SEARCH KEYWORD -- Good programmer

  10 advice from Jack Ma on success

Jack Ma, the founder and executive chairman of the biggest e-commerce website in China, started his business with $20,000 that his wife and friends helped him raise. He is the first mainland Chinese entrepreneur to appear on the cover of Forbes. He is the richest man in mainland China with net worth of $22.5 billion.  During these years of running Alibaba Group, Jack Ma summarized 10 advice for success, these advice are coming from his experience and mistakes he made. ...

   Jack Ma, Alibaba, Advice, China     2015-08-30 03:53:53

  Is Facebook becoming Tencent like?

Recently there is news that Facebook is developing a Reader application which is to compete with Flipboard and Pulse. This reminds me a few movements of Facebook in the past few months. First they built a copy of Snapchat named Poke which failed badly at last. Then they launched a new feature on Instagram named Video on Instagram which allows users to shoot and share short videos up to 15 seconds. This feature is to compete with Vine from Twitter. It seems Instagram wins over Vine on this. You c...

   Facebook,Tencent,Copy     2013-06-24 01:17:27

  Jelly Bean becomes the most popular Android OS

Google released the latest Android usage stats on Monday. Jelly Bean becomes the most popular Android OS for the first time. It takes 37.9% Android market share(32.3% from 4.1.x and 5.6% from 4.2.x). Ginegerbread is at the second place and it has 34.1% Android market share. This is a good news to many Android developers as they can use many new features provided in the new system if there are more and more users are using the new OS. Also if Google wants to attract news users, they have to enco...

   Android,Jelly Bean,Usage     2013-07-09 04:52:28

  7 Resources Every JavaScript Developer Should Know

A web developer today is expected to be an expert in every aspect of their craft and JavaScript is no exception.  Years ago JavaScript seemed to be more of an annoyance, producing those trailers at the bottom of the browser.  This has changed and JavaScript is a first-class citizen as a functional programming language and what seems like an unlimited number of resources covering the language. I have been doing more and more JavaScript lately, both on the front-end and some node.js...

   JavaScript,Resource,Study,Website     2012-03-15 12:54:40

  Sorry, I don't want to download your fucking app

You should not claim yourself as a mobile Internet service provider if your product doesn't have an App nowadays. The topic cannot get away from App when we talk on bus, restaurant. Recently it becomes a little bit quiet, but the app wind does not seem to stop, it seems every website may have an App. According to data released by Apple a couple of days ago, its application store app downloads already exceeded 50 billion. However some people are not happy with this.Some people created a blog ...

   App,Update,Force download     2013-05-19 02:50:02

  How GitHub Works: Be Asynchronous

This is — by far — my favorite aspect of working at GitHub. Everything is asynchronous. Chat GitHub didn’t have an office for the first two years. Chat rooms (in our case, Campfire) is where things got done. Today we’ve moved into our second office, and Campfire is still where we get things done. There’s a reason for that: chat is asynchronous. Asynchronous communication means I can take a step out for lunch and catch up on transcripts when I get back. Async...

   GitHub,Work,Style,Asynchronous,Efficienc     2011-08-19 07:44:20

  Functional Programming in C++

Probably everyone reading this has heard “functional programming” put forth as something that is supposed to bring benefits to software development, or even heard it touted as a silver bullet.  However, a trip to Wikipedia for some more information can be initially off-putting, with early references to lambda calculus and formal systems.  It isn’t immediately clear what that has to do with writing better software. My pragmatic summary:  A large fraction of th...

   C++,Functional programming     2012-04-28 06:16:37

  Data Scientists and Their Harder Skills than Big Data

The field of data science is often confused with that of big data. Data science is an aid to decision makers in a company with a logical approach.  Who is a Data Scientist?  A Data Scientist reviews a huge collection of data(that may extend to a couple of terabytes of disk space or thousands of excel sheets). This humongous chunk of data is not feasible for being handled, sorted and analyzed by a single person. Here we require the help of data science, and most recently, the field of A...

   BIG DATA     2017-12-13 04:22:55

  A New Experimental Feature: scoped stylesheets

Chromium recently implemented a new feature from HTML5: scoped stylesheets, aka. <style scoped>. A web author can limit style rules to only apply to a part of a page by setting the ‘scoped’ attribute on a <style> element that is the direct child of the root element of the subtree you want the styles to be applied to. This limits the styles to affect just the element that is the parent of the <style> element and all of its descendants. Example Here’s a...

   HTML5,Style,Draw,Use case     2012-03-23 12:11:47

  Learning to Eat Well and Stay Healthy

Back in mid-2006, I documented my fairly dramatic weight loss in a series of blog postings. I went from a high of 224 pounds to a low of 164, which made for a total loss of 60 pounds (I’m about 6 feet tall). It’s interesting to go back and re-read what I wrote back then: Diet Tips or How To Lose Weight with a Spreadsheet and a Web SiteThe Diet Plan and The Three HabitsThe Diet SpreadsheetDiet Tips: How To Eat Less Fast forward to January of 2011, and I had gained back about h...

   Healthy,Engineer,Eat well     2012-01-03 10:53:43