SEARCH KEYWORD -- Good programmer

  Can API be copyrighted? At least Oracle hopes so

  The result of the lawsuit case war between Oracle and Google is clearer now. The court said that 9 lines of code of Android has violated intellectual property right, these 9 lines of code can be ignored relative to the number of codes for the whole Android system. But just like LinuxToy points out that the reasons why this case catches so much attention are : 1). The amount of money Oracle asked from Google is $1 billion; 2). The statement says Java language itself doesn't violate the int...

   Oracle,Google,API,Copyright,Lawsuit case     2012-05-11 00:47:58

  Best Tips for a brilliant responsive design

Portability of mobile devices have made it easier for the users to access internet. Consequently , this has increased a lot of of mobile traffic and has given birth to new terms such a mCommerce. Now the point is that as we know that technology is ephemeral , will we keep on investing time and money every time a new gadget is launched? Indeed yes, because this is what market demands!  But what if I say a that there is a technology which is independent of the size of the devices or a technol...

   responsive, mobile     2015-07-01 01:25:37

  What is the Right Length of a Blog Article?

The length of your blog posts can build your website or break it. If you thought that this is a myth then you are wrong. Pleasing the search engines is one of the targets of SEO efforts. However, you have to please your visitors as well. With good traffic then you will get good ranking on the Search Engine Results pages (SERPs). One of the best ways to increase your traffic is to make sure that once a visitor lands on your site then they will come again for more information. The length of your b...

   DIGITAL MARKETER ,SEO,SEO TOOLS     2016-03-05 04:18:28

  Interesting program comments

With Google Code Search, we can search some interesting code snippets comments. Some of them are interesting. Programming is not a boring task if you have a good attitude. Lets see some funny comments. Have fun.Not very confident :Dragon everywhere :One more angry comment :I told them earlier:F**K:Don't look following programs:Author :  陈皓 Source :

   Programming,comment,interesting     2012-04-23 06:51:05

  Good bye, IE8, Google Apps leaves you

Google Apps team annouced not supporting IE 8 and lower version of IE, this will affect every Google App user including commercial, education and government. The time for leaving IE 8 is 15 November, at that time, IE 10 will be released for a few weeks. Google Apps team explained here: As we announced last year, we support the latest version of Google Chrome (which automatically updates whenever it detects that a new version of the browser is available) as well as the current and prior major re...

   IE8, Google apps     2012-09-17 11:33:00

  New Android simulator has some big improvements

Message from the Android developer blog, the Android emulator now has a number of improvements and optimizations. It allows developers to develop applications more conveniently.The Android emulator is an important tool for Android developers developing and testing applications. Due to the rapid growth of Android hardware, the simulator has been slightly left behind. The new simulator brings some new functions including support for GPU, the CPU acceleration sensor support, multi-touch input suppo...

   Android, Simulator,GPU,OpenGL     2012-04-10 13:02:31

  Writing great JavaScript

I probably could have named this post something like “Writing clean, validating and portable JavaScript”, but that would be no where near as catchy. The problem with “great” is it means different things to different people. I am going to show you my idea of great which may differ from many developers views, but I hope it helps someone improve their code. So what’s the point in this, why can’t you just carry on writing JavaScript as you have been for a...

   JavaScript,Great,Clean,Tips     2012-03-24 05:18:12

  Multi-master,NoSQL and MySQL

The MySQL family has been innovating rapidly. New features need names and sometimes those names are confusing. Describing something as multi-master or a NoSQL solution has confused me.Multi-master requires one of conflict prevention, conflict resolution or faith. MySQL Cluster provides both conflict prevention and resolution as described in these great posts. Regular MySQL has minimal support for conflict prevention (auto-increment-offset can prevent insert conflict...

   MySQL,NoSQL,Comparison,RANT,Master     2011-10-17 11:30:42

  Paradigms of Iteration in JavaScript

One of the joys of programming is that no matter how simple a problem may seem there are always tons of ways to solve it. It can be good practice to go back and revisit fundamentals by solving simple problems with as many implementations as you can think of. In this post we'll explore approaches to basic iteration in JavaScript. This style of exercise is a good interviewing technique, too, because it's open ended and leads to good discussions. The focus isn't a tricky, wacky problem you're...

   JavaScript,Iteration,Wrap,Recursive,For,Loop     2012-01-08 10:11:15

  Looking for a Job? Learn Ruby, Python and be a Team Player!

What makes a great software engineer and perhaps more importantly, what skills will most likely land you a sweet job?  Mixtent and KISSMetrics analyzed LinkedIn data and surveyed users on perceptions of candidate skill levels based on their profiles and purported skill sets. The key findings? Python engineers are perceived as better engineersEngineers with teamwork, dedication and a solid work ethic are perceived as better engineers.  Creativity and communication skills are...

   Job seeking,Skills,Python,Ruby,Teamwork     2011-12-06 09:03:29