File upload once again

File upload is one of the oldest operation of web design. After 20 years, it's still has no big change, difficult to handle, lack of interaction and poor user experience. Web developers have thought many methods to improve the experience of uploading file in web apps, they developed various plugins based on different JavaScript libraries. However, because of the difference among different web browsers, there is no common interface which makes these plugins work properly or easily on all web brow...

   Web design, File upload, Asynchronous,HTML5     2012-09-02 11:52:21

  A Few Lessons I Learned After Having Failed

I’ve missed more than 9000 shots in my career. I’ve lost almost 300 games. 26 times, I’ve been trusted to take the game winning shot and missed. I’ve failed over and over and over again in my life. And that is why I succeed.- Michael JordanIt was mid 2008 and Younique was doing reasonably well. However, I had an itch that I needed to scratch. I wanted to build a mobile advertising platform – think DoubleClickmeets AdMob. At the time the mobile adverti...

   Lesson,Career,Success,Failure,Mobile advertising     2011-10-17 11:21:55

  Why there is white/blank space instead of AdSense ad on my website?

Usually if you see on your website a white/blank space instead of Adsense ads, this means that Adsense cannot show adds in that unit for some reasons (we are going to talk about possible reasons below) and also you have enabled the “Fill space with a solid color” feature (in the “Choose what to display if no relevant ads are available” settings of this ad unit). I probably should also say that if you set “Show public service ads” instead of the “F...

   AdSense,Ads,Blank,Reason,Solution     2011-07-25 12:52:29

  Have you used these JavaScript libraries before?

Are you a vanilla JavaScript developer or a JavaScript library lover?  If you are a vanilla JavaScript developer, please feel free to step away silently because you may not get what you want, but if you are a library or framework lover, please bookmark this page as what we list below are what you may use in the future. There are tons of JavaScript libraries created to ease the headache of developers who have to deal with different browsers on different devices. You may use some of them befo...

   JavaScript,Framework,Library     2014-09-27 22:06:55

  Convert JKS to BKS using keytool

There are lots of questions(question 1, question 2) on Stackoverflow about how to convert JKS keystore to BKS keystore(a keystore format provided by BouncyCastle) using Java keytool.  The reason why this conversion gets lots of questions is that BKS is not a keystore format supported by Java SE, it's a third party keystore format. To convert JSK to BKS, the BKS provider has to be downloaded first. And a few more options needs to be added when running the keytool command. The typical co...

   JKS,BKS,KEYTOOL,JAVA,SECURITY     2016-07-14 03:49:52

  About JavaScript source map

Last week jQuery 1.9 was released. This is the last release before jQuery 2.0. It adds many new functions, one of them is the source map. By accessing , you can scroll to the last line and you will see below line :  //@ This is source map, it is a separate file and it is put at the same directory as the source file. You can click here and see what it looks like. It's an very useful functio...

   Source map, JavaScript, jQuery     2013-02-01 07:06:44

  String intern in Java

In Java, == is used to compare whether two objects have the same memory location, equals() is usually used to compare whether two objects have the same time and the same state.  When comparing two strings, normally we just want to know whether they have same content, so we can choose equals(). But since String comparison is so frequently needed, Java has worked on the String class to make == workable when comparing two String literals. The String class maintains a pool of emp...

   JAVA,STRING     2016-04-10 03:35:25

  Speed Hashing

A given hash uniquely represents a file, or any arbitrary collection of data. At least in theory. This is a 128-bit MD5 hash you're looking at above, so it can represent at most 2128 unique items, or 340 trillion trillion trillion. In reality the usable space is substantially less; you can start seeing significant collisions once you've filled half the space, but half of an impossibly large number is still impossibly large. Back in 2005, I wondered about the difference between a checksum and...

   Speed hashing,Security,MD5     2012-04-07 10:35:15

  WeChat owns 70 million users now out of China

According to 36 Kr, on this year's Tencent Partner Conference, Tencent president Zhiping Liu announced that WeChat had more than 70 million users out of China, it entered Malaysia, Thailand, India, Indonesia, the Middle East, Mexico and other countries. And it has become the No.1 IM app in Mexico .While in early April, WeChat had only 40 million users abroad. In just three months, 30 million news users started to use WeChat.Tencent spares no effort to promote WeChat to the international market. ...

   WeChat,Internationalization,China,Tencent     2013-07-03 03:09:34

  Glass Button in Photoshop

These days glass buttons seem to be very popular. You can find glass buttons in Windows Vista and all around the Web. Other popular buttons are metallic and plastic buttons. All these buttons have one thing in common: They are all shiny. Some people call these kinds of buttons Web 2.0 buttons. Here I cover the creation of two different glass buttons in Adobe Photoshop CS3. Both glass buttons utilize the same principles. Once you have completed this tutorial you should be able to apply ...

   PhotoShop,Glass button,Rounded button,Design     2011-10-10 13:55:46