5 Must See HTML5 Sites

With the release of the iPad, HTML5 technology has recently come into the spotlight.  The format that will likely kill Adobe’s Flash is a lot of fun to use, but we’ve  not seen much of it yet. The good news is that you don’t have to wait until the iPad is in your hands to see what HTML5 can do.  If you have a compatible browser, there are already a wealth of sites that show off the capabilities. First, make sure that you have a browser that is capable of ...

   HTML5,Web,Website,Demo     2011-07-01 11:24:44

  The Tale Of Perfect Checkout Page & Magento Online Store

I bet you've already googled every bit of advice on how to win customers. You've installed and integrated bazillions of extensions and marketing tools, rewritten every piece of text on your site, redesigned and rebranded your Magento store. In case you're still wondering why clients keep coming and going away without purchasing your goods, this article is for you. I solemnly declare that every single piece of advice on leading a customer to buy from your online store, you've read so far is imper...

   magento, magento user experience, ecommerce, online business     2015-04-16 21:15:09

  5 good anti SOPA designs

The Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA) is a United States bill to expand the ability of U.S. law enforcement to combat online copyright infringement and online trafficking in counterfeit goods. Its goal is to protect the intellectual-property market and corresponding industry, jobs and revenue. However since its proposal, many organizations protest against it as they believed it would threaten free speech and innovation, and enable law enforcement to block access to entire internet domains due t...

   SOPA,PIPA,design     2013-12-24 03:26:31

  The Number One Trait of a Great Developer

Maybe the best programmers aren’t those who spectacularly solve crazy problems, but those who don’t create them, which is much more silent. – Lena HerrmannWhen I look around at other companies hiring Ruby on Rails developers, I see them focusing on three major traits: Super-smart; Large community following; Deep Ruby knowledge. They’re all wrong. While these are great aspects in moderation, they all miss the number one quality of a fantastic developer: Judge...

   Developer,Trait,Judgement,No. 1     2011-11-05 06:49:19

  How I Became a Programmer

I posted a very brief response to a post on HackerNews yesterday challenging the notion that 8 weeks of guided tutelage on Ruby on Rails is not going to produce someone who you might consider a "junior RoR developer." It did not garner many upvotes so I figured that like most conversation on the Internet it faded into the general ambient chatter. Imagine my surprise when I woke up to couple handfuls' worth of emails from around the world asking me what I did, how I did it, an...

   Programmer,Advice,Method,Study     2011-11-24 09:14:50

  What does super.clone() do?

Object class has a protected clone() method declared to make it possible for all classes make a clone of itself when needed. The clone() is often used when a new instance of the class is needed while at the same time to maintain the same state as the original object. Any class which wants to have clone enabled has to implement the marker interface Cloneable. If a class which implements Cloneable doesn't override the Object.clone() method, the Object.clone() method will be called to just make a b...

   Cloneable,super.clone(),clone,Java     2015-01-07 05:25:52

  Why do C++ folks make things so complicated?

This morning Miroslav Bajtoš asked “Why do C++ folks make things so complicated?” in response to my article on regular expressions in C++. Other people asked similar questions yesterday. My response has two parts: Why I believe C++ libraries are often complicated.Why I don’t think it has to be that way. Why would someone be using C++ in the first place? Most likely because they need performance or fine-grained control that they cannot get somewhere else. A Ruby programmer...

   C++,Complicated,C++ PRogrammer,Design pattern     2011-12-31 15:45:39

  I'm not good enough to work on open source software

Actually, that's not true - I've produced plenty of open source software over the years.  However, in a sense, it is true: only the very best actually get paid to work on open source software full time, and I'm not one of them.  People like Linus Torvalds.  People like Guido van Rossum, although even he supposedly divides his time, and does not work on Python full-time. Think about that.  Python is a hugely popular programming language used by many companies and ind...

   Open source,Free,Money,Full-time     2012-04-16 13:27:35

  Is Python all set to triumph over Java?

Python is one of the top programming languages of the present time. A variety of companies with different backgrounds and offerings have embraced the capabilities of Python to make wonderful tech products. As, Java is also known to be one of the most recognized languages, therefore, there is a constant battle that takes place between the two languages. Python wants to dethrone Java as the number one, whenever it is and vice versa. It is like the tussle between Android and iOS which is never endi...

   JAVA,DEVELOPMENT,PYTHON,DJANGO     2018-08-28 01:32:56

  List of freely available programming books

Meta-ListsHow to Design Programs: An Introduction to Computing and Programming25 Free Computer Science EbooksFree Tech BooksMindView IncWikibooks: ProgrammingCheat Sheets (Free)CodePlex List of Free E-BooksBook Training - On Video!Sofware Program Managers Network - Free EBooksEBook Share @ linbai.infoFreeBooksClub.NetTheassayer.orgO'Reilly's Open Books ProjectTechBooksForFree.comGalileo Computing (German)Microsoft Press: Free E-BooksGraphics ProgrammingGPU GemsGPU Gems 2 - ch 8,14...

   Free,eBook,Links,Programming,List     2011-11-14 08:03:34