How DNS lookup works

When accessing a website, a domain name would be needed normally. To get to the actual web server, the domain name must be mapped to an actual IP address and the IP address will be used to reach the web server. The process of finding the IP address from a domain name is called DNS lookup.  How does DNS lookup work? There are tons of domain name and IP address around the world, there must be some well-designed architecture to support fast lookup. This post will explain how this works. DNS Se...

   DNS,DNS LOOKUP     2022-09-09 23:11:03

  Why init() is not recommended in Go

golangci lint Currently, the unified CI's .golangci.yml includes the gochecknoinits checker: # golangci-lint v1.46.2 # linters: disable-all: true enable: ... - gochecknoinits # Checks that no init functions are present in Go code. ref: ... If Go code uses the init() function, the following error will occur: # golangci-lint run foo/foo.go:3:1: don't use `init` function (gochecknoinits) func i...

   GOLANG,INIT(),SYNC.ONCE,PANIC     2024-05-10 07:46:18

  proftpd FTP Server setup on Ubuntu

A- The GUI way (for beginners only)For those who are new to linux and don't want to use a FTP server without GUI, or just for those who don't use often their FTP server and wish to set it quickly without a high level of security, there is a GTK GUI for proftpd.Be careful, it's less secure than configuring yourself your server.1- Install proftpd and gproftpd with synaptic or with this command :Code:sudo apt-get install proftpd gproftpd2-Play with the GUI and set up quickly your server.Beware...

   FTP Server,proftpd,Ubuntu,Setup     2011-04-27 11:23:10

  Cracks in the Foundation

PHP has been around for a long time, and it’s starting to show its age. From top to bottom, the language has creaky joints. I’ve decided to take a look at how things got to this point, and what can be (and is being) done about it. I start out pretty gloomy, but bear with me; I promise it gets better. In the Beginning, There Was Apache and CGI And there was much rejoicing. In 1994, Rasmus Lerdorf created the “Personal Home Page Tools,” a set of CGI binaries wri...

   PHP,History,Foundation design,Compatibility     2011-12-18 01:03:54

  The Cognitive Benefits Of Chewing Gum

Why do people chew gum? If an anthropologist from Mars ever visited a typical supermarket, they’d be confounded by those shelves near the checkout aisle that display dozens of flavored gum options. Chewing without eating seems like such a ridiculous habit, the oral equivalent of running on a treadmill. And yet, people have been chewing gum for thousands of years, ever since the ancient Greeks began popping wads of mastic tree resin in their mouth to sweeten the breath. Socrates pr...

   Pressure,Gum,Release,Benefits     2011-11-30 11:37:26

  Want to be a Java developer?

Java is one of the top 3 programming languages in the world. It can be used to develop both web applications and desktop applications and more importantly it is cross platform--write once, run everywhere. Also, it's easy to pick up. If you want to be a Java developer, please get to ask yourself whether you know below listed topics. This list is summarized by Vivek Vermani, a Senior Java Developer: For a Core Java Developer , Ffollowing topics should be good. OOPs Concepts Abstract Classes and I...

   Java,developer,resource     2014-06-19 06:18:47

  10 Ways to Be a More Productive Web Developer

We could all be more productive. There are many things we can do — some big, some small — that will enhance the way we work and improve the outcomes of our activities.Although I can’t promise that I’ll be able to help you cure all your productivity ailments, I do hope that I can provide you with a few useful, solid tips on streamlining your web development workflow and making every part of the development cycle move quickly and smoothly.Follow each one of these tips a...

   Ways,Efficiency,Web development,API,Fram     2011-09-26 11:25:29

  Install LAMP in two easy steps

You might have seen my earlier post related to installing PHP, Apache and MySQL on UBUNTU 11.10. That process contains number of steps and some lengthy commands which we can not remember easily. After good comments from Gaurav and Coward I have managed to get that lengthy process in just 2 steps. So I thought its great to share with all readers to they can get benefit as...

   LAMP,PHP,Steps,Tutorial     2012-04-30 09:15:28

  iPhone App Development: What’s New For Developers In iOS 11

A curiosity ends with the introduction of iOS 11 on 5th of June 2017. It is the next-generation version of iOS. This update takes the best and most advanced operating system and turns it up to 11. But with iOS 11 was released to the public on 19 September 2017 and since then, there have been two distinct updates to iOS 11.02 which fixed the earpiece noise during phone calls; and the major iOS 11.1. iOS 10 was an operating system update that largely ignored the iPad, but Apple made up for it in ...

   APPLE,IOS11     2017-11-02 11:15:22

  Top 7 programmers bad habits

1.- The all code is crap, except mine, attitude. I have bad news for you buddy, all code is crap. No matter how much effort you put on it, there is always a majority of programmers who are going to think that your code sucks and that they could have done it 10 times better. I have already covered this topic in previous posts, you can find more information of what exactly I mean when I say that all the code is crap here and here. How to fix it: Don’t criticise others people code, it ...

   programming,habit,tips     2011-06-07 00:36:22