SEARCH KEYWORD -- Good programmer

  How The Web Became Just Another Interface to the Cloud

This post is part of our ReadWriteCloud channel, which is dedicated to covering virtualization and cloud computing. The channel is sponsored by Intel and VMware. Read the case study about how Intel Xeon processors and VMware deliver unprecedented reliability in the face of RAM errors.For years, everyone was talking about the convergence of interfaces. The Web, and as a result, the browser, were "clearly" about to take over as the major platforms and cloud computing emerged. Then, in March 2008, ...

   Cloud,Web,Interface,Reason     2011-11-14 02:43:10

  Coming back, Nokia?

Nokia officially unveiled an Windows Phone 8 phone model Lumia 920T in cooperation with China Mobile in yesterday's Global Developer Conference of China Mobile. This is the first to support China Mobile's TD-SCDMA 3G mobile phone network standard in the Windows Phone ecosystem, it that Windows Phone is available in TD camp. Meanwhile, as China Mobile's official custom models, Lumia 920T will be sold using China Mobile's sales channel, this may further promote the sales of Nokia Windows Phone dev...

   Nokia, China Mobile, Lumia 920T,TD-SCDMA     2012-12-06 13:17:24

  CSS Animation vs. JavaScript: Which One Is Better?

You know that there are two ways of creating animations on the web: with CSS and JavaScript. And, their selection completely depends on the dependencies of the project. But many web developers hold a wrong perception that CSS is the only way of creating the animations. In fact, CSS has established as the most pampered system of the web development industry and most of the developers recommend it because it is mobile-friendly and powerful system. No doubt CSS is good, but JavaScript is the best....

   CSS animation, JS animation     2015-07-24 02:45:01

  Java Development : Overcomes Challenges of Security, Flexibility, and Performance

While launching any web application, a development company faces a challenge that is choosing the programming language for developing it. Though, there are many options available for companies to deliver app solution to businesses, such as .net, C++, Python, PHP, Ruby, and their derivatives; still many believe that java can be a good choice for development of apps. A java development company can make amazing app solutions by leveraging their development team’s skills and expertise. But the...

   Java development services     2015-05-20 09:05:50

  JavaScript: Private variables

The first thing you often hear when talking about JavaScript is often “JavaScript doesn’t have visibility modifiers, hence it doesn’t support private variables”. This is only valid for 50%, because JavaScript indeed doesn’t have visibility modifiers (public, private, friend) but it has closures and function scopes. With these tools we can make variables private. Let’s take the following function: var names = ["Kenneth", "John", "Marc", "Robert"]; var lookup =...

   JavaScript,private variable,closure     2012-04-28 11:46:34

  4 asynchronous programming methods in JavaScript

You may know the execution environment of JavaScript is single threaded. The so called single thread means only one task can be running at any time, if there are many tasks, they need to be in a queue and wait for the previous task to be completed. The advantage of this mode is it's easy to implement and the execution environment is relative simple; the disadvantage is that if one task takes long time, the tasks following it must wait in the queue and this will delay other tasks consequently. Th...


  Emotion analysis on Twitter for past 5 years

Emotion analysis is a new research direction in computer science in these years, what it does is expressing emotions and feelings of people with data. The means to do emotion analysis include natural language processing, statistical and signal processing. The platforms which are most suitable for emotion analysis are also microblogging like social networking platform, Twitter is one good example.Computing Laboratory of the University of Vermont project Hedonometer conducted emotion analysis for...

   Emotion analysisTwitter,Hedonometer,happiness     2013-05-08 06:17:25

  That’s Not TDD

A few months ago I was visiting a client who was having a lot of problems using TDD. “It takes over half an hour to run our unit tests,” he said. “You are not doing TDD,” I said. “In order for tests to be valuable all of them must run fast—within a few seconds, or developers will stop running tests frequently.” “But how to I make them run fast?” he asked, “Just connecting to the database takes 30 seconds” So I showed him a techn...

   TDD,Driver,QA,Model,Uncontrol,Method     2011-08-25 02:26:29

  10 Technological Trends that are Affecting Life of Teachers

Technology has reached the level where people think that they do not need anybody to teach them new things. When you do not know about anything, you simply Google it and get the answer. All this is good but in actual it is affecting the life of our teachers. So, whatever conclusions these folks have who are arriving today will always influence everyone else who is working in childhood education through their high school. Let us see how they are affecting the life of the teachers:  &nbs...

       2014-12-01 01:38:04

  Creativity requires isolation

How many times have you tried to get something done that needed some touch of originality and creativity and yet got that annoying mind block which is manifested by blank stares, scratching and biting on anything in reach? “all the damn time” I hear? As preconditions to be creative, one should know something well while having the utmost focus on it. Someone who knows little about aerodynamics can’t come up with the idea for next concord. And focus has two aspects: kno...

   Creativity,Isolation,Quiet,Paper,Pen     2011-11-28 09:33:57