Computer skills one can learn within one day

Computer related technical skills are usually thought as complicated and difficult to understand. It's very difficult for one to get hands on one skill or master one skill. But if you really do want to learn something useful within one day, there are some good choices which will not take too long to get to know and use.. Version control:- Git, GitHub and SVN Regular expressions AWK sed Grep Learn how to do things with Vim that you never knew could be done. Set up a crawler that can scrape some ...

   Computer skills,Learn     2013-09-16 08:51:35

  Which Type of IT Career is Best For You?

Considering the growth of the information technology job market, a career in IT is an incredibly smart career move.  A career in IT can mean many things – you can become a network administration, website developer, database specialist, programmer or engineer. The job range is vast and can suit various personalities and levels of technical skill. Having a good insight into those job profiles is key to make the right decision about your career path. Here's a selection of some of the mos...

   career,IT,tips     2014-07-30 09:21:40

  Workaround size limit of phpMyAdmin import sql file

When doing website development with MySQL, we often need to do database backup and restore. For website, the data in database will grow quickly, so when we back up the database, the size of the generated sql file may be over 80MB which is the max allowed size when we want to import a sql file for restoring our database using phpMyAdmin. To workaround this limit, we need to review the documentation of phpMyAdmin. Fortunately, I found an online article written by David Pratt  which gave us a ...

   MySQL,phpMySQLAdmin,80M,import,solution,limit     2014-08-14 09:59:27

  A simple tutorial on GoLang connecting to Clickhouse

Go, also known as Golang, is a statically-typed, concurrent programming language created by Google. ClickHouse is a high-performance, column-oriented database management system that can be used for real-time data analysis. This tutorial will provide a deep dive into how to connect to ClickHouse from a Go program, including how to perform common database operations such as SELECT and INSERT statements. Before proceeding, it is assumed that you already have Go and ClickHouse installed on your mach...

   GOLANG,CLICKHOUSE,TUTORIAL     2023-02-11 07:05:36

  Benefits and Drawback of a Layered Architecture

Most enterprises today are application centric. But the problem with the application is that their database schemas, user interfaces, programming interfaces and object models are tightly coupled and difficult to change. If you want to add a new field to a database table and you’re lucky, the change will reflect through the entire system. But often the change needs to be replicated manually across the entire system. And as applications are difficult to change, adding business rules or proce...


  A plugin to update last_error in Delayed Job

delayed_job is a process based asynchronous task processing gem which can be ran at background. It will fork the specified number of processes to execute the tasks asynchronously. The task status is usually stored in the database so that it can be easily integrated into a Rails application where asynchronous job execution is desired. Normally when a job fails to execute or error occurs, it would save the error into the database with the column last_error. Ideally all these will be handled b...

   RUBY,RUBY ON RAILS,DELAYED JOB,LAST_ERROR     2017-11-18 13:05:49

  How small should a function be?

"The well-designed functions are often relatively small, large function design is often a mess or there is a lot of room for optimization."Maybe you think there is no need to discuss the size of functions, because the nature of the function design is cohesive, its size is only its manifestations. But it is necessary to discuss about the size of function because the statement above .First let's understand the concept of minimum code processing unit : a basic operation (assignment, comparison, etc...

   Function size,Optimization     2012-12-18 13:58:07

  One Way to Quickly Locate SQL with High CPU Usage in MySQL

When the CPU usage of a MySQL database rises abnormally, it's necessary to quickly identify the problematic SQL statements. In this post, we try to provide one way to achieve this.  Below are the actual steps. 1. Use the top command to find the threads with the highest CPU usage in the MySQL process. # Find the MySQL process ID ps -ef | grep mysql # Use the process ID to find the thread IDs with the highest CPU usage: top -H -p In top, press P to sort by CPU usage. Note the thread ID, fo...

   MYSQL,DEBUG,HIGH CPU,SLOW QUERY     2024-08-01 21:25:48

  ByteBuffer in Java

ByteBuffer is introduced in java.nio since Java 1.4. It provides a way of representing raw structured data such as from a file or from network. It enables fast access of underlying data compared to traditional ways like byte[] Prior to Java 1.4, if you want to represent a structured raw data, you need to create a byte[] and then having a set of checks to delimit the byte array to get the expected tokens. There are three ways to create a ByteBuffer: Wrapping an exiting array by calling ByteBuffe...

   JAVA,BYTEBUFFER,ALLOCATION     2015-07-08 03:17:44

  How to Develop a Successful SEO Strategy for Your Startup

SEO is usually viewed as under-the-table formula manipulations and trickery, once actually it’s simply a series of core steps and actions you wish to require, to create your web site rank higher. An economical SEO strategy may be countermined to the subsequent three parts, that create the entire issue look less daunting in spite of everything.   Step 1: On-site Optimization On-site optimization strategy consists of these subsequent elements: Your Content Website Structure Layout of ...

   SEO,MARKETING     2016-03-18 15:33:37