SEARCH KEYWORD -- Information leak

  Write Your Own R Packages

Introduction A set of user-defined functions (UDF) or utility functions are helpful to simplify our code and avoid repeating the same typing for daily analysis work. Previously, I saved all my R functions to a single R file. Whenever I want to use them, I can simply source the R file to import all functions. This is a simple but not perfect approach, especially when I want to check the documentation of certain functions. It was quite annoying that you can’t just type ?func&n...


  Two things I don’t like about Hacker News

Hacker News is a very famous IT information hub. We can find many useful links about the latest IT news and fantastic technology demos. But there are two things I don’t like about Hacker News. Maybe some of you also have the same feelings.1.  About the more link. Every time we click the more link to go to next page, there will be a unique key generated to produce the new page. It is a good security mechanism. Also it may increase pages views as we need to read page by page bu...

   Hacker news,More link,Submission,Security     2012-02-28 11:55:37

  A small trick on using console.log to print data in JavaScript

When debugging JavaScript application, one may frequently use console.log to print data so that it is easy to debug when issue occurs and also helps on understand the data flow. The common way of printing a variable would be something like.  let user = { name: "test" }; console.log(user); In this case it will print: { name: 'test' } This is OK when there is no much logging or the program is not complicated. But it becomes difficult to debug if there are lots of variables to be printed ...

   JAVASCRIPT,CONSOLE.LOG,DEBUGGING     2019-09-03 10:24:24

  Resolving SVN error "Error validating server certificate for..."

When using SVN to connect secure server, the server needs to send its certificate to the client for verification. In some cases, the certificate sent by the server is not a trusted certificate, the client may choose to trust the certificate if the server is target server for sure.  But users may get "Error validating server certificate for 'https://...'" the next time when they try to connect to the same secure server even if they specified "p" the first time when they are prompted to accep...

   SSL,SVN,SVN.SSL.SERVER     2016-06-27 07:36:49

  Apple will shut down Ping on 30th September

What? Apple also has social networks! Yes. Unfortunately, you just heard it and it is to be shut down. In fact, Apple launched Ping not too long ago, in September 2010, it was released together with iTunes 10.Ping allows users to share with your friends the music you are listening to, and you can even share concerts and activities information, and it supports for picture and link sharing. In addition, Ping also includes the "Top Ten" list of features that can be customized, each singer and the ...

   Apple,Ping,Social network     2012-09-12 22:21:31

  Google has done more for the world with ngrams

Data is valuable asset for a company in the Internet world. With data of users, a company can gain lots of benefits. They can push specified ads to users by analyzing user behaviors, they can even sell the data to third parties. Data is very important for a company's success, so some companies will keep their data secret in order to gain advantages over competitors. However, Google seems do it in another way. Google shared their ngrams text corpus publicly, which basically contains valuable info...

   Ngram,NLP,Data     2013-12-12 07:56:02

  Symbian is dead

Although Nokia has repeatedly indicated that it will give up Symbian, but no one thought their actions would be so fast. This morning, some people from Nokia Italy said Symbian's life will be ended prematurely. The source revealed some information of Symbian's future.  The Nokia 808 will be equipped with the Symbian Belle FP1 system, Nokia will soon provide updates to this hand phone with Symbian Belle FP2, the platform will no longer receive any updates there after..Of course, this also me...

   Nokia,Symbian,Death     2012-05-24 04:57:16

  Announcing New Feed Service

We’re thrilled to announce that Feed is now live! Feed brings you the hottest tech stories daily, covering trending topics like AI, LLMs, Rust, Python, and more. What is Feed? Feed is your personalized tech news curator. It uses AI to gather and filter the most relevant stories from around the world, ensuring you stay informed without being overwhelmed. Whether it’s a breakthrough in AI or a new feature in Rust, Feed delivers just the right amount of information. How Does It Work? F...

   AI,CHINESE,TECH FEED     2024-12-12 20:04:59

  Android 4.0+ occupies quarter of Android market

Google updates its developer page about Android platform version market share. From the latest data, we can find Android 4.0 and above system occupy around 25% of all Android market. But Android 2.3 Gingerbread still occupies over 50% of Android market. From the above chart, Android 4.0 has 23.7% market share, the latest Android 4.1 JellyBean takes 1.8%, these two have 25.5% market share in total. But Android 2.3 Gingerbread alone still dominates the Android market, it takes 55.8% market share....

   Google,Android,Share     2012-10-02 19:22:19

  Some laws of interactive design

The well known quote from Alan Cooper is   Conforming to the standard unless there is a better choice. There are some best practices in interaction design. How many do you know? 1. Fitts' Law The time from one start point to target point is determined by two parameters: The distance to the target and the size of the target. )D and W in above picture), the formula is : T=a+blog2(D/W+1). It was first proposed by Paul Fitts, it is mathematical model used to predict the time from any poin...

   interaction design, laws, Fitts' law     2012-11-16 11:25:24