SEARCH KEYWORD -- Data store

  OpenLDAP Proxy -- slapd.conf

In the introductory post of OpenLDAP proxy, we mentioned that slapd.conf is the configuration file which tells the slapd service what to do.  Apart from this, there is a dynamic way of configuring slapd where the configurations are stored in LDIF database. In the future, LDIF database will be the one for configuring slapd, the old style of slapd.conf is deprecated. The slapd.conf can be converted to LDIF style using the slapdtest command. slapdtest -f /etc/ldap/slapd.conf -F /etc...


  Welcome To The Latest Technology Of This ERA

In the era of 70’s, Hollywood showed us a glimpse of gadgets that we would be having in the 21st century. Here we are! Driving cars without a driver, having one phone in our wrists and another one in our pockets, and what not!? The promises that Hollywood made are eventually coming true. Here is a list of some latest technologies that we have never thought of if we go back to the 70’s and now they are so common. Waterproof Phone Now-a-days people are so addicted to phones that they ...


  Lustre file system set for spit 'n' polish

Whamcloud, the startup created in July 2010 to continue development of the open source Lustre supercomputer file system, has secured a $2.1m contract from OpenSFS to spruce it up with new features and functions.Lustre – used on about 60 per cent of the largest supercomputers in the world – is a parallel clustered file system designed for both supporting petabytes of files and giving high-speed access to the data stored on the file system. Lustre was created by Peter Braam...

   TOP500,Cloud,Server,Database,Management     2011-08-25 08:25:14

  Why my Website Contact form is not converting enough traffic?

Contact forms are a very common part of any website and anybody can overlook them. Generally people try to choose it as their first solution but they do not realize that they are actually hurting the growth of their business. WordPress currently power more than 66 million websites but it would be good if your website is existing because of one of the most popular Content Management Systems of the world. Everyone starting from blogger to the person sitting next door use this tool for making their...

   website contact form tutorial     2014-11-17 05:04:03

  The Ultimate GetElementsByClassName, Anno 2008

Two and a half years ago, I released the first version of getElementsByClassName. With how web browsers has evolved since, I thought I’d release a real ultimate version, dated 2008. Native Web Browser SupportSafari 3.1 has native getElmentsByClassName support, and upcoming Firefox 3 and Opera 9.5 will have it too. It only leaves out, you’ve guessed it, Internet Explorer.The Necessity Of This ScriptLiving in a world where Microsoft is halting every possible way t...

   JavaScript,geElementsByClassName,Cross browser compatible,Implementation     2011-11-26 02:46:20

  PHP 7 is coming soon

After a few RCs, PHP 7 will be officially released on November 12, 2015. This is a major release of PHP since PHP 5.6. @Laruence, one of the core contributors of PHP, has posted this news on Weibo(China's Twitter).  This is a one month later than the expected time as recorded in PHP 7 timeline. But it's not that late. The new release will come with a few features including: Scalar type declaration, you can define variable like int now Return type support. Besides declare scalar type ...

   RELEASE DATE,PHP7     2015-11-08 09:13:37

  Stop Making Apps

There are a bunch of iPhone apps I own though I have no clue what they do. These apps include but aren’t limited to; FLUD, Apptitude, Cartoonatic, Can’t Wait!, Punch, Pah, Prize Claw, Traveler, Concur, Jajah, Fast Customer, Pimple Popper and many more whose names I can’t even remember.Occupying my valuable homescreen real estate are also a bunch of apps whose purpose I remember only because they were built by people I know or am friends with, but that I sadly never use. And ...

   App,Apple,Android,Stop     2011-11-12 10:54:42

  How to password protect a Winzip file

Winzip files are great ways of sharing documents and images of large sizes over the web or through email, since their reduced size makes it possible for them to be sent and received. Also, it is easier to manage one attachment than multiple. But what if the file contains sensitive information you don’t want snoopers to see? Simply add a password protection in Winzip. Adding a password will ensure more security and reliability of the transported files. How to add a Password to your Zip Fil...

   DATA SECURITY,WINZIP     2019-08-29 11:42:41

  Streamlining the Project Invoicing Process: Tools and Strategies

For many businesses, project invoicing can be a complex and time-consuming task. Handling this aspect efficiently is crucial to maintaining cash flow and ensuring a healthy financial state for the company. Fortunately, many tools and strategies are available today that can help streamline the invoicing process. From automated software solutions to best practices in financial management, these improvements can greatly enhance the accuracy and efficiency of billing operations. Keep reading to expl...

   INVOICING,BUSINESS     2024-05-10 22:10:17

  var in JavaScript

Geoff published an article sometime ago--"How one missing var ruined our launch". This article described one case where MelonCard uses Node.js as their backend system, suddenly there was a small registration peak period--50-100 people registered concurrently, then the entire website stopped responding and many other strange problems showed up. When they were investigating the source of the problem, they found one missing var in the following‘/apps/:user_id/status’, fun...

   JavaScript,Scope,variable     2012-05-26 12:35:36