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  Is Singapore a good place for startups?

Singapore is long time being considered as a perfect place for living and investing given its beautiful environment, warmly climate,  well-polished legal system and well-known richness. Its government is relatively young and open-minded. They like to take new challenges and embrace new technologies. It's the first country to open its government data to the world online. Many of you may consider that Singapore would be a perfect place for you to start your next startup. But the tr...

   SINGAPORE,STARTUP     2016-03-09 09:06:32

  Microsoft to launch Surface Pro 4 on October 6

Microsoft Microsoft has just updated on their website about an event to be held on October 6. This event will be held in New York at October 6 10am EDT.  As described by Microsoft : "We have some exciting news to share about Windows 10 devices". Although there are no details about what these Windows 10 devices are, many think this is the time when new Lumia Phones and Surface Pro 4 will be launched.  The Lumia devices will be Lumia 950 and Lumia 950XL. Both of them will be shipped wit...

   SURFACE PRO 4,MICROSOFT,WINDOWS 10,LUMIA     2015-09-15 07:31:56

  The new Surface RT may use Qualcomm Snapdragon processor

According to Sina Tech, Microsoft will launch its new Surface RT tablet equipped with Qualcomm processor . The source said, some of the new Surface RT will use Qualcomm Snapdragon processor, this processor will provide faster wireless data connection speed. The current Surface RT uses Nvidia's Tegra processor. Some versions of the Surface RT will continue to use Tegra processor. By adding Qualcomm processor as another option, Microsoft will further expand Surface RT function. Despite Microsoft h...

   Surface RT,Qualcomm,Processor     2013-06-19 08:11:03

  Build route graph of Hurricane Sandy

Hurricane Sandy swept US east side and landed in New York, it killed 113 persons and incurred 50 billion US dollars economic loss. Sandy is also considered as the most expensive hurricane. We will now use matplotlib and basemap libraries in Python to build a route graph of Sandy. Below is the animated GIF. Shadow is added in the graph to show the time at night, we can see from the graph that Sandy stayed a while in Panama after emerging, then it went through Cuba and became Hurricane-2. Late...

   Hurricane Sandy,Route graph,Python     2012-11-17 07:58:13

  Set PHP session timeout

There are many different discussions about PHP sessions. We may often face some weird issues while handling PHP sessions. Sometimes session is expired earlier than expected. Or sometimes the session is not expired. This introduces many confusions. Today we discuss how to set PHP session timeout correctly today. In php.ini, there are three key parameters which will affect the session timeout. session.gc_maxlifetime, session.gc_probability and session.gc_divisor. session.gc_maxlifetime defined the...

   PHP,session,timeout     2013-08-31 08:11:03

  Spurring the Consumer Feedback Loop with Connected Devices

In a press release from earlier this year, Gartner had predicted that by the year 2018 mobile devices would account for initiating 5% of consumer services cases, registering a marginal rise of 0.02% from 2014. Research shows that most businesses lose around a whopping $83 billion owing to poor consumer services (Source: kissmetrics) in the US alone while globally, the average cost of losing a consumer is $243. It is only viable to think of automating support services as a way to lower the costs ...

   Big Data Analytics Solutions, Loyalty Programs for Customers     2015-08-18 07:11:35

  2 million iPhone 5 sold in China in 3 days

Apple announces that since it was available in China from last Friday, iPhone 5 has been sold over 2 million units in 3 days. iPhone 5 was available for sale in China starting from 14th Dec, the price is 5288RMB and up, there are two cooperated vendors in China : China Telecom and China Unicom. They start sell iPhone 5 on their own sales channels, moreover Apple starts selling iPhone in their own Apple Store and official website. According to Tim Cook, because of the high demand of Apple product...

   iPhone 5, China, Sale     2012-12-17 12:27:59

  Why Apple Mac switches its CPU? The war between Intel and ARM

About three months ago, the new iPad Pro was released and it supports touch pad and mouse. It conveys a clear message to users that they want people to treat iPad Pro as a laptop.  As we know, iPad and iPhone are both using iOS, if iOS can run on laptop,  it means MacOS and iOS can merge and become a unified OS. And if Mac and iPhone can share the same OS, it means the same app can run in all places. It is becoming clearer and clearer that Apple is planning to do this exact thing. Late...

   APPLE,INTEL,ARM,WWDC,A14     2020-06-20 00:19:02

  Qihoo 360 confirms the cooperation with Google

Affected by the news that Qihoo 360 would cooperate with Google, Qihoo 360 and Baidu are treated differently in capital market at the beginning of 2013. Analysts have high expectations on Qihoo 360 and increase its performance expectations for fiscal year 2013, while Baidu suffered price target downgrades.According to Sina technology news, Qihoo 360 confirmed this news to ZDNet, but they refused to disclose more details. According to Qihoo 360, there is some kind of cooperation existed between ...

   Qihoo 360, Google, Search, Baidu     2013-01-04 12:06:17

  Google launched new Chromebook in cooperation with Samsung

According to report from technology blog GigaOm, Google and its partner Samsung launched a new Chromebook and Chromebox yesterday, mainly targeting at education and corporation market.New Chromebook looks like any other 12.1 inch computer, while Chromebox is a mini PC that can be connected to peripherals such as keyboard, mouse and monitor, just like Apple’s Mac Mini. Currently prices for Chromebook and Chromebox are $499 and $329 respectively.They both are equipped with Intel Core proces...

   Google,Chromebook,Samsung     2012-05-30 04:58:28