SEARCH KEYWORD -- Good programmer

  A crazy interview experience

How to be outstanding and get the offer after a job interview? Besides the strong technical background, we may still need some other skills such as how to ask questions during interview. Sometimes you may even do some crazy things. There is one question on Quora which is "What's the craziest thing you ever said (or did) at an interview and still got the job?". Among the answers, one answer is worth to be mentioned, the answer is from Stan Hanks and his answer is liked by 3859 people(As this arti...

   Quora,Interview,Strategy     2013-05-08 05:53:54

  10 design principles of Google data center

Google's data center supports the world's largest search engine, smart phone application platform and cloud computing services. The data center is Google's core engine and competitiveness. Over the years, Google also plays the role of the founder and innovator of large-scale web service data center technology. Its data center infrastructure design is also at the forefront of the industry, including renewable energy use, low-power refrigeration, new energy utilization as well as data center room ...

   Google,Data center,Design principle     2013-03-11 19:09:25

  Java Doesn't Need to Be So Bad

I do a lot of Java coding and I enjoy it. I admit that there is a lot of typing, often a lot of boilerplate and getting even simple tasks done can involve too much work. Most of the tools that try to fix these problems trade one moment saved for another lost. Maven's XML based configuration file is a good example: Thank you for making my project easier to manage and I won't forget that you made me edit XML to do so. These are the things that you live with, these are the things you trade for ...

   Java,Coding,Enterprise application,Tedious     2011-12-09 07:50:20

  iPhone 5 vs Samsung Galaxy S3 drop test

With the launch of the iPhone 5, there are quite a few companies starting the test of Apple's new darling. Recently, Android Authority released a video of a test. The test is about ropping iPhone 5 and Galaxy S3 three times from different heights, the result is not good to Galaxy S3, although two phones can still work, the Galaxy S3 screen almost completely torn.In daily life, we may pull out the phone from our pocket and hold it in our hand, put the phone to our ear. In these three cases, the p...

   iPhone 5,Galaxy S3,drop test     2012-09-21 23:42:18

  32-bit vs 64-bit

I have knowledge on 32-bit vs 64-bit, but not very clear minded. Here is a good article I found about it.   Understand there are 3 things involved: CPU, OS and application. To work on 64-bit, first thing first is: you need a 64-bit CPU. 64-bit CPU usually provide emulation for 32-bit system. Though some 32-bit application still cannot run on 64-bit OS, because they might contain 16-bit code. 32-bit system won't have com...

       2015-12-08 03:04:01

  Java API vs Framework

What is the difference between a Java Library and a framework? The two concepts are essentially important for a Java developer. The most important difference between a library and a framework is Inversion of Control. It means that when you call a library you are in control. But with a framework, the control is inverted: the framework calls you. (This is called the Hollywood Principle: Don’t call Us, We’ll call You.) This is pretty much the definition of a framework. Basicall...

   Difference,API,Framework,Library,Java     2011-12-19 13:40:33

  7 big mistakes that make your layout a disaster

Even though the web design field has become a real industry, building a website is part art, part science. The design of a website may attract people but it may also make them run away, it depends on the work of the web designer. The experience, the talent and the capacity of endeavor are the greatest tools of a web designer, a good layout is based on all of these and, besides that, it is a very time consuming activity.Making a good layout is difficult and judging its value is subjective, a desi...

   Web design,Mistakes,Content,White space     2011-11-24 03:36:23

  PHP: a fractal of bad design

Preface I’m cranky. I complain about a lot of things. There’s a lot in the world of technology I don’t like, and that’s really to be expected—programming is a hilariously young discipline, and none of us have the slightest clue what we’re doing. Combine with Sturgeon’s Law, and I have a lifetime’s worth of stuff to gripe about. This is not the same. PHP is not merely awkward to use, or ill-suited for what I want, or suboptimal, or...

   PHP,Design,Analysis     2012-04-11 13:46:57

  JavaScript as a First Language

At Khan Academy we've been investigating teaching Computer Science to students in some new and interesting ways. The most interesting aspect of which is that we're likely going to be teaching them JavaScript as their first language. We're in a very unique position as we're primarily aiming to teach students who've been through our previous math and science-centric curriculum. Because of this we can create some rather compelling exercises and projects that never would've been feasible other...

   JavaScript,Learning,First language,Inheritence,Prototype     2011-12-23 07:53:45

  A Python Optimization Anecdote

Hi! I’m Pavel and I interned at Dropbox over the past summer. One of my biggest projects during this internship was optimizing Python for dynamic page generation on the website. By the end of the summer, I optimized many of’s pages to render 5 times faster. This came with a fair share of challenges though, which I’d like to write about today:The ProblemDropbox is a large website with lots of dynamically generated pages. The more pages that are dynamically generat...

   Python,Anecodate,Optimization,Efficiency     2011-10-25 10:33:20