Python SSH Connection Tools

Program Design Purpose: We aim to create a simple Python SSH tool library that facilitates SSH communication, SCP file transfer, and SSH port forwarding through multiple jump hosts in an SSH tunnel chain. The library is designed to provide a simple API for establishing nested SSH tunnel connections through multiple jump hosts with customizable TCP ports. This allows users or their programs to automate SSH tasks such as: Batch processing SSH connection tasks, such as connecting to multiple ser...

       2024-08-30 04:46:05

  Guide to Clearing Storage Space on a Macbook

Macbooks are pretty notorious when it comes to what storage space you have available. Those few gigabytes that you have will disappear in no time if you are not careful. The whole issue becomes even more problematic for people who are not that familiar with Macbooks or have switched from another computer. And if you do not pay attention, it will not take too long before you have next to no storage space on the hard drive. Leaving only a few gigabytes of free space will significantly reduce the ...

   MACBOOK,APPLE,DATA STORAGE     2020-08-08 00:21:42

  Is The Cloud Finally Catching Up With Mighty Oracle?

Oracle for years has seemed impervious to cloud computing. First Larry Ellison dismissed it. Then he sort of touted it, his version at least. But all along, Oracle was growing nicely. The industry chatter didn’t seem to matter. Big companies buy big software systems. Something changed this winter.   Oracle’s software license sales limped up just 2% in December, and the company blamed customer budget cuts and fears over the European debt crisis. Sales to Europe, Africa and...

   Cloud,Oracle,Incorporation,Trend     2012-02-23 07:17:03

  Thoughts on Python 3

I spent the last couple of days thinking about Python 3's current state a lot. While it might not appear to be the case, I do love Python as a language and especially the direction it's heading in. Python has been not only part of my life for the last couple of five years, it has been the largest part by far. Let there be a warning upfront: this is a very personal post. I counted a hundred instances of a certain capital letter in this text. That's because I am very grateful for all the opport...

   Python,Python 3,Feature,Drawback,Embrace     2011-12-07 08:46:47

  How to check why Vim is slow

On *nix, some processes may not be able to start up, software runs very slowly suddenly and software's "Segment Fault" are some issues faced by many *nix users. Here we show you how to use truss to trace why Vim becomes slow suddenly. Operating system : FreeBSD-5.2.1-releas vim version is 6.2.154, after typing vim on command line, sometimes we need to wait for a few minutes to get into the edit interface and there is no error output. After carefully checking .vimrc and all vim settings, there ar...

   vim, truss, linux     2012-11-26 11:54:35

  Galaxy S III will be released today at London

At 19:00 May 3 (London time), Samsung will release its next-generation flagship mobile phone products GALAXY, SIII in London, England. This latest Samsung mobile phone will have a quad-core processor, with blue and white two colors and screen size of more than 4.65 inch (there is news that the size will be up to 4.8 inch).Europe's largest mobile phone retailer CarphoneWarehouse confirms the new Galaxy phone does have blue and two different colors.Quad-Core CPUCeramic casingPhone screen p...

   Samsung,S III,release,London     2012-05-03 05:44:16

  Java Development : Overcomes Challenges of Security, Flexibility, and Performance

While launching any web application, a development company faces a challenge that is choosing the programming language for developing it. Though, there are many options available for companies to deliver app solution to businesses, such as .net, C++, Python, PHP, Ruby, and their derivatives; still many believe that java can be a good choice for development of apps. A java development company can make amazing app solutions by leveraging their development team’s skills and expertise. But the...

   Java development services     2015-05-20 09:05:50

  Twitter OAuth the easy way – simple post to twitter script

After Twitter introduced mandatory authentication with OAuth, many of the current scripts for posting content to Twitter don’t work anymore. OAuth can be great for more advanced authentication, but for a simple post to twitter script, it seems like a little overkill. In this post you’ll learn how to create a simple script that uses a quick and dirty version of OAuth for posting new tweets to Twitter. How to create a simple script Simplified, Twitter OAuth involves sending both ap...

   Twitter,OAuth,PHP,Auto tweet     2012-02-25 12:51:07

  Deep clone of JavaScript object

In JavaScript world, it's frequently seen object clone. Normally when creating a clone of an object, it's only the reference being cloned but not all contents. In some scenarioes, it's desired to clone all the content instead of just the reference such that any change made to the cloned object will not change the original object. Differences between shallow clone and deep clone can be as simple as: Shallow clone : Only the object reference is cloned but not the content Deep clone : Clone all co...


  The details and analysis of capturing gRPC packets

Introduction If you're only using gRPC at the application layer, I believe studying the examples on the gRPC official website is sufficient. However, when planning to extensively use gRPC within a team, you will face many challenges, such as authentication schemes between services, routing solutions for multi-region services, and compatibility solutions with existing RESTful services. I recently realized that applying a technology stack requires mastering a wealth of information about that stack...

   GRPC,GOOGLE     2024-01-14 05:59:13