SEARCH KEYWORD -- Development languages

  Top Digital Transformation Trends To Lookout For in 2018

While Innovation was rife in 2017, it is expected that 2018 will bring the cherry on the cake. While businesses are shifting continually towards making things work with Technology in view, organizations have had to embrace the Tech wave for good. A paradigm change in the way businesses operate is the consequence of the trends in Digital Transformation. From Artificial Intelligence to Blockchain, to Machine Learning, to Data Analytics, 2017 saw the onset and the growth of numerous new Technologie...


  On Programming Deadlines

There are a lot of differences between programming, and programming professionally. The most notorious of which, is deadlines.DeadlinesWhen you're writing code for yourself, you can spend as much (or as little time) on it as you please--but when you're writing code for other people, you've got only a limited amount of time and resources to get the job done. In my experience, this typically leads to one of two situations:You've got to extend the deadline to finish the job properly.You've got to w...

   Programming,Deadline,Transparent,Test,TODO     2011-11-01 07:10:21

  Eight C++ programming mistakes the compiler won’t catch

C++ is a complex language, full of subtle traps for the unwary. There is an almost infinite number of ways to screw things up. Fortunately, modern compilers are pretty good at detecting a large number of these cases and notifying the programmer via compile errors or warnings. Ultimately, any error that is compiler-detectable becomes a non-issue if properly handled, as it will be caught and fixed before the program leaves development. At worst, a compiler-detectable error results in los...

   C++,Compiler,Error detection     2012-04-08 09:55:20

  10 habits of 10x developers

Last week, I discovered The Rise of Developeronomics via Brad Feld. As long as I’ve lived, it has always been a great time to be a software developer. The economics keep getting better for us. My favorite quote: The one absolutely solid place to store your capital today — if you know how to do it –  is in software developers’ wallets. If the world survives looming financial apocalypse dangers at all, this is the one investment that will weather the storms. ...

   Developer,Efficiency,Advice,Rest,Focus     2011-12-26 02:54:06

  The several flavors of random in Java

Random number generation is one of most basic features in any programming language. The basic utilization is always the same: generate a random number between 0 and 1. With such a simple resource at hand we sometimes overlook some interesting features. What do we learn from the books? The most obvious and maybe intuitive way to generate random numbers in Java is simply calling: java.lang.Math.random() Random generation is in the Math utility class with abs, pow, floor...

   Java,Random,Thread,Math,Type     2012-03-22 14:17:44

  10 happiest tech companies in 2013

According to Tencent Tech, CareerBliss released a list of happiest tech company in America in 2013. Intuit is the happiest tech company in America in 2013. While Google which is widely considered as a best company to work for only ranks 4th place. Let's take a look at the top 10 happiest tech companies. 1. Intuit Happiness index : 4.27 Average salary: $77000 Don't think it's boring to work in a company which focus on software development, in contrast it's very interesting to work in Intuit. Bec...

   CareerBliss,Happiest tech company     2013-04-18 12:33:43

  JSON unmarshal in GoLang

In almost all mainstream programming languages, there is either built-in or third-party library to support parse JSON data because it is so popular for organizing and transferring data among different services. In GoLang, the built in json package also provides functions for marshalling and unmarshalling JSON data. Marshalling GoLang struct to a JSON string is relatively simple, just need to call json.Marshal(), it's a bit complicated to unmarshal an arbitrary JSON string into a GoLang struct ob...


  10 Great Tips On How To Become A Successful Android App Developer

Android operating system is very popular among people and makes app development for Android market fruitful. There are many professionals who are trying to come up with great ideas and create great apps, but not all of them are really dealing with it. So, what do you need to become a successful Android-apps developer? What You Need for Becoming an Android App Developer 1. Acquire technical skills. You must know the necessary tools to become an Android app developer. You do not actually need to ...

       2017-08-19 00:53:37

  jQuery 2.0 gives up IE 6/7/8

jQuery 2.0 is released after 10 months development. jQuery 2.0 is customized for modern web browsers and also considers about mobile devices. But one big change is that jQuery 2.0 will not be  compatible with old versions of IE and its size is 10% less than the version 1.9.1. The execution efficiency is higher as well. jQuery 1.9.x will still be maintained by jQuery team, they will also provide update for it. Those websites which want to be compatible with all browsers should not upgrade to...

   jQuery 2.0,IE support     2013-04-20 07:58:16

  We need a programming language for the rest of us

Recently I took on the enormous task of learning Objective-C from the bottom up and I was struck by something I couldn’t shake: this is too hard. An experienced developer might scoff at me for saying that, but it’s true. I’ll be honest about my education, Calculus II was the most math I ever took, I have an advanced degree from Berkeley in Journalism. I am a proficient HTML/CSS developer and can glue enough javascript together to solve almost any problem that has presen...

   Code.Programming,Expectation,Easy-to-use     2011-07-22 02:20:09