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Eclipse 4.4 is going to fully support Java 8
Eclipse is the most popular IDE for developing Java applications, but it seems lag behind the Java 8 release a couple of months ago. The current Eclipse is not supporting Java 8 and if you want to run Java 8 programs on it, you need to install a plugin. You can find the plugin at the Eclipse market place. Now Eclipse 4.4 is coming to us on 25th June and the code name for it is Luna. This new version of Eclipse introduces some new features which can ease developer's work, these features includin...
NativeScript-Vue 1.0 Is Finally Out!
After a year of hard work and dedication, NativeScript-Vue 1.0 is finally available in the market. For those who are new to NativeScript- Vue, it is all about a plugin that simply allows one to build native iOS and Android apps with the help of Vue.js. NativeScript-Vue 1.0 is ready for use in production! And it may quite interest you to know that blending of NativeScript and Vue makes it even easier when it comes to building mobile apps. This launch comes with a shiny new website and extensive d...
Four reasons we don’t apply the 80/20 rule
Why can’t we make more use of the 80/20 rule? I’ll review what the 80/20 rule is, explain how it can be powerful, then give four reasons why we don’t take advantage of it. What is the 80/20 rule? The 80/20 rule is amazing when you first learn about it. It says that efforts and results are often very unevenly distributed. You’ll get 80% of your results from the first 20% of your efforts. For example, maybe your top 20% of customers will provide 80% of your profit. O...
80/20,Development,Profit,Revenue,Effort 2012-02-08 10:03:50
6 Reasons Why Devs Should Learn Ruby on Rails
Ruby on Rails has during the last ten years become an increasingly popular framework for web app development. The current shaky economy and rapidly changing tech environment requires the art of app building to be faster and more cost-effective. That's why becoming fluent in Rails might be a great way for developers to expand their knowledge, which can land them a number of great jobs or interesting projects, as well as grant access to a thriving community. Let's start with the basics – wha...
Ruby on Rails,Advantage 2014-07-25 10:56:29
this keyword in Lambda expression in Java 8
Since the release of Java 8, people are excited to see a big feature added to this language which is existing in other languages for a long time -- Lambda expression. The introduction of lambda expression in Java 8 gives people an easy way or a vertical to horizontal way to solve problems. There are many posts on the Internet which shows how to use lambda expression in Java, such as Lambda Quick Start and Java 8 Lambda Expressions Tutorial with Examples. In this post, we will only focus on the t...
THIS,LAMBDA EXPRESSION,JAVA 8 2014-06-01 03:57:05
Using Java keytool programmatically
Java provides a command line tool to access and operate different keystore which store keys and certificates. This tool is named keytool and is located at \bin. On command line, you can issue below command to generate a keystore named mytest.jks which contains a private key and certificate chain. keytool -genkeypair -alias mykey -keyalg RSA -sigalg SHA256withRSA -dname CN=Java -storetype JKS -keypass password -keystore mytest.jks -storepass password Sometimes, in testing purpose, w...
Web Vs. Native: Which Is the Better Type of Mobile App?
An average US adult spends 3 hours and 15 minutes on their smartphone every day. This means that launching an app of your own is a great business opportunity. However, you need to decide whether you want to develop a native or a web app. The difference boils down to the fact that web apps run through a mobile browser and native apps are full-fledged programs. Each option has its pros and cons and can be successful under some circumstances. To make the right decision, you need to understand ...
MOBILE,WEB APP,NATIVE APP 2018-03-26 06:35:27
长期以来,REST是构建API的唯一“标准”。它取代了混乱的“太多XML”的SOAP。但是近年来,出现了新的替代品。2015 年,Facebook 向公众发布了GraphQL,而 2016 年,Google 推出了gRPC。本文将重点介绍 gRPC,并与仍广泛使用的 REST 进行比较。 概述 以下表格将为您提供讨论点的概述,并显示 REST 和 gRPC 的优劣之处。 主题 REST gRPC 标准化 没有标准 定义明确 范式 基于资源...
COMPARISON,GRPC,REST 2023-04-29 06:44:09
Why I love Common Lisp and hate Java
“Common what?†is a common reply I get when I mention Common Lisp. Perhaps rightly so, since Common Lisp is not all that common these days. Developed in the sixties, it is one of the oldest programming languages out there. In its heydays it was used mostly for Artificial Intelligence research at MIT, Stanford, Carnegie Mellon and the like, and therefore has a lingering association with AI. People not in AI shy away from Lisp. Common Lisp is a powerful and versatile program...
Lisp,Java,Comparison,Common Lisp 2012-01-30 05:48:16
PHP to get access token for Facebook app
Since Facebook is now using OAuth 2.0 to authenticate apps to access user information. the SDK of Facebook has provided developers some useful functions to get authentication done. For example, in PHP SDK, there are getAccessToken(), getLoginUrl() etc. But unfortunately, for me I cannot use getAccessToken() method to get the user access token, it only returns me the app access token. Finally I gave up this approach to get access token for the time being. I may later retry this approach if I have...
Faceook,PHP,Access token,signed request 2012-03-27 12:37:46
- How to make select in WinSock exceed the 64-socket limit
- EtsiosApp Release Date: All You Need to Know
- SIEM Big Data Visualization [03]:Graph-Based SIEM Log Analysis Dashboard
- How AI is Changing Web Development: A New Era of Digital Innovation
- SIEM Big Data Visualization [02]: National Cyber Threats Dashboard
- Exploring the Impact of a Loan Origination System on Financial Institutions
- Power Grid OT Simulation System
- Why is Golang's Compilation Speed So Fast?
- SIEM Big Data Visualization : Dashboard for Monitoring Scam Events in Critical Infrastructure
- Introduction to the Application of eBPF in Golang
- more>>