introduced the first iPad in 2010, I bought one immediately. I didn’t know what I’d use it for, but I was sure that I would find some use for it. I never did. I played around with it, wrote some code for it, but eventually stopped using it. I would pick it up from time to time to read something or watch a YouTube movie, but even that was a rare occurrence. I have since picked up an iPad 2, and I’m using it a lot more than the first iPad, but again, I’...

   WebOS,Feature,HP,borrow     2012-02-22 05:45:49

  20 Database Design Best Practices

Use well defined and consistent names for tables and columns (e.g. School, StudentCourse, CourseID ...).Use singular for table names (i.e. use StudentCourse instead of StudentCourses). Table represents a collection of entities, there is no need for plural names.Don’t use spaces for table names. Otherwise you will have to use ‘{‘, ‘[‘, ‘“’ etc. characters to define tables (i.e. for accesing table Student Course you'll write “Student Cour...

   Database design,20 tips,Well defined name,Design pattern     2012-02-07 12:10:48

  Why Firefox Isn't Doomed

This has been a rough year for Mozilla and its Firefox team. Once the darling of the Web and the champion of the oppressed against Microsoft and Internet Explorer, Firefox is facing stiff competition from its primary benefactor and backlash from users. Chrome also seems to be the preferred browser of Web developers. Naturally, this means speculation about the future of Firefox. Has Firefox had better years? Absolutely. Does this mean that Firefox is "doomed"? Not so fast. Google Will Pro...

   Firefox,Market share,Competition,Google     2011-12-15 07:39:27

  4 ways to obtain access token in OAuth 2.0

OAuth 2.0 is an authorization mechanism, it's ,mainly used for issuing access token. There are 4 ways to obtain access token as per RFC 6749. Authorization code Implicit Password Client credentials The third party application must obtain a client id and client secret from the target service before obtaining access token no matter which method to use. This is to prevent token to be used maliciously. Authorization code With this method, the third party application must first get an authorization...

   OAUTH2,ACCESS TOKEN,REFRESH TOKEN     2019-06-29 07:12:03

  NativeScript-Vue 1.0 Is Finally Out!

After a year of hard work and dedication, NativeScript-Vue 1.0 is finally available in the market. For those who are new to NativeScript- Vue, it is all about a plugin that simply allows one to build native iOS and Android apps with the help of Vue.js. NativeScript-Vue 1.0 is ready for use in production! And it may quite interest you to know that blending of NativeScript and Vue makes it even easier when it comes to building mobile apps. This launch comes with a shiny new website and extensive d...


  Internet trends and your web development strategy

Takeaway: Ryan Boudreaux looks at some of the latest reports on how users are spending their time on the web. Keeping an eye on trends is one way for web developers to stay current. Recent figures in Internet activity include several interesting trends, including: the number of smartphone-user adoption rates Cyber Monday sales figures mobile banking app usage social networking on mobile social media hours spent online search habits Trends in worldwide Internet activity may or may not translate ...

   Internet trend,Mobile,Web design,Web app     2012-02-01 00:02:29

  Mark Zuckerbeg's hacker way

According to TechCrunch, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg wrote codes for the latest mobile IM application : Poke, the tone played when receiving push notifications is from the mouth of Zuckerberg. This approach reflects the way pursued by Zuckerberg : hacker way.As one of the earliest features of Facebook the "Poking" is invented by Zuckerberg, it is not surprising that Zuckerberg involves in Poke's development.Zuckerberg recorded his own voice on the phone initially just for fun. But he was later ...

   Poke,Facebook,Snapchat, Mark Zuckerberg     2012-12-24 12:01:52


Note: Google was kind enough to invite me to give a short talk at their Zeitgeist conference earlier this week. It was a really interesting conference and I got a chance to meet a lot of people I admire. For my talk, I decided to use material from some of my blog posts over the years that I thought might appeal to a broader audience. Unfortunately, I was still recovering from a nastly cold/flu so I didn’t deliver the talk as well as I’d like.  Below is the text.Today, I wanted...

   Investor,Startup,Lesson,Experience,Investment     2011-10-12 11:47:02

  Build your own internet search engine - Part 2

After having started to build my own internet search engine as described in a previous blog post, I now have read some papers and books about web search engine architecture and information retrieval to complete my hobby project. Here is a list of papers and books that I highly recommend to anybody who is interested in this topic: 1. Google: data structures and algorithms by Petteri Huuhka 2. The Anatomy of a Large-Scale Hypertextual Web Search Engine by the Google founde...

   Search engine,Paper,Database,Data structure     2011-12-22 08:25:59

  Coming up Next for JavaScript Web Apps Is Next.Js 3

Are wondering who is going to be the next PHP of the internet; except JavaScript. Next.js is all set to bring the PHP experience to JavaScript with its latest version. As the technology continues to be considered as a “win” amongst a number of developers across the globe, professionals are trying to improve it as much as they can. Because of its minimalist approach to server-rendered apps, this highly customizable framework can be recommendable for beginners as well as experienced pr...

   NEXT.JS3,JAVASCRIPT     2017-11-20 23:43:38