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  Run JavaScript in GoLang

In some cases, there might be some JavaScript code needs to be ran in a GoLang project. Fortunately, there are a few libraries which support running JavaScript in GoLang. The most famous one would be v8. This is a Go API for the famous v8 JavaScript engine originally developed for the Chrominum project and the foundation of NodeJS. In this post, we will show some simple steps to get v8 working in a GoLang program on MacOS. First you need to install the package so that you can import it. Run...

   GOLANG,JAVASCRIPT,V8     2019-05-16 07:40:38

  Canonicalize XML in Java

XML canonicalization is often used when there is need to create digital signature to be sent to peers for verification. Since digital signature is created based on XML data, the XML data has to be canonicalized before its signature value can be calculated. Even an extra space may affect the signature value calculated, hence it must follow some rules to canonicalize the XML data so that it has a standard format. This is why W3C created specification Canonical XML Version 1.1. This specificat...

   JAVA,XML,JAVA SECURITY     2016-01-20 01:39:45

  Weibo is testing an Instagram like app called Lvzhou

Weibo, the Chinese version of Twitter, is testing an Instagram like app called Lvzhou(Oasis in English). Now only invited people can access the app. You can download the app on App Store if you are an iPhone user or you can download online if you are an Android user. The vision of this app is to allow users to discover beautiful world, users can post photos or short videos and share with the rest of the world. Before you can access the app, you have to obtain an invitation code shared by y...

   INSTAGRAM,WEIBO,LVZHOU,OASIS     2019-09-07 09:59:54

  Vine video sharing drops significantly

According to Sina Tech, social media analytics site Topsy data shows that Vine's short video sharing has dropped significantly since Facebook's photo sharing service Instagram launched the video sharing feature.Instagram co-founder Kevin Systrom announced on Thursday that Instagram supported short video sharing. Vine was once called the Instagram in video sharing world, but now, Instagram has launched its own 15-second short video sharing feature for its 130 million users.Vine, was acquired by T...

   Vine,Instagram,Twitter,topsy     2013-06-24 00:16:32

  How to play with cross domain request

What is cross domain request In simple, cross domain request is to request resource from other domain in one domain. Note, the "other domain" doesn't just mean domain name only, it includes much more. If the protocol, domain name, port is not the same, two domains will be considered different.  Below example describes what is considered as different domain.               # Same domain &nb...


  Why MySQL 8 drops support of query cache

Many of you may have heard or used MySQL's query cache, because it used to be a popular way to improve MySQL's performance. As an important feature for improving MySQL's performance, the query cache was often recommended as a solution for slow queries. However, why has MySQL 8 abandoned the query cache? Today, we will analyze and explore this decision. What is query cache? According to official document: The query cache stores the text of a SELECT statement together with the correspon...

   MYSQL 8,QUERY CACHE     2023-03-11 09:05:17

  Performance comparison of string concatenation in Go language

In Go language, string concatenation is an inevitable operation during development, and efficient string concatenation is crucial for improving application performance. This article will delve into several common ways of string concatenation, provide performance comparisons, and offer optimization suggestions aimed at helping developers write more efficient code. Common ways of string concatenation In Go language, common ways of string concatenation include the following: Using the + operator fo...


  9 Ways to Create Thread Pools with Java Executors

In Java, the Executors class provides a variety of static factory methods to create different types of thread pools. When learning about thread pools, the Executors class is indispensable. Mastering its usage, principles, and scenarios will enable you to apply it smoothly in actual project development. Here are some commonly used methods, which I will explain one by one: newCachedThreadPool(): Creates a cached thread pool. If a thread has not been used for 60 seconds, it will be terminated and ...

   TUTORIAL,JAVA THREAD     2024-07-19 23:07:09

  Solving easy problems the hard way

There’s a charming little brain teaser that’s going around the Interwebs. It’s got various forms, but they all look something like this: This problem can be solved by pre-school children in 5-10 minutes, by programer – in 1 hour, by people with higher education … well, check it yourself!  8809=6 7111=0 2172=0 6666=4 1111=0 3213=0 7662=2 9313=1 0000=4 2222=0 3333=0 5555=0 8193=3 8096=5 7777=0 9999=4 7756=1 6855=3 9881=5 5531=0 2581=? SPOILER AL...

   Problem solving     2012-04-05 23:40:35

  Java Interview Questions

Currently there are many articles online which summarize the list of Java interview questions. Some cover lots of basic questions and some cover some specific questions in specific area such as multithreading. In this post, we will not cover the really basic questions, we will cover something different. For basic question, you can read Java Interview Questions。 Basic What is primitive data type? How many primitive data types in Java? What are they? -- A primitive type is prede...