SEARCH KEYWORD -- Data store

  Some Thoughts on Twitter's Availability Problems

As a regular user of Twitter I've felt the waves of frustration wash over me these past couple of weeks as the service has been hit by one outage after another. This led me to start pondering the problem space [especially as it relates to what I'm currently working on at work] and deduce that the service must have some serious architectural flaws which have nothing to do with the reason usually thrown about by non-technical pundits (i.e. Ruby on Rails is to blame). Some of my suspicions ...

   Twitter,Architecture,Availability,Design     2011-08-12 07:39:21

  The iFOREX Trading App is First Class

If you have searched the web for trading application reviews, you are bound to hear terms like ‘state of the art’ and ‘lightning fast execution’. The real question you should ask is - Can you trust the broker who will facilitate your trading to provide you with a robust platform that has several tools that will allow you to successfully trade. You want to make sure that the platform is intuitive and does not take weeks to learn how to use.   The iFOREX trading platfo...

   APP,TRADING,IFOREX     2018-12-20 08:07:35

  40+ Techniques to enhance your php code

1. Do not use relative paths , instead define a ROOT path Its quite common to see such lines : 1require_once('../../lib/some_class.php'); This approach has many drawbacks : It first searches for directories specified in the include paths of php , then looks from the current directory. So many directories are checked. When a script is included by another script in a different directory , its base directory changes to that of the including script. Another issue , is that when a script is being ru...

   PHP,Quirk,Trick,Efficiency,Techniques     2012-04-10 13:06:55

  Those interaction methods we can play with

Smartphones have become one important part of our lives, the phone apps also play more and more important roles. They can help us live through the boring time or help us connect to our close friends fat away from us or help us get information,etc. There are also some interesting interaction methods since the birth of smartphones. We can play with them while we interact with the smartphones. Here we summarize some of them. 1. Shake Since WeChat introduces the Shake method to find people which yo...

   Interaction,Mobile device,Google glass     2013-05-07 05:21:15

  Go Lacks Ternary Operators. Here Are Some Equivalents

If you were like me, a pure Java developer before writing Go, you must be wondering why Go doesn’t support the ternary operator like return a > 1 ? 0 : 1. Most mainstream languages like C and Java are supportive of ternary operators; languages like Python and Ruby support the simplified if-else one-liner, such as a = 0 if a > 1. However, Go is not among them. And it is not only about adding operators but also a concept of coding in a more convenient way, such as the ?: expression can...

   GOLANG,TERNARY OPERATOR     2022-12-09 19:51:32

  Microsoft is going to redesign Bing again

On 10 May,2012, Microsoft announces in San Francisco they will  redesign its search engine Bing, and it will cooperate with Facebook, Twitter etc to build a new search service.Bing now is the second largest search engine in the world, but compared to Google, Bing is always the second city of search. Bing these years has always been putting effort on improving its service and the accuracy of search results. Unfortunately, it still cannot gain market share from Google. Today, Microsoft is goi...

   Bing,Social network,Integration,Sidebar     2012-05-11 05:26:11

  Week 1 : Research - Elements of Successful iPhone Games.

This weekend I started work on my first full blown game for the iPhone. I’m not ready to share the details of what the game will be specifically as I’m sure these will change dramatically over the coming weeks. All I’m sure on is it will be a platform game built with Corona SDK. To get me started I’ve been downloading a bunch of games from the app store, jotting down some of the areas contributing to their addictiveness and success. Short levels I do most of my ...

   iPhone,Game design,Mobile,Facors     2012-01-16 09:47:53

  The requirements of DevOps development

DevOps has become a popular and commonly adopted software development model in IT industry in recent years. Its popularity is partially because it advocates it could improve software development efficiency, delivery speed and cost saving. This is especially favored by managers who become the main force to promote this type of development model in their companies. However, we must be cautious about DevOps model as well. With their advantages, they also bring challenges to development teams and th...

   AGILE,DEVOPS,SPRINT     2018-06-03 23:18:44

  52.4 million tablet shipments in Q4 globally

IDC released the global tablet shipment report for Q4. The total tablet shipments in Q4 were 52.4 million globally. It set a new record where the shipments increase 75.3 annually and increase 74.3% compared to last quarter which had shipments of 30.1 million. Among all the tablets vendors, Apple iPad's shipments were 22.9 million which ranks the first place among all vendors. It takes 43.6% market share. Samsung has 7.9 million shipments, increased by 264% compared to the same period last year....

   IDC,Tablet, iPad,Android,Kindle,Surface     2013-01-31 02:45:25

  5 Modern Strategies to Improve Your Hiring Process

Without even a pinch of doubt, the labor market across the globe has turned highly competitive. So, there goes a rat race where the best recruiters vie to hire the most potential candidates. Let's say you need to hire Java developers. Certainly, your hiring challenge would be to find applicants with niche skills. Sadly enough, the traditional hiring methods are detrimental to getting the creme of the talent pool. It's time-consuming and involves a lot of manual and paperwork, wherein there are c...

   HIRE,JAVA,DEVELOPERS     2017-06-28 00:15:48