UIWebView Secrets - Part1 - Memory Leaks on Xmlhttprequest

My first blog post on iphone subject reveal a big memory bug when using UIWebView component. This is the (only one) component to display some HTML content in an iphone interface. UIWebView object has a lot of differents issues and I’m going to highlight the biggest of them. Actually, all XMLHttpRequests used in javascript code are fully leaking!!! I mean when you do a request that retrieve 100ko of data, your memory used grow up for 100ko! This bug is not always active, but almost always....

   XMLHttpRequest,Memory leak,Mobile device,UIWebView     2011-11-25 13:46:30

  Why Dynamic Programming Languages Are Slow

In a statically typed language, the compiler knows the data-type of a variable and how to represent that. In a dynamically-typed language, it has to keep flag describing the actual type of the value of the variable, and the program has to perform a data-dependent branch on that value each time it manipulates a variable.  It also has to look up all methods and operators on it. The knock-on effect of this on branching and data locality is lethal to general purpose runtime performance. T...

   Dynamic language,Slow,Analysis     2012-03-26 15:33:11

  What Is The Best SaaS CRM In 2024?

SaaS CRM entails that the CRM software is hosted and accessed through the internet. Definitely, this cloud-based approach means that both large and small companies alike can access higher CRM functionalities without the cost liability that comes with the in-house servers and their maintenance. Why CRM is Important for SaaS Businesses CRM systems are of special significance for SaaS companies; they help manage customer interactions, track sales, and improve marketing efforts while assured competi...

   CRM,SAAS     2024-05-21 04:37:21

  Jack Ma's interviews during Alibaba's IPO at NYSE

Alibaba has been listed on NYSE on 19 September. It becomes the largest IPO ever in the history of US stock exchange, larger than Facebook then the largest one. And after the trading closed on Friday, its share price closed at $93.89 per share, this makes it the second largest Internet company in the world following Google. Jack Ma, the founder of Alibaba, also becomes the richest person in China with a total wealth of $18.1 billion. He accepted interviews from different media during the IPO. Le...

   Alibaba,Interview,Jack Ma,IPO,Video     2014-09-20 20:09:27

  Four reasons we don’t apply the 80/20 rule

Why can’t we make more use of the 80/20 rule? I’ll review what the 80/20 rule is, explain how it can be powerful, then give four reasons why we don’t take advantage of it. What is the 80/20 rule? The 80/20 rule is amazing when you first learn about it. It says that efforts and results are often very unevenly distributed. You’ll get 80% of your results from the first 20% of your efforts. For example, maybe your top 20% of customers will provide 80% of your profit. O...

   80/20,Development,Profit,Revenue,Effort     2012-02-08 10:03:50

  Stanford Computer Science '10-'11 Salary Survey Results

CS/EE UndergradsData: I received 140 responses which described 360 job offers. 95% of the job offers were primarily located in the Bay Area, 5% were from the Midwest and East Coast. 10% of the job offers were from start-ups.Salary offers ranged from $64,400 to $100,000. The average salary offer was $79,914. The median salary offer was $ 82,200.About 70% of students were offered stock options. About 80% of students were offered signing bonuses. And about 60% were offered relocation assistan...

   Stanford,Computer science,Salary,Survey     2011-12-25 00:54:41

  How I Program Stuff

I love programming. I can truly say that of all the things I enjoy, I enjoy programming the most. There's nothing quite like the feeling you get when you create something. Writing code is a lot like building your own little universe. When you build stuff, you're in complete control, and, no matter how hard you fight it, your code directly reflects yourself. If you write sloppy code, I can almost guarantee you'll be a sloppy person. If you haphazardly throw code around with any ca...

   Programming,Steps,Isolate,Eliminate     2012-01-17 11:39:51

  JavaScript cross domain request solution

1. What is cross domain? We may often using AJAX to request data from other domain, now we will have cross domain request issues. It's because JavaScript only allows to request data from the same domain because of security consideration. In short, same domain strategy means a piece of code can read data from the same source, the same source here means the combination of the same domain, protocol and port number. For example: URLDescriptionAllow communication? http:/...

   AJAX,cross domain,security     2013-03-13 20:04:52

  Man Survives Steve Ballmer’s Flying Chair To Build ’21st Century Linux’

Mark Lucovsky, famous for building Windows NT and watching Steve Ballmer throw a chair.Mark Lucovsky was the other man in the room when Steve Ballmer threw his chair and called Eric Schmidt a “fucking pussy.”Yes, the story is true. At least according to Lucovsky. Microsoft calls it a “gross exaggeration,” but Lucovsky says that when he walked into Ballmer’s office and told the Microsoft CEO he was leaving the company for Google, Ballmer picked up his chai...

   VMWare,Founder,Mark Lucovsky,Microsoft,Google,Cloud Foundry     2011-11-25 03:00:39

  Browser market share in June

Recently, the Internet research firm Net Application announced the browser market share report in June, IE's global market share grows to 56.15% in June from 55.99% in May, an increase of 0.16%. However, Firefox drops by 1.48%, its market share is 19.15% in May. Chrome grow by 1.43% to 17.17% in June. Meanwhile, Safari increases by 0.09% to 5.55%, Opera drops 0.19% to 1.58%. For different versions of IE browsers, IE10's global market share is 13.52%, monthly market share increases by 4.26% in J...

   Browser market share,June 2013,Chrome     2013-07-02 03:20:08