SEARCH KEYWORD -- Data store

  Clean Code Versus Great Code

I've had some interesting discussions with other developers about writing code recently. I often have the impression that some developers put too much emphasis on clean code. Don't get me wrong, i strive for clean code as well, and have written about its importance quite a lot in the past couple of years. But when i'm coding, clean code is my secondary goal and it could never take the place of my primary goal: making it work. And preferably, i want to make it work great. A lot of people love t...

   Code,Clean,Excellent,High quality,Compar     2011-08-10 03:27:08

  Let's talk about JavaScript deep clone

In JavaScript, deep clone means creating a brand new object that includes all nested objects, with all properties being completely independent copies. This is different from shallow copying, which only copies the first-level properties, with nested objects being referenced rather than copied. There are multiple ways to perform deep copying in JavaScript, but the best one to use depends on the specific use case. Can use JSON.parse & JSON.stringify? ❌ JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(obj)) is a dep...

   JAVASCRIPT,DEEP CLONE     2023-02-25 08:57:11

  Collection Of Puzzles For Programmers

Did you know that we have a nice collection of puzzles here on less than dot? Some are harder than others so there is something for everyone. You can pic any language you want, you will see that there are solutions in Ruby, Python, Visual Basic, SQL, JavaScript, C++ and other. Here is a partial list of what we have Friday the Thirteenths The goal is to identify all friday the thirteenths for a given timeframe Regular Pentagon Given a grid co-ordinate (x,y) as the centre point of a regu...

   Programming puzzle,Fibonacci,Prime,ASCII     2012-01-04 08:06:18

  Sass Style Guide: A Sass Tutorial on How to Write Better CSS Code

Writing consistent and readable CSS that will scale well is a challenging process. Especially when the style sheets are getting larger, more complex, and harder to maintain. One of the tools available to developers to write better CSS are preprocessors. A preprocessor is a program that takes one type of data and converts it to another type of data, and in our case CSS preprocessors are preprocessing languages which are compiled to CSS. There are many CSS preprocessors that front-end develop...

   CSS,SASS,TUTORIAL     2015-09-17 06:40:47

  AI solves complex biology problem from scratch

An interdisciplinary, interuniversity group of scientists from Vanderbilt, Cornell, and CFD Research Corporation have created an artificial intelligence capable of solving complex scientific problems from scratch. The AI, called ABE (Automated Biology Explorer), “discovered” how glycolysis produces energy in a living cell by looking at a set of data and then squeezing it into a mathematical formula, just like a human biology researcher.ABE is powered by the freeware Eureqa softw...

   AI,Artificial intelligence,Biology,ABE     2011-10-17 11:08:58

  OpenLDAP Proxy -- Installation and configuration

After understanding what the configuration would be for an OpenLDAP proxy, it's time to explain the installation of OpenLDAP proxy and how to make it run. In this post, we will cover how to install OpenLDAP proxy both locally and using docker. Local installation The installation is quite easy, there are a few packages to be installed including the ldap server, ldap client and some utilities. Below steps are for CentOS, the instructions for other platforms should be similar with minor differ...


  How Google Utilizes Big Data for SERP

Google is an expert when it comes to big data. This is evident in their development of various techniques and open source tools which are used by the big data industry professionals. These tools and technique allow Google to sift through millions of different websites and enormous amounts of data in order to provide users with correct answers in a matter of milliseconds. But how does Google accomplish that with such precision? To answer that, we need to focus on the complex activities that go o...

   GOOGLE,BIG DATA     2017-05-31 16:13:03

  New Text-to-Speech API for Chrome extensions

Interested in making your Chrome Extension (or packaged app) talk using synthesized speech? Chrome now includes a Text-to-Speech (TTS) API that’s simple to use, powerful, and flexible for users.Let’s start with the "simple to use" part. A few clever apps and extensions figured out how to talk before this API was available – typically by sending text to a remote server that returns an MP3 file that can be played using HTML5 audio. With the new API, you just need to add "...

   TTS,Google,Speech,Text,Text to Speech     2011-10-21 08:46:41

  errGroup in GoLang explained

Today, let's talk about the usage and applicable scenarios of errGroup, which is often used. Why is it useful? Generally, when we use goroutine, we cannot return a value. If you want to pass out the result of the goroutine execution, you usually have to use the channel. The errGroup package is suitable if you want to know when the goroutine you opened encounters an error during execution and stop working, and I need to know the error value. errGroup usage The package needs to be downloaded and i...


  Mastering a New Programming Language: A Professional Guide

Introduction Learning a new programming language can seem daunting, but with the right approach, anyone can become proficient in a new language. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced programmer, mastering a new language can open up new opportunities in your career and enable you to tackle new and exciting programming challenges. In this guide, we'll provide you with a step-by-step process for mastering a new programming language. Step 1: Choose a Language and Set Goals The first step in ma...

   PROGRAMMING,GUIDE,TIPS     2023-04-22 02:52:00