SEARCH KEYWORD -- Data store

  Feature: The History Of Mobile Gaming

Mobile phones have come a long way since the unsightly bricks of the 1980s. The sleek handsets of today are a fraction the size of their ancestors, yet exponentially more powerful. While the implications for communication have been profound, there have been many other applications for this technology. Modern devices are capable of supporting increasingly complex software, innovative interfaces and networking capabilities, and the gaming sector has been one of the biggest benefactors of this.Much...

   Game,Mobile,History,Feature, Game on mobile device     2011-10-12 11:44:30

  Nimbula 'cloud operating system' spans data centers

Nimbula – the build-your-own-cloud outfit founded by Amazon's former vice president of engineering – has announced a new release of its Director platform, saying it will allow businesses to run a unified "infrastructure cloud" across geographically separate data centers. In short, this means that those using such a cloud can log into a single console to tap computing resources served up from disparate physical locations. Nimbula says that Director is the first "cloud OS" t...

   Nimbula,Cloud computing,Data center,Arch     2011-08-23 08:06:39

  JSON unmarshal in GoLang

In almost all mainstream programming languages, there is either built-in or third-party library to support parse JSON data because it is so popular for organizing and transferring data among different services. In GoLang, the built in json package also provides functions for marshalling and unmarshalling JSON data. Marshalling GoLang struct to a JSON string is relatively simple, just need to call json.Marshal(), it's a bit complicated to unmarshal an arbitrary JSON string into a GoLang struct ob...


  All I Know About Certificates -- Certificate Authority

One of the crucial steps in the TLS handshake is for the server to prove its identity to the client. While there is plenty of content explaining the principles of the handshake, there's less information about certificates, which are a critical component of TLS/SSL. This series of articles aim to explain what certificates are used for, how Google prevents others from impersonating Google, and why certificate issues frequently arise, among other topics. (Postscript: It took me a full 10 hours to w...


  Login with Amazon

Many websites now allow users to login to their websites with some third party accounts such as login with Facebook or login with Twitter. This is because Facebook and Twitter have many users and they also provide a good API for third parties to access the user data. This also eases the work of users since they no need to enter the same data again and again in each website. Now Amazon also releases its own login with Amazon plugin. Now third party websites can embed the login with Amazon button...

   Login with Amazon,OAuth     2013-05-29 13:07:09

  The Go Programming Language Turns Two

Two years ago a small team at Google went public with their fledgling project - the Go Programming Language. They presented a language spec, two compilers, a modest standard library, some novel tools, and plenty of accurate (albeit succinct) documentation. They watched with excitement as programmers around the world began to play with Go. The team continued to iterate and improve on what they had built, and were gradually joined by dozens - and then hundreds - of programmers from the open source...

   Go,Google,Evolution,Development     2011-11-11 02:40:55

  3 Most Popular Ways Hackers Steal Your Phone Data – Stay Safe

Our mobile devices store personal information, including passwords, usernames, birthdates, financial information, social security numbers, PIN, etc. Hence, this makes hacking a mobile phone an attractive option for hackers and scammers. There are various techniques that hackers use to spy on a mobile phone for personal information. Also, stalkers can make use of spy apps and malicious software to spy on unsuspecting people. Mobile phones are not secure because these devices connect to other net...

   TECH     2019-11-29 00:29:40

  Update & Delete Kubernetes resources in one-line command

It recently troubles me that my GKE cluster is managing more and more resources and causing difficulties in maintenance, one of which involves how to delete resources properly. Next, I will explain step by step the difficulties I encountered in my work and how I finally used the combination of bash commands and kubectl to implement the edition of Kubernetes objects through one-line command. In general The following are the basic operations that almost every Kubernetes user takes. Check ðŸ‘â€...

   KUBERNETES     2020-11-01 04:16:47

  Why should we keep column as NOT NULL instead of NULL in MySQL?

Keep table column as NOT NULL instead of NULL except in some special cases. This statement is cited by many articles of MySQL optimization, but they don't say why we should do this. Here we discuss about this. First why are there many people using NULL when defining table? The reasons may be: NULL the the default when defining table, the rookies or people who don't want to have much troubles will keep this default setting Many people think NOT NULL will require more space Many people don't want...

   MySQL,NULL,reason     2012-10-27 03:21:27

  The Erlang Design Pattern

Over the last couple of weeks I did an OO programming experiment. I call it the Erlang design pattern. It is based on the Actor model but goes some steps further. At its core just like the Actor model there are active entities (objects) that have a thread and a message queue with the thread waiting on the message queue to do some stuff. The Erlang design pattern extends the Actor model by first dividing the software program into active (actors, that have their own thread) and passive ...

   Erlang,Thread,Pattern,OS Threads     2012-02-06 07:47:56