Responsive Web Design

With the popularity of 3G, more and more people are surfing the Internet using mobile phones. Mobile devices are becoming common devices for accessing internet. So web design faces a big challenge which is how to display the same webpage on different devices with different screen  resolutions.Screen resolution of mobile device are usually not very large, the width is below 600px, while PC usually has a resolution over 1000px. It is not an easy task to display the same content with satisfyin...

   CSS,Web design,Layout,Response web design     2012-05-03 06:59:40

  Processing Unicode Data in Python - A Primer to Understand Non-English Data Processing

Introduction: Currently we live in a world where people of diverse cultures/backgrounds use electronic devices to express their ideas, do their daily work that earns them their daily bread, and entertain themselves using content that is created using their own language and so on. Naturally, in order to make all these things happen, any computational instrument, be it a laptop or a desktop computer, or a smartphone, or something else, should be capable enough to serve all of these things in a man...


  SSH Security and You - /bin/false is *not* security

Backstory While at RIT around 2004 or 2005, I discovered that a few important machines at the datacenter allowed all students, faculty, and staff to authenticate against them via ssh. Everyone's shells appear to be set to /bin/false (or some derivative) on said machines, so the only thing you'll see after you authenticate is the login banner and your connection will close. I thought to myself, "Fine, no shell for me. I wonder if port forwarding works?" ...

   Linux,Security,/bin/false,SSH     2012-02-06 07:46:29

  The future of IT will be reduced to three kinds of jobs

Takeaway: The IT profession and the IT job market are in the midst of seismic changes that are going to shift the focus to three types of jobs. There’s a general anxiety that has settled over much of the IT profession in recent years. It’s a stark contrast to the situation just over a decade ago. At the end of the 1990s, IT pros were the belles of the ball. The IT labor shortage regularly made headlines and IT pros were able to command excellent salar...

   IT,Potential,Consultant,Developer,Projec     2011-07-27 08:46:59

  Helping people find good Perl tutorials

If a co-worker comes to you and asks you: "I would like to learn Perl, where can I find a good Perl Tutorial?", I am sure your would have a few recommendations. If the same person did not know you she would have to type some search term in Google and hope she found the right learning material.Recently Christian Walde (Mithaldu) asked "How do newbies find Perl learning materials online?". Dave Cross responded by checking the top results when searching for "perl tutorial".It shows that many p...

   Perl,Perl tutorial,Resource,Website     2011-11-03 13:34:33

  Getting started with C++ TR1 regular expressions

Overview This article is written for the benefit of someone familiar with regular expressions but not with the use of regular expressions in C++ via the TR1 (C++ Standards Committee Technical Report 1) extensions. Comparisons will be made with Perl for those familiar with Perl, though no knowledge of Perl is required. The focus is not on the syntax of regular expressions per se but rather how to use regular expressions to search for patterns and make replacements. Support for TR1 ext...

   Regular expression,Replace,TR1,Extension     2011-08-14 07:25:20

  IoT System Cyber Attack Case Study 02: Python Deserialization Attack and Library Hijacking Attack

Project Design Purpose: The objective of this cyber attack case study is to develop a workshop that demonstrates how a red team attacker can permanently compromise a people detection radar IoT device. The attack path is achieved through a series of attacks, including traffic eavesdropping, data deserialization attacks, web shell attacks, remote command/code execution, and Python library hijacking attacks. This case study is intended for IoT and data security professional training, aiming to ill...

       2024-07-14 01:40:09

  Applying Large Language Models (LLMs) to Solve Cybersecurity Questions

In this document, we will introduce some test, experiment and analysis conclusion about applying Large Language Models (LLMs) to solve cybersecurity questions. Introduction Large Language Models (LLMs) are increasingly used in education and research for tasks such as analyzing program code error logs, help summarize papers and improving reports. In this project, we aim to evaluate the effectiveness of LLMs in solving cybersecurity-related questions, such as Capture The Flag (CTF) challenges, ...

       2024-09-08 04:05:07

  Samsung Overtakes Apple as World’s Biggest Smartphone Seller

Oct. 28 (Bloomberg) -- Samsung Electronics Co. overtook Apple Inc. in the last quarter to become the world’s largest smartphone vendor amid a widening technology and legal battle between the two companies.Samsung shipped 27.8 million smartphones in the last quarter, taking 23.8 percent of the market, Milton Keynes, U.K.- based Strategy Analytics said in an e-mailed statement today. Apple’s 17.1 million shipments, comprising 14.6 percent of the market, pushed the Cupertino, Californ...

   Samsung,Apple,Samrtphone,Overtake,Samsung No. 1     2011-10-28 10:18:12

  I'm Retiring from PHP

I am retiring from PHP as my language of choice for personal side projects and new programming ventures. This was not an easy decision to come to, but one that I think is necessary for my love of programming to continue. You see, I'm not only a programmer because I love programming, but because I can not do anything else. History It all started in 1999 when I was in 8th grade. The Internet was really starting to get interesting and I wanted to start programming. I had picked up...

   PHP,Scala,Programming,Language     2011-06-27 07:36:25