SEARCH KEYWORD -- Data structure alignment

  What Sort of Projects Can You Work on Using Web Scraping?

Image Source: Unsplash Web scraping is a technique used to extract large amounts of data from websites and save onto your computer in a database or time table format. There are many reasons businesses would use this information for lead generation, SEO, or to better understand their customers.  However, you can do a lot of fun projects in your free time that doesn’t have to be associated with work or a company. Before you start using your programming skills to find and extract inform...

   WEB SCRAPING     2020-09-10 09:16:44

  Connect to SQLite using Go on Windows

In software development, it's often necessary to test and validate logic using a lightweight and easily manageable database system. SQLite, with its minimal setup and zero configuration requirements, is an excellent choice for such scenarios. Leveraging the simplicity and efficiency of SQLite for testing purposes can significantly streamline the development process. In this guide, we'll explore how to seamlessly connect to SQLite using Go on Windows, empowering developers to efficiently test the...

   WINDOWS,TUTORIAL,GOLANG,SQLITE3     2024-02-11 20:58:12

  What happens on the Internet in one minute?

In one minute, 216,000 images are shared on Instagram, $83,000 sales happen on Amazon, 1.8 million Likes are clicked on Facebook, also 72 hours videos are uploaded to YouTube. This image is from Omee and it shows us what happens on the Internet in one minute. For example, how many Tweets are posted, how many pictures are viewed, how many minutes communication through Skype. The data on the graph is from PC Mag, Business Insider and other websites. In one minute, 2 million searches on Google, 70...

   Infographic,60 seconds,Internet     2013-08-01 06:47:51

  10 Easy Things to Do to Enhance Your Online Security Today

If you think you don’t need to take extra steps to increase your cyber security, you are wrong. Statistics on cybercrime are shocking and clearly prove that you can’t have ‘too much security’ while using the Internet today. For example, did you know that by 2023 cybercriminals will have stolen over 33 billion private records or that 15 million Americans became victims of digital identity theft in 2017 (Norton)? That’s not even mentioning millions of monetary losses ...

   DATA SECURITY,SECUIRITY     2019-01-21 07:01:37

  OT Railway System Development: How to Use PLC to Implement Land Based Railway Track Fixed Block Sign

Figure-00: Railway fixed block signaling system over view diagram, version v1.3 (2024) Project Design Purpose: This project aims to use Programmable Logic Controllers (PLC) with train detection sensors and train control signals to develop an automated OT system for railway track fixed block signaling control. The system will include a digital equivalent simulation to explain the logic of the track fixed block Automatic Train Control (ATC) mechanism for demonstration and training purposes. In th...

       2024-07-27 04:08:41

  Parallel Javascript

Lately the ideas for a parallel, shared memory JavaScript have begun to take shape. I’ve been discussing with various JavaScript luminaries and it seems like a design is starting to emerge. This post serves as a documentation of the basic ideas; I’m sure the details will change as we go along. User Model The model is that a JavaScript worker (the “parent”) may spawn a number of child tasks (the “children”). The parent is suspended while the children exe...

   Parallel JavaScript,API,Spawn,Parent,Task     2012-01-11 12:02:00

  Unknown system variable 'query_cache_size' in DbVisualizer while accessing MySQL

DbVisualizer is a very popular GUI application to view the data stored on a database. It supports various databases such as Oracle, MySQL etc. It relies on different database drivers to connect to the database server and access the data stored there.  In this post, we will try to solve one problem when accessing the latest MySQL database(8.0+) through DbVisualizer. MySQL database starting from 8.0 has lots of changes which may not be compatible with old version of software or libraries whic...


  File System vs Core Data: the image cache test

Code for this project is on GitHub While doing a full re-write of Droplr's iOS app for the 2.0 launch, I couldn't find any good file/image caches out there had a particular feature I really wanted: extending item expiration whenever it's touched. I set out to write my own — which wasn't that much of a challenge — but somewhere along the process I had this crazy idea that perhaps (SQLite-backed) Core Data would be a much better tool for the job: No mismatch between cache index ...

   File system.Image cache,Multimedia     2012-02-01 08:52:02

  Measure the improvement of Google search algorithm

On the day of Google's 15th birthday, Google released its new "Hummingbird" search algorithm, this is the first time that Google changes its search algorithm since 2010 after the Caffeine algorithm. It will affect 90% of search results, according to Amit Singhal, Lead of Google Search. Some may be curious about how Google measures the improvement of a new search algorithm. There are many factors need to be considered, for example, accuracy, relevance, search depth etc. According to Amit Singhal...

   Google search,Algorithm, improvement     2013-09-29 23:25:53

  Functional Programming in C++

Probably everyone reading this has heard “functional programming” put forth as something that is supposed to bring benefits to software development, or even heard it touted as a silver bullet.  However, a trip to Wikipedia for some more information can be initially off-putting, with early references to lambda calculus and formal systems.  It isn’t immediately clear what that has to do with writing better software. My pragmatic summary:  A large fraction of th...

   C++,Functional programming     2012-04-28 06:16:37