SEARCH KEYWORD -- Good programmer

  Macro vs. Micro Optimisation

So there's recently been a bit of hype about another Colebourne article: I'd like to respond to a few points he makes. First - You should evaluate Scala and pay attention to its benefits and flaws before adopting it.  Yes, there are flaws to Scala.   Working at typesafe makes you more aware of some of them.  We're actively working to reduce/minimize/get rid of these.   In my opinion, the negat...

   Optimization,Performance,Micro,Macro,Software     2011-11-30 12:04:25

  How to Choose the Right Ruby on Rails Hosting Platform

Over the last decade, Ruby on Rails has become an increasingly popular framework for web-based apps. At its beginnings, hosting Rails was a real challenge and required a fair amount of relevant know-how. Nowadays, there are dozens of hosting platforms that provide cheap and accessible services for building and deploying Rails apps. In general, the choice of hosting should be based on your requirements and technical skills – some platforms are much more difficult to handle than others. Here...

   ruby on rails, ruby hosting     2015-01-30 06:27:47

  If PHP Were British

When Rasmus Lerdorf first put PHP together, he - quite sensibly, despite his heritage - chose not to write it in Greenlandic or Danish. Good job too - that would have been rather unpleasant to work with. He opted instead, being in Canada at the time, for the local tongue. No, not French - that bastard dialect of the Queen's English commonly referred to as "US English"1. PHP developers in Britain have been grumpy about this ever since. What was he thinking? And more importantly, how do we ...

   PHP,British,Class,Statement,Engilish like     2011-12-01 02:36:55

  Must-Have Tech for Your Living Room

The living room is considered by many to be the central point of the home. Therefore, it makes sense that you would want to equip it with lots of enhancements to make it more relaxing and a great place for entertaining yourself, members of your family or household, and any guests. With so many different technological advancements over the last couple of decades, though, you might be stuck as to what you should pick and what would fit in with your lifestyle. To help you out a little, we have put...

   SMART HOME,RADIO     2020-10-26 10:14:32

  How One Missing `var` Ruined our Launch

Well, that was a veritable shitstorm (sorry for the language).  Long story short, MelonCard was featured today on TechCrunch (along with other500Startups companies, also on VentureBeat, Forbes, …) and everything broke all at once.  Every. little. thing.  We had rolled out a huge change to MelonCard over the last few days to make our site a seamless “everything just updates” look-good / feel-good product using NodeJS lo...

   JavaScript,NodeJs,jQuery,Variable,Scope,Global     2011-11-02 13:01:22

  Unix Philosophy

First, let me tell two stories.The first one is one Japan soap factory had a problem that they sometimes shipped empty boxes to the customer without soap inside. So they spend much time and money to invent a X-ray machine to check whether the soap box is empty.The same thing happens in a small factory which doesn't have too much money. The solution of them to solve this problem is they use a desk fan to blow the empty boxes out of the belt and into a bin.The second story is NASA finds that in sp...

   Unix Philosophy,Simple,Rules     2012-05-06 06:49:26

  Who’s the winner: Python vs. Java, C/C++?

If there is one debate that never dies in the language community then it is this: Who’s the winner: Python Vs Java, C/C++. Obviously each has its own pros and cons, but in which language do the pros outnumber the cons or which language has better cons than others! For some it just comes down to familiarity, they like what they like!   The Numbers  But as far as the rest of the language world goes, the debate is still out there. By last count, Java, C and C++ were still winning. A...

   JAVA,INDIA,DEVELOPERS     2017-09-11 00:38:25

  The golden age of the developer

There’s never been a better time to be a developer, says The Kernel’s technical editor. But in exchange for all the resources laid out in front of you, what are you doing to give back? There’s never been a better time to be a developer. Thanks to an unprecedented range of open-source software, learning resources and useful web services at our disposal, we can learn new languages, get help, collaborate with others and, if our ideas win traction, there...

   Developer,Golden age,New idea,Angel investor     2011-12-22 08:23:12

  Go Error Best Practice

Being indulged in Go for quite a while and having implemented web-related programs, grpc interfaces and Operators, I seem to be an advanced beginner now. However, I am still a raw hand in production-environmental debugging, which is cumbersome if done by querying logs or error messages. Imagine the scenario that a full-text search is called when the specific location of the error log is missing. Then what happens when those error logs are not only in one place? Yes, my error logs can no longer h...

   GO ERROR,ERROR HANDLING     2021-10-07 07:38:28

  Why my Website Contact form is not converting enough traffic?

Contact forms are a very common part of any website and anybody can overlook them. Generally people try to choose it as their first solution but they do not realize that they are actually hurting the growth of their business. WordPress currently power more than 66 million websites but it would be good if your website is existing because of one of the most popular Content Management Systems of the world. Everyone starting from blogger to the person sitting next door use this tool for making their...

   website contact form tutorial     2014-11-17 05:04:03