Not better, but different

The most important feature of Apple products is usability--Simple, aesthetic, easy to use.Their products may not necessarily the most powerful, but they usually are the easiest to use. Following picture show a Mac (left) and a PC(right), which one looks better?Many products are trying to mimic these features, but one problem comes out:It's hard to keep a product simple while providing so many new features.If you continuously add new features to your product,  your product will become more c...

   Market positioning,Product manager     2012-05-19 13:29:20

  The significance of coding competition to actual work

Some friends asked this question: In secondary schools we participate in the NOI, in university we participate in ACM/ICPC, TopCoder.What's the significance of coding competition to actual work? I participated in the NOI from 1994 to 1996, ACM/ICPC from 1999 to 2000 and TopCoder in 2002 for six months. Later I paid little attention to coding competition, so I may not understand the changes in recent years and race mode . The capabilities we can get by participating the competition can be summari...

   ACM,Programming,Facebook,TopCoder     2013-02-28 20:38:23

  How to draw pentagram in HTML5 canvas

I wrote simple function to this magical symbol I like so much: 123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930<!doctype html><html><body>    <canvas id="c" width="500" height="500"></canvas>    <script> var ctx = (document.getElementById("c")).getContext("2d"); // draws rotated pentagram with or without cirlefunction pentagram( ctx, x, y, radius, rotate, circle ){    ctx.beginPath();&nbs...

   Html 5,Canvas,pentagram     2012-04-23 12:56:06

  Microsoft: Apple UI sucks, Metro UI is philosophy

Microsoft is a typical IT company of the last century - a huge strength, but turned a little less sensitive. Now, Microsoft is trying to change the tradition of no connection between home desktop and mobile system developers, the best indicator of this effort is their design.Microsoft products, especially software products, are now gradually using a simple, plain and neat appearance: Metro. But if you think the Metro is just on Windows 8, Windows Phone, the application market and Xbox Live,...

   Windows, Metro UI,Apple     2012-04-13 07:12:21

  Scala Macros

This is the home page of project Kepler, an ongoing effort towards bringing compile-time metaprogramming to Scala. Our flavor of macros is reminiscent of Lisp macros, adapted to incorporate type safety and rich syntax. Unlike infamous C/C++ preprocessor macros, Scala macros: 1) are written in full-fledged Scala, 2) work with expression trees, not with raw strings, 3) cannot change syntax of Scala. You can learn more about our vision of metaprogramming from our talks. We propose to enrich Scala ...

   Scala,Macro,Efficiency,Maintainebility     2012-02-01 00:12:15

  Some useful code editors for developers

A good code editor will save developers much work. It can help developers find syntax errors easily through code highlight capability. It also makes the code more readable and maintainable through the indentation. Here we recommend some excellent code editors which you may want to have a try. Compilr Compilr is an online IDE, it supports 8 languages as of now including : C, C++,C#,Java,JavaScript,PHP ,Python,Ruby and Visual Basic. Compilr is developed by Ninjia Otter Inc in Canada. CodeMirrow C...

   Code editor,Code highlight     2013-03-20 12:25:13

  Screen recording in Windows 10

Have you ever wondered how to take screen recording easily on Windows? Normally you would think to download some software online and install it on your machine such as Camtasia. However, many of them are either non-free or uneasy to use. Fortunately, there is a built-in tool provided in Windows 10 which can be used to take simple screen recording plus audio recording. The tool is called the Game Bar which is primarily intended for gamers to take screenshots of their plays and achievements. Don't...

   WINDOWS 10,GAME BAR,SCREEN RECORDING     2018-03-06 11:42:07

  10 HTML5 Demos to Make You Forget About Flash

You’ve probably been hearing a lot lately about how Flash is a dying technology and how it’ll soon be replaced by HTML5. Personally, I think that it will slowly replace Flash for some things, but Flash will always have a place, especially for developing complex games and rich internet applications. If you’ve yet to see what HTML5 can do, I’ve rounded up 10 demos that show off some of its capabilities. So what do you think – will HTML5 replace Flash? Canvas ...

   HTML5,CSS,Next web,Flash     2011-07-01 10:13:19

  5 Amazing Firefox Add-ons That Ensure Superior Software Testing

In this rapidly evolving IT world, quality has become the primary parameter to achieve a niche position. The IT professionals are using an array of advanced software testing tools to ensure an excellent quality of the application. And among this set of highly sophisticated software testing tools and techniques, web browser has emerged as one of the simplest, nicest and affordable means which can be easily used, even on a daily basis for testing life cycle of the application. In fact, there is h...

   software testing, web testing     2014-11-25 07:38:51

  /dev/null and /dev/tty in Linux

In Linux, there are two special files /dev/null and /dev/tty. /dev/null will drop all the data written to it, i.e, when program writes data to this file, it means the program has completed the data write operation. But in  fact it does nothing, if you just want the status of a command but not the output of a command, this feature will be very useful. See below shell codes:     /> vi        #!/bin/bash    if grep...

   Linux,/dev/null,/dev/tty     2013-03-04 02:23:23