Python Performance Tips, Part 1

To read the Zen of Python, type import this in your Python interpreter. A sharp reader new to Python will notice the word “interpreter”, and realize that Python is another scripting language. “It must be slow!” No question about it: Python program does not run as fast or efficiently as compiled languages. Even Python advocates will tell you performance is the area that Python is not good for. However, YouTube has proven Python is capable of serving 40 million videos...

   Python,Performance,Efficiency,Tips     2012-02-14 10:50:22

  Are older people better programmers?

Peter Knego states something interesting: “It's official: developers get better with age. And scarcer.”. He uses reputation and other metrics from StackOverflow to corroborate his point. His summary is: Number of coders drops significantly with age. Top developer numbers, at age 27, drop by half every 6-7 years.Developers in their 40s answer roughly twice as much and ask half the questions compared to colleagues in their 20s. It seems younger generation learns and older generatio...

   Programming,Age,Experience,Skill,Advanta     2011-07-28 09:02:23

  Rebirth of Microsoft?

Only from the point of view of design and products, Microsoft may seem like an ongoing decline of the old giant: IE browser market share continues to drop, PC market continues to shrink where Windows depends on and tablet PC market gets rapid expansion, Windows Mobile, Windows phone perform not so well, even CEO Steve Ballmer is often ridiculed and accused. All these seem to indicate that Microsoft's golden era is over. But on the other hand, while its net profit for the past two years has ...

   Microsoft,Rebirth,change     2012-10-05 20:09:15

  Test-Driven Development? Give me a break...

Update: At the bottom of this post, I've linked to two large and quite different discussions of this post, both of which are worth reading... Update 2: If the contents of this post make you angry, okay. It was written somewhat brashly. But, if the title alone makes you angry, and you decide this is an article about "Why Testing Code Sucks" without having read it, you've missed the point. Or I explained it badly :-)Some things programmers say can be massive red flags. When I h...

   Test driven,Application design,tool     2011-10-17 10:19:16

  Substitute of Right Click Computer to Open Manage

I believe some of us may encounter some strange problems when we expect something normal to happen when we operate on our computer. On Windows 7, we may sometimes want to manage our service or applications by opening service manager.But somehow we may find that we cannot open it by clicking on Start->Right click on Computer->Manage.It may prompt some error message to tell us we cannot open the service manager. Then what to do? Here is a way to open it,goto Start->Run,then type "com...

   Computer Management,Win 7,compmgmt.msc,S     2011-03-31 01:09:44

  I'm Retiring from PHP

I am retiring from PHP as my language of choice for personal side projects and new programming ventures. This was not an easy decision to come to, but one that I think is necessary for my love of programming to continue. You see, I'm not only a programmer because I love programming, but because I can not do anything else. History It all started in 1999 when I was in 8th grade. The Internet was really starting to get interesting and I wanted to start programming. I had picked up...

   PHP,Scala,Programming,Language     2011-06-27 07:36:25

  An easy way to log client side information to server

JavaScript debug is a very troublesome thing in web application development. Because many web browsers will not notify you if there is any error in the JavaScript codes you write. They just silently fail and block the following codes execution. In order to debug JavaScript codes, we need a good log mechanism which will help us log the error information,, we often need to log errors in JavaScript codes to server for debug purpose in a production web application, What should we do? The first ...

   JavaScript log, Ajax,Image,Debug     2012-12-30 09:16:50

  Why do so many technical recruiters suck?

It’s Tuesday, I get a call from an unknown number.  There is a little hesitation, but I finally pick it up.  My number is listed on my business card and I feel like I should get these calls unless I am in a meeting.- Hi, is this Mike?- Yes, speaking….- Hi Mike!  How are you today?- Fine…- I am calling from XYZ Co, and we deal with recruiting and staff augmentation.  I was wondering if you are looking for software developers.We are in San Francisco and itâ...

   Recruitment,HR,Sucks,Tech recruiter     2011-11-13 08:22:02

  Different ways of handling concurrent job in GoLang

GoLang provides very good support of concurrency and the way to make some code to run concurrent is pretty simple and straightforward. Adding a simple go before a normal function call will make the function call asynchronous. In real cases normally people would concurrently run some jobs to improve the speed and efficiency. One important part of running jobs concurrently is about aggregating results so that the consequent function call would be able to proceed. There are multiple ways handling t...


  Qualities of a great business presentation

When it comes to business, every day in the industry is spent trying to convince someone into buying your brand, your product or services, no doubt you will find yourself making a lot of pitches and presentations for new products, partners and stakeholders among other things. Having great presentation skills is essential to running a successful business and getting as many people believing in your brand as possible. Great presentations have the following qualities Killer slides PowerPoint slides...

       2015-12-03 23:58:41