SEARCH KEYWORD -- Data structure alignment

  Java Cipher encryption/decryption example

In Java, Cipher is the API for doing data encryption/decryption. Many cryptographic algorithms such as AES, DES, RC4 etc can be specified when creating Cipher instance. The Cipher instance calls the underlying algorithm specific implementation to do the actual encryption/decryption.  Before doing the encryption/decryption, a key needs to be created and it will be used to do the encryption/decryption. A sample program for performing all these is : import; import javax.cryp...

   Java, Java Security, Cipher, Example, Sample     2015-08-14 07:07:10

  Can a === 1 && a === 2 && a === 3 be true in JavaScript?

Lots of you may be aware that there is famous interview question which asks whether a == 1 && a == 2 && a == 3 can be true in JavaScript. And the answer to this question is YES. The reason is that == will do a non-strict comparison which will evaluate a to a number and this provides the possibility of dynamically return the value when every time a is accessed. Have you ever wondered whether a === 1 && a === 2 && a === 3 can be true? At first glance, it seems this ...

   JAVASCRIPT,===,STRICT COMPARISON     2018-04-06 12:17:29

  What are the Four Most Important Technologies Inside an Office, Today?

The office life has changed a lot since the beginning of the 21st century. Nowadays, technologies have taken over a large part of the work that people have to do, inside their walls. Some of them are more important than others, though. Here are four that no company should live without.  A VoIP Phone System If a company wants to communicate with its clients, it needs to install a centralized phone system. The old ones were complicated and costly. The more phone lines you had, the higher the ...

   SMARTPHONE,VOIP,5G     2022-12-24 06:35:02

  Display GIF animation while submitting the web form

Internet appears everywhere in our life. Form as a data gathering component is the must have component in a web app. When the page is submitting data to the server, if it takes a relative long time for the backend server to process the data, then the client users will feel lost while waiting for this if he cannot get any indication about what's happening. They may even reclick the button which will cause the data resubmission. This affects the user experience and also the system performance and ...

   HTML,Spin,Submit,Form     2013-05-17 11:47:07

  Secure Your Go Code With Vulnerability Check Tool

Security vulnerabilities exist in any language and any code, some are written by ourselves, but more are from the upstream dependencies, even the underlying Linux. We have discussed the security protection methods for Go and Kubernetes Image in Path to a Perfect Go Dockerfile and Image Vulnerability Scanning for Optimal Kubernetes Security, in which the security scanning was performed based on generic. As the Go community grows, more and more open-source packages have caused ...

   GOVULNCHECK,GOSEC,GOLANG     2022-10-29 23:43:20

  Are NSA engineers better than engieers at Microsoft?

NSA is the US government department which takes care of the information and data security of US. It's said to be one of the largest of U.S. intelligence organizations in terms of personnel and budget. There are many excellent engineers working on information and data security and developing algorithms and software help US government to collect intelligence information from all around the world. Many people may be curious about whether NSA has better engineers than IT companies like Microsoft and...

   NSA,Microsoft     2014-01-09 07:24:43

  A re-introduction to JavaScript

Introduction Why a re-introduction? Because JavaScript has a reasonable claim to being the world's most misunderstood programming language. While often derided as a toy, beneath its deceptive simplicity lie some powerful language features. 2005 saw the launch of a number of high-profile JavaScript applications, showing that deeper knowledge of this technology is an important skill for any web developer. It's useful to start with an idea of the language's history. JavaScript was created in 1...

   JavaScript,Types,Array,Re-introduction,OOP     2012-02-09 05:38:08

  Social network website homepage design analysis

This article is to discuss outstanding design principles to enhance the social networking site registration conversion rate by comparative analysis of the social web site home page .In general, the user registration conversion process generally consists of the following components:    Attractive home page contents.    Simple and fast registration process.    The effectiveness of friends search and invite mechanisms.    User ...

   Social netwrok,Homepage design,Analysis     2012-04-16 14:27:06

  UDP vs. TCP

Introduction Hi, I’m Glenn Fiedler and welcome to the first article in my online book Networking for Game Programmers In this article we start with the most basic aspect of network programming, sending and receiving data over the network. This is just the beginning – the simplest and most basic part of what network programmers do, but still it is quite intricate and non-obvious as to what the best course of action is. Take care because if you get this part wrong it will have ...

   Game design,Networking,Communication,TCP,UDP,Design     2012-02-27 04:49:53

  Top 10 Go Coding Traps and Tips

Go is currently the most common programming language in cloud development. Though I use it very much in my work, I am still repeating certain mistakes. This article is more a record of these errors, figuring out the causes and solutions so that people who read this article will save themselves time when coming across the same problems. Let’s cut through to the tips. Don’t rely on index var in the for loop The most common mistake we make is that we often create goroutine&nbs...

   TIPS,GOLANG,NIL INTERFACE     2021-07-03 23:45:51