SEARCH KEYWORD -- Code review

  Run JavaScript in GoLang

In some cases, there might be some JavaScript code needs to be ran in a GoLang project. Fortunately, there are a few libraries which support running JavaScript in GoLang. The most famous one would be v8. This is a Go API for the famous v8 JavaScript engine originally developed for the Chrominum project and the foundation of NodeJS. In this post, we will show some simple steps to get v8 working in a GoLang program on MacOS. First you need to install the package so that you can import it. Run...

   GOLANG,JAVASCRIPT,V8     2019-05-16 07:40:38

  Restore mocked variables in GoLang unit test

One of the guarding principles of writing unit test is that there should be no real external calls for dependant services. Unit test should run by its own and can run without issues on any environment including local, build, test environment. This indicates there should be some mock responses whenever an external call is needed so that different unit test scenarios can be covered. How can this be done in GoLang? In GoLang, anything can be assigned to a variable even including functions. A variab...


  Extension context menu is missing in Firefox after restart

If you have experience of writing Chrome extension, you may be familiar with how you can add a context menu for your extension. The code would be similar to below: chrome.runtime.onInstalled.addListener(function() { chrome.contextMenus.removeAll(); chrome.contextMenus.create({ "id": "your_id", "title": "Your Title", "contexts": ["all"] }); }); You need to add a listener listening to the extension install event. Once the extension is installed, create a contex...


  Common usage of ls command in Linux

In Linux, ls might be one of the most frequently used commands. It is used to list files in a specific directory. In most cases, we may just use ls -l to list the files under a directory. But have you explored other usages of this command. In this post, we will summarise some other common usages of ls command Assuming we have below directory structure in our system, let's see them using tree command. List details of the files If we want to list the details of the files in /home/alvin/test_...

   LINUX,SHELL,LS     2018-12-16 03:00:42

  Ensuring Go Interface Implementation: A Quick Guide

Introduction Go's simplicity and power shine in its interface system, offering a clean way to define contracts between types. However, when it comes to checking whether a struct satisfies an interface, Go's static typing philosophy means there isn't a direct runtime check. In this concise guide, we'll explore practical methods, including some lesser-known tricks, to verify whether a struct implements an interface. Method 1: Type Assertion and a Dummy Method package main import "fmt" type MyInt...

   INTERFACE,GOLANG,IMPLEMENTS     2023-11-25 21:36:01

  Java code to retrieve Bing background image path

When Microsoft presented their search engine Bing, this new design gave us some surprise, especially its background images, they are very beautiful and it will change every day. But   unfortunately we cannot save the image onto our PC by right clicking the mouse.  After some research on its source code, I found a feasible but not so sophisticated way to achieve this, we can retrieve the image path from the source code and then use this path we can download the image. This is just to sh...

   Java,Bing,Background image path,URL,Download,Save     2012-05-02 10:51:51

  The most stupid C bug ever

I have been programming for a number of years already. I have seen others introduce bugs, and I have also introduced (and solved!) many bugs while coding. Off-by-one, buffer-overflow, treating pointers as pointees, different behaviors or the same function (this is specially true for cross-platform applications), race conditions, deadlocks, threading issues. I think I have seen quite a few of the typical issues. Yet recently I lost a lot of time to what I would call the most stupid C bug in ...

   C,Bug,Comment,Back slash     2012-04-22 03:40:49

  Latest PHP patch cannot fix the bug

On Wednesday(2012-05-02), a remote code execution vulnerability in PHP was accidentally exposed to the Web, prompting fears that it may be used to target vulnerable websites on a massive scale. The bug itself was traced back to 2004, and came to light during a recent CTF competition.A CERT advisory on the flaw explains: “When PHP is used in a CGI-based setup (such as Apache's mod_cgid), the php-cgi receives a processed query string parameter as command line arguments which allows com...

   PHP,bug,patch,bypassed     2012-05-08 11:20:56

  How to monitor user behavior in webpage

Sometimes there is a need for website owners to monitor user behavior on the site so that they can know what pages are mostly visited and which parts are more popular so that they can provide better service to their users. These behavior usually contain user clicks, user mouse over events etc. These data can be sent back to server when triggered with some meta data. In this post, we will cover a few ways to monitor user behavior on a web portal and send data back to backend sever. 1. Synchronous...

   HTML,BEACON API,PING,USER BEHAVIOR     2019-06-29 06:06:59

  Do designers need code?

So many problems in software occur because programmers and designers don't communicate well all the time. Why don't more designers learn to code themselves or have engineers build abstractions better suited to them? People's minds work in different ways, they can process thoughts differently, solve problems in completely different but equally valid ways. It's a mistake to assume everyone should possess the same skill set.  Also not everyone should be a full stack engineer although full stac...

   Design,Coding     2014-01-07 06:22:52