The details and analysis of capturing gRPC packets

Introduction If you're only using gRPC at the application layer, I believe studying the examples on the gRPC official website is sufficient. However, when planning to extensively use gRPC within a team, you will face many challenges, such as authentication schemes between services, routing solutions for multi-region services, and compatibility solutions with existing RESTful services. I recently realized that applying a technology stack requires mastering a wealth of information about that stack...

   GRPC,GOOGLE     2024-01-14 05:59:13


More and more I see articles popping up that bash social networks for "violating" our privacy and selling our information to advertisers. Inevitably, Facebook has been at the center of many of these "scandals". Today on HN I came across this interviewwith Disconnect co-founder Casey Oppenheim and I just don't get it.In it, he bashes Facebook (and other online advertisers) for using our information in order to serve up targeted ads. He points out that many of the " “free” service...

   Social network,Facebook,Privacy,Data,Ads     2011-10-19 14:12:08

  Simple Animation in the HTML5 Canvas Element

HTML5 is generating all kinds of buzz these days. Some of the buzz is about HTML5 being a replacement for Adobe’s Flash. I don’t think it’s there yet but it’s certainly on the way to changing the way content is presented on the web. This is a description of a very simple animation in an HTML5 canvas element. It is coded for readability and not for optimized operation. We’ll add a canvas element to a web page and then use javascript to draw on it. We will...

   HTML5,Canvas,Animation,Sample code     2011-07-01 10:20:08

  Where are the top 100,000 most visited websites hosted?

Do you know where are the websites you visit every day hosted online? There are more and more websites hosted on cloud server now as the stability, scalability and cost effective features of cloud. Recently hostcabi released an infographic which shows some statistics about the top 100,000 most visited websites(according to Alexa). The top 100,000 most visited websites have spread their hosting over 6 continents, 102 countries, 621 cities and 1,024 hosting providers SoftLayer(IBM), AWS, GoDaddy a...

   Web hosting,Cloud service     2013-11-28 05:48:44

  Example of less is more

Less is more is a very important design principle. It is as important as the 80:20 principle. It means that which is less complicated is often better understood and more appreciated than what is more complicated; simplicity is preferable to complexity; brevity in communication is more effective than verbosity. Next we will use an animated image to describe what is less is more. The popularity of flat design in web application design also proves the importance of less is more. Many famous compan...

   Less is more,Flat design     2013-09-20 07:20:43

  New Unreal Engine 5 and Nvidia Technology in Black Myth: Wukong

In this article, we explore the cutting-edge Unreal Engine 5 and Nvidia GPU technologies used in the highly anticipated AAA game Black Myth: Wukong this year to enhance its game graphical quality. Our insights are based on an interview article of the technical lead of Game Science Interactive Technology, Geekerwan's experimental analysis, and Nvidia's official Black Myth: Wukong showcase featuring the RTX 40xx series. As a software engineer, my perspective may differ from that of a game develop...

       2024-08-24 09:32:55

  Cloud Computing’s most Basic Concepts-Service Models

With the containerization of Docker, Kubernetes, CNCF, and the development of open-source communities, related frameworks and technology is booming and iterating rapidly. Cloud Computing, been applied for many years, is pushing developers into the new technological era. Companies and developers who are not using or not planning to use Cloud-Native gradually feel tremendous pressure in keeping up with the technology trends. The first step is to understand the concepts of IaaS, PaaS, FaaS, SaaS, S...

   CLOUD,PAAS,IAAS,CONCEPT     2021-01-24 05:23:11

  Disgusting programming language list

To avoid arguments among different programming languages, this ranking only covers the opinions from programmers with multi-language experience. Also it doesn't mean the language is not good if the language is on the list, it just means those developers don't like some features of the language. Below ranking is summarized from Quora、Stack Overflow and Hacker News. 10. Python Reason : It uses code indent to define block level scope, why not use curly braces? It also uses massive colons and ...

   Programming language rank     2013-09-27 09:53:39

  Alibaba Cloud was down again just after Singles' Day promotion

On November 12th, several popular Alibaba platforms and services experienced technical issues, causing widespread disruption and becoming hot topics on Weibo, the Chinese equivalent of Twitter. These services include Taobao, Xianyu, DingTalk, Aliyun Drive etc. Users took to social media to report instances of "Taobao crashing." Some encountered code display errors on the shopping page, while others faced a blank screen. However, a few users claimed they were still able to shop without any prob...

   ALIBABA CLOUD,ALIYUN,DOWN     2023-11-12 21:44:16

  An easy way to log client side information to server

JavaScript debug is a very troublesome thing in web application development. Because many web browsers will not notify you if there is any error in the JavaScript codes you write. They just silently fail and block the following codes execution. In order to debug JavaScript codes, we need a good log mechanism which will help us log the error information,, we often need to log errors in JavaScript codes to server for debug purpose in a production web application, What should we do? The first ...

   JavaScript log, Ajax,Image,Debug     2012-12-30 09:16:50