SEARCH KEYWORD -- Good programmer

  Why Google+ Doesn’t Care If You Never Come Back

Ad targeting. Google+ is designed to power ad targeting, and for that it only needs you to sign up once. This lets it combine the biographical information you initially enter such as age, gender, education, employers, and places you’ve lived with your activity on Search, Gmail, Maps and all its other products to create an accurate identity profile. And this powers targeting of more relevant ads it can charge more for. So despite comScore showing that the average Google+ user only sp...

   Google+,Ads,comScore,Identity     2012-02-29 05:04:19

  Don't write on the whiteboard

I recently interviewed at a major technology company. I won't mention the name because, honestly, I can't remember whether I signed an NDA, much less how strong it was.I did well. Mostly because of luck. I normally step over myself when I interview. I guess I've improved over the years. Here are a few tips to ace your own interview.1. Don't write on the whiteboardWhen I interviewed at Palantir around 5 years ago, I had a lot of trouble with this. Yes, I knew next to nothing about compu...

   Interview,Preparation,Whiteboard,Note,Python     2012-01-11 11:31:32

  I don’t like the Ruby 1.9 hash syntax

There, I said it, I don’t like it. And I don’t know why you do either. I assume you like it anyway, everyone else I talk to seems to. My heart sank over and over again whilst I was at the recent RailsConf and saw respected rubyist after respected rubyist using the new Ruby 1.9 hash syntax in their presentations. I just don’t get it. But I’m not one to just moan. I plan to justify my feelings. Then maybe you can tell me why you do like it? My friend the hash rocket I ...

   Ruby,1.9,Hash,Feature     2011-12-14 07:05:09

  Tips and tricks about JavaScript from Google

JavaScript is now a very popular client side language. It's flexible, powerful but easy to make mistakes. So good programming style is better for you to write efficient and readable JavaScript codes. Here are some tips and tricks about JavaScript from Google. True and False Boolean Expressions The following are all false in boolean expressions: null undefined '' the empty string 0 the number But be careful, because these are all true: '0' the string [] the empty array {}&n...

   JavaScript, Google, Coding standard     2013-02-26 23:11:03

  Why We Moved Off The Cloud

Cloud computing is often positioned as a solution to scalability problems. In fact, it seems like almost every day I read a blog post about a company moving infrastructure to the cloud. At Mixpanel, we did the opposite. I’m writing this post to explain why and maybe even encourage some other startups to consider the alternative.First though, I wanted to write a short bit about the advantages of cloud servers since they are ideal for some use cases.Low initial costs. Specifically, you...

   Cloud,Cloud computing,Mixpanel,Get off,Disadvantage,Drawback     2011-10-28 10:22:32

  Battlelog: Modern Web Applications are Here

It's the shooter season of the year and this fall was all about Modern Warfare 3 versus Battlefield 3. And being the kind of game they are they also try to keep their audience playing by introducing some additional level of engagement. Both Call of Duty and Battlefield introduced their own online community websites and statistic platforms. Call of Duty has Elite, Battlefield has Battelog.But just because these services are sitting in the same spot it does not mean they are in any way similar. An...

   Game,Call of duty,Elite,Battlelog,Web platform     2011-11-15 08:11:40

  Going Simple with JavaScript

I was making a change to a page that needed to pull from a remote API and make changes to various parts of the page. Sounds like the time to pull out jQuery and Ajax, doesn't it? Instead, I just used old fashioned JavaScript. Actually, I used new fashioned JavaScript. Browsers haven't stood still in the advent of libraries and frameworks. As a result, we can take advantage of those features when we need to bake in a little extra. Some JSONP The first step was to get the JSONP call execu...

   JavaScript,new version,new addition,JSONP,querySelectorAll     2012-03-06 05:22:59

  How-to: Remotely shut down your computer

Think of this scenario; You are lying in bed and just finished watching a movie that you were streaming from a computer downstairs. You want to sleep, but you need to head downstairs to turn the computer off. Save some time, and do it from the computer upstairs.There are a number of ways that you can restart or shutdown remote computers. You could use a remote desktop connection, but there are quicker ways and we will look at them today.This article will show you various methods you ca...

   Windows,Shutdown,Remote control,Cmd     2011-10-10 06:18:44

  Necessary Elements for Developing a Website

Website has given businesses a great way to communicate with their existing customers. Without a user-friendly and attractive website, you may not receive as many customers as you may have expected prior launching your website. Therefore, it is usually advisable to outsource your web development services to one of the best web development companies in Singapore. Web development services in Singapore ensures proper development of your website without missing out on any important element. These a...


  Top 8 website operation laws

As a website operator, in addition to have some necessary professional knowledge to master a website, such as prototype planning, interaction design, SEO, as well as basic html code, you should also know more about some of the theories which are good for site operations to ensure that the site can be long-term, stable. 1. Law of 250 Girard thinks every person knows at least 250 people. If you win the goodwill of a customer, it means you win the goodwill of 250 individuals; Conversely, if you off...

   Website management,Rules     2012-09-13 20:55:50