A Solution to CPU-intensive Tasks in IO Loops

Back in October 2011, Ted Dziuba infamously said that Node.js is Cancer.  A provocative title to a provocative article.  The only thing it didn’t really provoke in the commentary was much thought ;)  Zing. My interpretation of the article is that Ted holds up the classic blocking-IO process-per-request (or  thread per request; same difference) model as superior.  Yet we all remember where the blocking-IO forking model got Apache in the early days.  ...

   CPU,Intensive IO loops,Solution,C++     2012-02-06 07:42:40

  Why is my IP blocked at a website I visit regularly after I changed ISPs?

I just installed a new Express Card with Verizon Broadband wireless last night. Had tons of fun accessing the web from places I usually cannot, (we are in trucking) until I got to my favorite forum. It's a public place I have been to thousands of times, but instead of happily browsing all the daily news events and checking to see if the world blew up yet, I found myself blocked by a big white screen that said YOUR IP ADDRESS HAS BEEN BANNED. What can I do? I can't go to the forum owners to ...

   ISP,IP Block,StopForumSpam,Solution     2012-02-01 08:53:38

  How to harness company’s resource?

As an employee, it is no doubt that we should spare no effort to contribute to your employer since it pays us salary. But at the same time, we should also consider how to utilise the company's resource to enrich ourselves. After all, only if we become more competent and brilliant, the company can benefit more from us, and this will be a definitely win-win situation. In this post, I will illuminate how to take advantage of company's "hardware" and "software" resource. (1) “Ha...

       2017-08-11 05:18:07

  Some thoughts about microservice adoption

Nowadays microservice is very popular among companies with the increasing complexity of systems. The goal is to make each microservice to handle one specific job and handle it well. This normally would provide the benefit of maintaining the service easily and isolating errors and making the service more reliable and scalable. The benefits of adopting microservice are obvious. Maintainability. Decouple functions so that each function can be maintained separately which reduces the risk of issue ...


  Ask Bill Gates Anything: Being a Billionaire is Strange, Microsoft Co-Founder Tells Students

How’s the life of a billionaire? “Quite strange,” says Bill Gates, who fielded questions from University of Washington students on Thursday evening as part of a lecture on the future of computing.Gates’ talk, at a packed hall in the UW’s computer science building, focused on some areas where he thinks cheap, powerful computing will have a major impact on society, including education, disease, and robotics.Gates recalled spending time on the UW camp...

   Bill Gate,Billionare,Rich,Advice,UW,Computing     2011-10-28 10:38:34

  Create successful Python projects

The ecosystem for open source Python projects is both rich and diverse. This enables you to stand on the shoulders of giants in the production of your next open source project. In addition, it means that there's a set of community norms and best practices. By adhering to these conventions and applying the practices in your project, you may gain wider adoption for your software. This article covers practi...

   Python,Project,Open Source,Team Management     2012-02-03 08:09:27

  sorting in C++: 3 times faster than C.

If you don't know C++ well, you might be surprised how fast C++ can be sometimes. This is especially true when code involved is small, because then inlining - which is what C++ is very good at - and templating, which makes excessive inlining possible in the first place - has the most effect. The following code compares C and C++ sorting:  #include <iostream>#include <algorithm>#include <vector>#include "stop_watch.inl" // see https://...

   C++,Sorting,C,faster,efficiency     2012-03-17 12:59:45

  Esmerelda's Imagination

An actress acquaintance of mine—let's call her Esmerelda—once said, "I can't imagine being anything except an actress." To which the retort was given, "You can't be much of an actress then, can you?"I was reminded of this exchange when someone said to me about Go, "I can't imagine programming in a language that doesn't have generics." My retort, unspoken this time, was, "You can't be much of a programmer, then, can you?"This is not an essay about generics (which are a fine...

   Programmer,Go,Immagination,Complaint     2011-12-31 23:38:13

  Esmerelda's Imagination

An actress acquaintance of mine—let's call her Esmerelda—once said, "I can't imagine being anything except an actress." To which the retort was given, "You can't be much of an actress then, can you?"I was reminded of this exchange when someone said to me about Go, "I can't imagine programming in a language that doesn't have generics." My retort, unspoken this time, was, "You can't be much of a programmer, then, can you?"This is not an essay about generics (which are a fine...

   Programmer,Imagination,Lack     2012-02-08 10:31:09

  On testers and testing

Over the years, I’ve come to hold some strong. opinions on testing, testers and the entire business of quality assurance. Inspired by this post on Facebook’s testing, I wanted to write this down so I can point people to it. Some of this is controversial. In fact, even mentioning some of this in conversation has caused people to flip the bozo bit on me. Most product teams don’t need a separate testing role. And even if they do, the ratio of full time dev:full time te...

   Software tester,Testing,Development,Understanding     2012-01-08 10:00:49