SEARCH KEYWORD -- Good programmer

  User experience : Exception handling

Exception handling is the process of handling emergencies or unpredictable operational errors. The specific time of the occurrence of unexpected events and the actual consequences of the specific situation are difficult to predict. How to handle this unexpected crisis is also related to the user experience of your users. Let's first look at how some famous products deal with unexpected exception encountered by users:1. Goodyear tires can automatically expand when leaking.Tire blast is one of the...

   User experience,Exception handling     2013-04-06 05:05:04

  How GitHub Works: Creativity is Important

We want to foster a creative environment. We love it when employees hack on side projects. It gets people excited. Excitement is contagious, and spreads easily from one project to another. Even if we’ll never make money on that side project, the excitement generated from it can bleed into things that will make us money. Alcohol It’s no secret that there’s more than a few people at GitHub who like to drink. I mean, we have four beers on-tap at the office in our kegerator. B...

   GitHub,HR,Creativity,Innovation,Recruitm     2011-08-19 07:46:07

  Learn from Haskell - Functional, Reusable JavaScript

Learn You a Haskell: For Great Good? For the last couple months I have been learning Haskell. Because there are so many unfamiliar concepts, it feels like learning to program all over again. At i.TV, we write a lot of JavaScript (node.js and front end). While many functional/haskell paradigms don’t translate, there are a few techniques that JS can benefit from. There are Haskell library functions for everything. At first I thought this was just because it was mature, but then I notice...

   JavaScript,Haskell,Functional,Reusability,Feature     2012-02-21 05:30:51

  Thoughts on Running an Open Source Project

I spoke in the unconference at PHPUK last week, on running an open source project. I thought I would collect together my thoughts into one place before I lose the scratty piece of paper I wrote them down on. I'm not sure I'm the right person to be giving advice exactly, but these are the things that, having been project lead on for a while, I think are important. Community I love it when people share their code, just make something and publish it, but to my mind it isn't an open...

   Open source,Management,Readme,Community     2012-03-06 05:25:27

  Why I Use Vim

I've been using MacVIM as my editor of choice for a couple of years now, yet in many ways I still feel like a beginner. Every day I am learning more and more about my editor, but it takes a conscious effort to become proficient with an editor like Vim. Here's why I make that effort. Editors are something that are very personal; they have to fit with your own work flow approach to programming. If you have ever stopped to think about it, the way each person goes about editing text is quite differe...

   Vim,Editor,Feature     2012-01-11 12:03:35

  Remove duplicated elements in JavaScript array

During interviews, one frequent question asked would be something like how to remove duplicated elements in a JavaScript array and how many different ways you can think of. The interviewee would also be asked to write the code down. In real applications, normally front end would not need to handle this case since normally it would be done by backend, but still it's necessary for front end developers to know different ways of doing this. This post will share some of the common ways to remove dupl...


  Top 5 Reasons Not to Use Hadoop for Analytics

As a former diehard fan of Hadoop, I LOVED the fact that you can work on up to Petabytes of data.  I loved the ability to scale to thousands of nodes to process a large computation job.  I loved the ability to store and load data in a very flexible format.  In many ways, I loved Hadoop, until I tried to deploy it for analytics.   That’s when I became disillusioned with Hadoop (it just "ain't all that"). At Quantivo, we’ve explored many ways to deploy H...

   Cloud computing,Hadoop,Analytics     2012-04-17 13:43:26

  Inspiration vs. Imitation

Every now and then I get a really lovely email from an aspiring letterer that is about to publish a passion project of his or her own. They tell me my work was an inspiration and that they can’t wait to share their creation with the world. I feel all warm and fuzzy inside for a moment…until I click on their link and realize that much of what they intend to publish is nearly a direct tracing of my work. A lot of established illustrators and designers deal with the same ...

   Designer,Copy,Divisify,Classification,Judgement,History     2011-12-05 12:26:38

  How to secure an Ubuntu Apache web server

Securing server software is not a straightforward task. Not all of our operating environments are the same, leading to a variety of potential security vulnerabilities. However, using a few basic configuration and security options, you can stay a little ahead of where you want to be. 1. Fail2ban Fail2ban is a Python-based intrusion prevention software that detects and blocks malicious IP addresses from multiple unsuccessful attempts at software logins. In other words, if someone is attempt...

   Unix server security,Log,.htaccess,Cache     2011-12-27 09:25:32

  Products born for Cloud

Cloud computing has become increasingly popularity among companies. It greatly saves the investment of infrastructure and training with everything is running on cloud, it also improves the accessibility and flexibility of service provided by companies. With its popularity, many products are born or becoming popular to help build and move the apps to the cloud. Some well known names of these products are Vagrant, Docker/LXC, Chef and OpenStack. These tools can help create, test and deploy applica...

   Cloud,Openstack,Docker,Vargrant,LXC,Chef     2015-01-25 02:27:11