When and How to Use the Go Channel

Go’s concise structure and powerful native library enable us to hit the ground running easily. It is more efficient than Java or Python when implementing the same functions, especially its concurrent programming, which is very handy and widely admired due to its goroutine and channel. goroutine and channel has much to dig into, and let’s start with channel, which I used to consider narrowly as a message queue to transfer data between gorouti...

   GOLANG,CONTEXT,CHANNEL     2022-09-17 23:06:36

  Send Email Using Gmail in ASP.NET

If you want to send email using your Gmail account or using Gmail's smtp server in ASP.NET application or if you don't have a working smtp server to send mails using your ASP.NET application or aspx page than sending e-mail using Gmail is best need to write code like this First of all add below mentioned namespace in code behind of aspx page from which you want to send the mail.using System.Net.Mail;Now write this code in click event of button C# code protected void But...

   ASP.NET,Email,Send email,Gmail     2011-11-15 13:01:02

  Getting started with C++ TR1 regular expressions

Overview This article is written for the benefit of someone familiar with regular expressions but not with the use of regular expressions in C++ via the TR1 (C++ Standards Committee Technical Report 1) extensions. Comparisons will be made with Perl for those familiar with Perl, though no knowledge of Perl is required. The focus is not on the syntax of regular expressions per se but rather how to use regular expressions to search for patterns and make replacements. Support for TR1 ext...

   Regular expression,Replace,TR1,Extension     2011-08-14 07:25:20

  Understanding PHP's internal function definitions

Welcome to the second part of the “PHP’s Source Code For PHP Developers” series. In the previous part ircmaxell explained where you can find the PHP source code and how it is basically structured and also gave a small introduction to C (as that’s the language PHP is written in). If you missed that post, you probably should read it before starting with this one. What we’ll cover in this article is locating the definitions of internal functions in t...

   PHP,internal function,definition,rationale     2012-03-16 10:46:26

  Database Testing – Practical Tips and Insight on How to Test Database

Database is one of the inevitable parts of a software application these days. It does not matter at all whether it is web or desktop, client server or peer to peer, enterprise or individual business, database is working at backend. Similarly, whether it is healthcare of finance, leasing or retail, mailing application or controlling spaceship, behind the scene a database is always in action. Moreover, as the complexity of application increases the need of stronger and secure database emerge...

   Database,Tips,Practice     2011-06-29 08:47:40

  The Web: Important Events in its History

Straight forward simple fact of the functioning evening: The netting is normally not the same element as appearing the world vast world wide web. Brain damaged, correct? Related to the Included Press Stylebook, the “Net is normally a decentralized, world-wide web 2 . 0 of pcs that may talk with every solo diverse. The Environment Huge World wide web, like announcements, is usually normally a subset of the World wide web.” If the web is not really the internet, then what is it? The c...

       2019-06-03 00:06:00

  The Programmer Salary Taboo

Salary is an interesting topic. It's certainly one everyone has an opinion on. It's also a uniquely taboo subject among members of the working public. Since I'm about a month away from being done with University and entering the programmer workforce, I've taken to asking my classmates what type of starting salaries they're getting at their first jobs. The first thing I discovered is that not everybody is very comfortable with this question, and many companies are even less so. Microsoft requests...

   Salary,IT company,Taboo,Google,Microsoft     2011-04-18 00:19:03

  File System vs Core Data: the image cache test

Code for this project is on GitHub While doing a full re-write of Droplr's iOS app for the 2.0 launch, I couldn't find any good file/image caches out there had a particular feature I really wanted: extending item expiration whenever it's touched. I set out to write my own — which wasn't that much of a challenge — but somewhere along the process I had this crazy idea that perhaps (SQLite-backed) Core Data would be a much better tool for the job: No mismatch between cache index ...

   File system.Image cache,Multimedia     2012-02-01 08:52:02

  IT System Cyber Attack Case Study 01: Malicious Macro and Backdoor Trojan Attack on IT-Network

Project Design Purpose: The objective of this cyber attack case study is to develop a workshop showcasing a practical demonstration of a red team attacker implementing an IT system/network attack via a Malicious Macro MS-Office-Word file (CVE-2015-1641) and phishing email generation program to penetrate multiple layers of firewall defenses and implant a backdoor trojan into the railway system's OT network. Related Links: GitHub Project Link , LinkedIn Post Link Attacker Vector: Malicious Macro ...

       2024-08-03 08:21:49

  JavaScript interview questions

This post will cover the JavaScript questions I have encountered and have seen during my programming career. They will mainly focus on vanilla JavaScript though there are lots of excellent frameworks out there and many people are using them in their daily work. this keyword this keyword is an very important but easy to confuse concept in JavaScript since it is always referring to the calling object of the function. 1. What will be the output of below code snippet? function User(name) { this....

   JAVASCRIPT,ALGORITHM,THIS,CLOSURE     2019-03-09 07:05:46