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  Google completes acquisition of Waze

Yesterday there was news about Google's acquisition of Waze with 1.3 billion US dollars. Today Google officially released news that they had completed the acquisition of Waze. However the price is not unveiled. Google said on its official blog : The Waze product development team will remain in Israel and operate separately for now. We’re excited about the prospect of enhancing Google Maps with some of the traffic update features provided by Waze and enhancing Waze with Google’s searc...

   Google,Waze,Acquisition     2013-06-11 13:02:42

  Can a == true && a == false be true in JavaScript?

JavaScript is a weak typed language and it has a loose comparison feature where two objects/values of different type can be compared using == operator. This provides developers great flexibility and confusion at the same time.  Before understanding how == works in JavaScript, can you first answer the question in the post title? Can a == true && a == false be true in JavaScript? Normally, we would think that this expression will always return false since a can be either true or ...


  Automatically Updating Charts for Additional Data in Excel

Excel shines at turning your data into charts—graphical representations of your data. You can easily create a chart based on a range of data in a worksheet. Normally, if you add additional data to your range, you will need to once again create the chart or at best change the range of cells on which the chart is based. If you get tired of modifying charts to refer to new data ranges, there are a couple of shortcuts you can try out. The first shortcut works fine if you simply need to...

   Excel,Graph,Auto update,New data,Automat     2011-08-13 04:36:53

  The problem isn’t you. The problem is the problem.

A friendly reminder: The problem isn’t you. The problem is the problem. –Steven Pressfield Some stuff is just hard. We start thinking we messed up. That it’s an issue with us. But it’s not. The work is hard and the problem is hard. You need to solve the problem, not fix yourself. The quote above is from Steven Pressfield’s incredible Do the Work. The audiobook (that’s a store link) is about 90 minutes long, so it fits in a s...

   Business,Problem,Strategy     2011-12-07 08:37:29

  Top Ten Tips for Correct C++ Coding

Brian Overland, long-time Microsoft veteran and author of C++ Without Fear: A Beginner's Guide That Makes You Feel Smart, 2nd Edition, shares 10 of his most hard-earned, time-saving insights from decades of writing and debugging C++ code.My first introduction to the C family of languages was decades ago (yes, I know this dates me horribly). Later I learned C++. I wish someone back then had steered me around the most obvious potholes; it might have saved me hundreds of frustrating hours.I ca...

   C++,Tips,Top,Ten,Magic number,Integer di     2011-09-03 10:58:35

  Accessing Reddit top posts using OAuth

Previously one can use the API to access one subreddit's top posts. This API doesn't require any access token to fetch the data. However, this API may not work all the time. Reddit may block the API's request if it finds that you are using a script or some app which accesses the API now and then. For an app or script which needs to fetch the data routinely, what should we do? Reddit provides one method which can be used to fetch this kind of to...

   REDDIT,OAUTH,TOP POSTS,HOT POSTS     2023-12-16 07:24:14

  PHP buffer: output_buffering and ob_start

buffer is one piece of memory section, it is usually 4Kb in Linux. It is mainly used between different devices with different speed or different priorities. With buffer, the waiting time between different processes will be reduced. Here is one simple example, when you type something in a text editor, every time when you type a character, the operating system will not write it to the disk directly, instead it will write it to buffer first When the buffer is full, the data in the buffer will be wr...

   PHP buffer,output_buffering,ob_start     2013-06-20 22:54:15

  Why no max/min function for integer in GoLang

You may notice that there is no max/min function provided to compare the maximum/minimum of two or more integers if you are a GoLang developer with some experience . In other languages, these functions are provided as part of the core lib functions. Have you wondered why?  Indeed GoLang provides max/min function in math package, but they are used for comparing float64 data type. The signature of these two functions are math.Min(float64, float64) float64 math.Max(float64, float64) float...

   GOLANG,MAX,INT,INT64     2019-06-08 07:00:55

  Only 4G can resolve the conflicts between China Telecom Carriers and WeChat ?

Why WeChat has made the three big Chinese telecom companies uncomfortable? Let's analyze from both technical and commercial levels. From a technical point of view, Mr. Huang, Dean of China Mobile Research Institute, described the impact of "always online service" applications like WeChat. Instead of using technical terms, we will explain in simple vivid phrases. First, mobile QQ, or WeChat, will have their own "request frequency". These requests are sent to the carrier network, to check the re...

   4G,WeChat,Telecom,China     2013-03-25 08:28:59

  Google launches Google Keep

According to Tencent Tech, Google announced the launch of Google Keep on Wednesday This is a note application similar to Evernote, its philosophy is to help you save everything you want to remember, including text and images and other notes, they can be instantly synchronized among different devices so that users can get the information they want at any time. This is a free service, it provides support for Web and Android 4.0 or later devices, users can navigate to or downl...

   Google Keep,Evernote,Synchronization     2013-03-21 13:00:02