Using Angular 2 with Asp.Net MVC/Asp.Net Core development professionals bring this post to explain the use of Angular 2 with MVC/ Core. You will read the overview of Angular 2 and Core at first in this post. Read the article to find how experts use Angular 2 with MVC / Core. Angular 2 Overview Angular 2 is the upcoming version of MV framework used for creating high level applications in browser. It contains everything needed to create a complex mobile or web apps from a variety of templates. Angular team recently re...

   ASP.NET DEVELOPMENT,ANGULAR 2, ASP.NET MVC     2016-10-29 05:15:06

  Software philosophy: Release early, release often vs polished releases

Release early, release often is a philosophy where you release the product as soon as possible and rapidly iterate it to perfection by listening to your customers. A polished release, on the other hand is where your product, in its initial version is solid, lacks obvious bugs and has just enough features to satisfy a majority of your consumers. Most software companies adopt either one of this and that choice is not superficial. In fact, it roots down to the heart of the company’s i...

   Design philosophy,Release early,Release often,Polished relaese     2011-11-28 09:22:17

  Developing Game Audio with the Web Audio API

Caution: This article discusses APIs that are not yet fully standardized and still in flux. Be cautious when using experimental APIs in your own projects. Introduction Audio is a huge part of what makes multimedia experiences so compelling. If you've ever tried watching a movie with the sound off, you've probably noticed this. Games are no exception! My fondest video game memories are of the music and sound effects. Now, in many cases nearly two decades after playing my favorites, I still c...

   Web Audio,HTML5,Game audio     2012-04-15 01:25:23

  JavaScript efficiency catch up

JavaScript is a very flexible language, we can write JavaScript code freely with various styles, different kinds of codes will have different execution efficiency. Here we summarize some tips we get from our development. Efficiency of JavaScript itself JavaScript has execution context chain, closures, prototype inheritance, eval etc. It brings us some magic features, but it also introduces the performance issue, if we don't use them properly, it will affect the codes execution efficiency. 1. Glo...

   JavaScript,efficiency,event delegation,eval     2013-04-02 04:08:46

  The business of software

Inspired by a talk I gave yesterday at the BOS conference. This is long, feel free to skip!My first real job was leading a team that created five massive computer games for the Commodore 64. The games were so big they needed four floppy disks each, and the project was so complex (and the hardware systems so sketchy) that on more than one occasion, smoke started coming out of the drives.Success was a product that didn't crash, start a fire or lead to a nervous breakdown.Writing software...

   Software,Design,Business,Software design     2011-10-29 07:22:09

  8 Things To Love & Hate About Outsourcing Employees

What is the dirtiest word in business? Chances are that the word ‘outsourcing’ comes to mind. Many Americans despise it, many business owners shy away from it and many entrepreneurs depend on it. Regardless of what side of the issue you are on, it is important to know that it exists and will continue to exist. Why? Because there are a lot of things to love about outsourcing.As a business owner and tech entrepreneur who exists in a hyper-competitive market, I have used outsourcing to...

   Employee,Outsourcing,Merits,Disadvantage     2011-11-12 10:16:13

  The Greatest Hacks of All Time

Reader's advisory: Wired News has been unable to confirm some sources for a number of stories written by this author. If you have any information about sources cited in this article, please send an e-mail to sourceinfo[AT] In 1972, John T. Draper discovered he could make free long-distance phone calls using a whistle from a Cap'n Crunch cereal box. The whistle emitted a 2,600-hertz tone that got him into the internal authorization system at the phone company. With another noi...

   Hack,Greatest,All time     2012-02-29 05:05:42

  Top 7 M-Commerce Trends to Pay Attention in 2018

Ever since eCommerce came to mobile, new technologies have been providing an advanced shopping experience to the users. Every year new concepts are introducing in the industry to improve the ways users are shopping through smartphones, tablets, and other mobile devices. Pieces of evidence advocate that more than 80% of buyers prefer using smartphones than computers to search products, compare prices and, locate stores. According to Statista, m-commerce revenue is forecasted to reach $669 b...


  Python for the Web

Python is the best language in the world for interacting with the web, and I'm going to show you why.This article will give an extremely high level overview of how to use python for the web. There are many ways you can interact with the web using python, and this post will cover all of them. This includes python web scraping, interacting with APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) and running your own python web site using python server software. There are many ways to do all these thing...

   Python,Web,Interaction,Communication,Network     2011-10-19 14:19:11

  A brief guide to tech internships

Planning to be an Intern in the Bay Area during Summer 2012? Make sure to read an Intern's Guide to the Bay Area, and join the 2012 Facebook group.  (via this guy, via this guy) Joel Spolsky, from the Joel On Software blog and StackOverflow, wrote an article with Advice for Computer Science College Students back in '05. According to Joel,  No matter what you do, get a good summer internship. As such: here’s everything you ever wanted to know about tech inter...

   Internship,Advice,CS student     2012-02-01 04:48:31